Nisam imala vremena da pisem ovih dana, stisli ispiti...Samim tim mi se nije dogadjalo nista interesantno. Jedina lepa stvar je ta da sam isla u Novi Sad kod Vladimira. Bilo nam je lepo :3 Malo smo prosetali do njegovog stana. Usput smo svratili do prodavnice da kupim lak za nokte jer nisam stigla da ih namazem kod kuce (da, to sam ja, nigde bez lepih noktiju XD). Kad smo dosli na kasu videla sam neke slatke snale za kosu pa je V. odlucio da mi ih kupi :33 Bila sam srecna kao malo dete! A i snale su prilicno za decu...Kasnije smo jeli tresnje, gledali film. Steta samo sto se na kraju dana povredio na treningu, bas mi je bilo zao :( Bitno da nije mnogo strasno i da ce se ubrzo oporaviti. Sutradan ujutru sam sela da popijem kafu na zeleznickoj stanici. Vreme je bilo divno i malo sam se opustila. Bio mi je potreban taj mali predah od ucenja. Vratila sam se kuci mentalno odmornija i spremna za nove napore :'D Ne mogu da docekam jul i Japanizam! Puna mi je glava misli o tome sta da obucem i kako da ukombinujem taj dogadjaj i ispite. I Katty ce ucestvovati u ovogodisnjoj reviji koja se odrzava 3. jula! Jedva cekam! ^^
I didn't have time to write these past few days, too many exams. With that, nothing interesting happened as well. The only nice thing was that I went to Novi Sad to visit Vladimir. We had fun :3 We walked to his place and on the way stopped by some store so that I could buy nail polish, since I didn't have time to do my nails at home (yup, that's me, nowhere without pretty nails XD). When we stood by the cash register I saw some hair clips. V.decided to buy them for me :33 I was happy as a child! And those hair clips are pretty much for children... Later we ate cherries, watched some movie. It's a shame that in the end he hurt himself on the practice, I feel so sorry for him :( But the most important thing is that the injury is not terrible and he will recover soon. In the morning I set in a cafe on the train station. The weather was so nice and I relaxed a little. I really needed that little rest from studying. I came home refreshed and ready to study again :'D I can't wait for July and Japanizam to come! My head is full of thoughts about what should I wear and how to combine that event with all the exams I have to take. Katty is participating in the fashion show that is part of the Japanizam! That is so exciting! ^^
And for the end, our kitty Milica sitting on dad's bike :D

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