Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The GazettE in Munich 2016

Zdravo svima posle mnogo vremena! Konacno sam odlucila da ponovo pocnem da pisem. :3 
Pre nekog vremena je najavljena svetska turneja benda The Gazette koji ja obozavam. Onog trenutka kad sam saznala pocela sam da planiram kupovinu karata. A saznala sam samo nekoliko dana pre nego sto su karte pustene u prodaju XD Zamislite moju paniku... Imala sam srece pa sam sacuvala neke pare koje sam dobila za rodjendan tako da je trebalo da dodam samo jos malo. Medjutim, deo para koje sam sacuvala je bilo metalno XD Ne znam da li neko od vas ima obicaj da tako skuplja sicu, ali sestra i ja smo ovo praktikovale od kad smo bile male. Mislim da je to najbolji nacin da se pare sacuvaju u steku. Jedini problem je posle to pretvoriti u papirne novcanice. Ja ne znam koji problem ljudi zaposleni u bankama imaju sa metalnim novcem. Alo, vi ste BANKA trebalo bi da radite sa svakom vrstom novca, zar je toliki problem prebrojati sicu? Narocito kada nema prakticno nikoga ko ceka u redu -.- Tog jutra kada je trebalo da krene prodaja karata ja sam jurcala od banke do banke, isla u postansku stedionicu, pitala u radnjama i NIKO nije hteo da ukrupni pare. Ne mogu da opisem moju paniku - Sta ako ne stignem na vreme kuci i karte se rasprodaju?? * Naravno, nisu se rasprodale odmah, ali si fan mislis da je bend najpopularniji na svetu i da ce se sve karte odmah rasprodati XD* Na kraju sam usla u jednu banku *sad vise ne znam koja je* i zena na salteru je bila divna i ljubazna i rekla da nema problema. Kao sunce da je sinulo u tom trenutku. Posle toga sam otrcala u svoju banku, uplatila pare na paypal i opet otrcala kuci. I onda je dosao trenutak porucivanja. Ruke su mi se tresle i plasila sam se da nesto ne pogresim, ali sve sam odradila kako treba i pare su uplacene. Uh.... jedva sam cekala da dodje kraj meseca kada je trebalo da ih posalju. Plasila sam se da se ne izgube negde usput, da ne bude nesto osteceno....
 Jednog jutra dosao je postar. Baba je otvorila vrata i zovnula da kaze da je stiglo pismo za Katty. Sisla sam da vidim sta je i ugledala belo roze kovertu. Odmah sam ukapirala sta je u pitanju, pruzila ruku i krenula da skicim i cicim na postara " To je za mene! Stigle su mi karte za koncert!!" On je poceo da se smeje i dao mi kovertu. Ne mozete da zamislite moje olaksanje i srecu u tom trenutku. Otisla sam gore i polaaaako uzela da otvorim pismo *da slucajno nesto ne zakacim posto su mi ruke drhtale, to bi bio smak sveta*. Unutra su bile 2 karte * za decka i mene* , tri razglednice, pismo sa potvrdom o placanju i dva mini kalendara. Sve je jako lepo i kvalitetno uradjeno. Karte su takve da mogu da ostanu kao uspomena posle koncerta, sto i pise na sajtu sa kojeg sam narucivala ( ) . I dalje ne mogu da verujem da sam kupila te karte. Mastam o koncertu The Gazette vec osam godina i sada mi se konacno ukazala prilika da ih cujem uzivo! :3 Moj dragi se sam prijavio da ide sa mnom i bas mi je drago zbog toga ^_^ Jedino mi je krivo sto Katty nece ici sa nama, ali ona nema vremena :( Sada preostaje samo da sredimo prevoz i da cekamo 8. jun :D Putujemo zajedno sa jednom drugaricom kod cijeg brata cemo i prespavati tako da je vecina posla obavljena. Ali dok ne budemo u sali i dok se ne zacuju prvi zvuci muzike ja necu verovati da je sve ovo stvarno. Tako je bilo i kada smo Katty i ja isle na koncerte od Despairs'Ray i od Girugamesh * koji ponovo imaju koncert ove godine u Budimpesti, 25. maja, ako nekoga zanima* . 
Ima li neko od vas neko lepo secanje sa koncerta? Volela bih da cujem o tome :3

Hello everyone, after a long time! I finally decided to start writing again.
Some time ago there was an anouncement that The GezettE will be  having a world tour. They are one of my favorite bands and as soon as I heard the news I started planning my trip to Munich to see them. The thing is, I found out only few days before tickets went to sale. You can imagine my panic. I was lucky to save money I got for my B-day so I just needed to add a little more.  The problem  was that part of the money I saved was in coins. I don't know how many of you *if anyone* has the custom of saving money by collecting coins, but Katty and I have been doing that since we were little. I think that that's the best way not to spend money you are trying to pile up XD The only problem is turning that money into paper bills later on. I don't know what kind of problem banks have with coins. I mean, hello, you are a BANK , is it that big of a deal to count some coins? Especially since there was almost no one in the bank. That morning when the thickets were supposed to go on sale I was running around, getting desperate because no  one would change my coins into paper bills. Wth?!  I was starting to panic - what if I don't get home on time and all the tickets are sold out?! *ofc that was practically imposible but... well...I am a fan after all XD* In the end I got into one bank and the woman working told me she would change my money. It was as if the Sun finnaly showed up.  After that I went to my bank, placed money on Katty's paypal and run home. I got in time, and then the moment of buying the tickets came. I was so nervous and my hands were shaking because I was scared if I will do something wrong. But I didn't, and money went through. Huh...Than all I could do was wait for the end of the month when they were gonna send all the tickets. I was really worried if they were gonna arive, or if they will be damaged on the way.
One morning the mailman came. Grandma opend the door and called me saying there's mail for my sister. I went down to pick it and than I saw that the mailman was holding white-pink envelope and I imediately knew  that those were my tickets. I streched out my hand and started squeeing " Omg, that's for me! My tickets arrived!" and the mailman started laughing and gave the letter to me. I went upstairs and slooowwwllly started opening the envelope *imagine I damaged anything ?! The end of the world!* , and there they were - pretty and really good for collecting :3 In the letter came 2 tickets, 2 little calendars, 3 postcards and a paper stating that I payed. Everything is very nice and pretty, just as the site I orded from said it would be ( ). I still can't believe I actually bought those tickets. I've been dreaming of this concert for 8 years and now I finally got the chance to hear The GazettE live! :3 My dear boyfriend will be going with me, he himself offered to, and I'm really  glad because of it ^_^ I'm just a bit (a lot) sad that Katty isn't going with us :( She doesn't have time...
The only thing left to do now is find transportation and than wait for the 8th of Jun :D We will be traveling together with one friend and staying at her brother's place, so most of the job is done. But, until I enter the hall and hear first beats of  the music I won't be able to believe I'm actually experiencing it. It was the same when Katty and I went to see Despair'sRay and Girugamesh * Girugamesh are having their concert in Budapest again on May 25th, just to let you know* .

I love going to concerts and feeling all that amazing energy. Does any of you have any nice memory of a concert? I would love to hear about it :3

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