Friday, December 6, 2013

Ah that winter...

E pa,konacno je dosla zima. Ne znam da li se radujem ili ne. Volim sto je hladno i sto mogu da nosim sal i kaput, a sa druge strane to znaci da ce uskoro krenuti ispiti - a tome se bas i ne radujem.Pogotovo zbog cinjenice da jos uvek nisam sela i krenula intenzivno da ucim nego samo raduckam pomalo. 
Ali hajde sad da predjemo na neke lepse teme :D Nekako je zimi uvek zivlje nego leti.Barem kod nas, stalno se nesto dogadja,zurke,revije,rodjendani...Proslog vikenda smo bile na steampunk reviji i zurci : 

"Clockwork Asylum: The first Steampunk/Gothic Night in Belgrade".
Bilo je odlicno! Zaista smo uzivale,videle se sa drustvom,igrale...Na reviji se predstavilo tri dizajnera: Milos sa nakitom, Villena Viscaria sa  odecom dok je radio kozne detalje.. Katty i ja smo dobile da nosimo neki nakit to vece. U stvari,Katty je nosila ogrlicu i prsten koji su njeni- dobila ih je kao poklon i jos jedan prsten samo za pokazivanje,a ja sam nosila lance.Sve je jako lepo ^_^ Bilo je puno ljudi,prosto nije moglo da se dise.Nadam se da ce biti organizovan jos neki dogadjaj ovog tipa i sa ovom tematikom.
Nase kostime smo same spremile :D 

And so, the winter finally came.I don't know if I should be happy or not.I love that it's cold and that I can wear coat, scarf and that stuff, but on the other hand it means that it's almost time for exams - which I don't look forward to.Especially because I still didn't start studying properly.
But let's move on to some better subjects :D Somehow, more things are happening during winter than in summer.At least for us.There's always something - party, b-day, fashion show...Last weekend we went to steampunk party and fashion show :   
"Clockwork Asylum: The first Steampunk/Gothic Night in Belgrade". It was great! We really enjoyed it, saw our friends, danced...Two designers were showing their creations: Milos with his jewelry, Villena Viscaria with clothing and with leather details.Katty and I wore some of jewelry Milos made.It was all very pretty ^_^ There was a lot of people, we could barely breath.I hope there will soon be another event of this type and theme :3
We made our costumes ourselves :D

                                                                              Next two photos by Oliver Dimic

A ovako smo izgledale pre neki dan kad smo isle da kupimo neke materijale u Beogradu.
And this is how we looked when we went to Belgrade to buy some materials.

            Ne mogu da opisem koliko volim da se obucem ovako :D Sve je pufnasto,meko i toplo :3 
            I can't describe how much I love to dress like this! Everything is so fluffy,soft and warm :3 

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