We don't have much time to write,so we will post few pictures we made in last few days :3 Snow fell really hard!Everything is frozen and white (or just dirty XD).
We went out with Dacha and Nikoleta few days ago.Dacha moved to Spain,so we went out to wish him a great time there.Center of our town looked like Ice Land *O* Very pretty!
Unfortunately,pics aren't that good because some girl took picture of us and didn't wait long enough before she moved camera -.-''

We drank some really tasty new tea.It's natural with leaves and pieces of fruit.Smells amazing!

These are some photos from Katty's instagram.We took them here,in Pancevo.

We got these from Hannie and her mom :

Aren't they amazing????We're in love with them for like 2 years or something! *O* They are Stuart Weitzman shoes.Great quality!
I would like to write so much more but I really have to continue with studding....Hope you enjoyed reading this!
love your boots!
Thank you <3