U nedelju je bio rodjendan nase drugarice/komsinice/ nee-san Aki i mi smo htele da je iznenadimo :D Palo mi je na pamet da joj napravimo lutkicu koja ce predstavljati Sebastian-a iz anime Kuroshitsuji *Black Butler* .Posto mi je decko bio u poseti,on,Katty,Milos i ja smo se smestili u sobu,raspazarili se i krenuli da sijemo.Bilo je vrlo interesantno,dugo nisam pravila lutke... Izgledali smo kao mala deca.Trebalo nam je 2-3 sata da ga zavrsimo i ispao je preslatko! Ja sam vrlo zadovoljna! Jos vise sam bila zadovoljna kad ga je Aki videla i vrisnula od srece :D Katty i ja smo oduvek preferirale da poklone za prijatelje same napravimo, tako da "imaju dusu" .Uz lutkicu smo joj odnele i svecu koju je napravila moja koleginica sa fakulteta.Sveca mi se mnogo dopala posto je u obliku cveta i mirise.
Inace sam ceo vikend provela sa Vladimirom.Dosao je u subotu popodne pa smo taj dan setali,pokazala sam mu Pancevo i tako.Bilo mi je bas lepo :3 U nedelju je na zalost padala kisa pa nismo setali ali je ipak dan bio interesantan *pogotovo zbog te lutkice*. Zajedno smo otisli i kod Aki i malo se zabavili pre nego sto se vratio kuci.Vikend mi je prosao kao treptaj oka,preterano brzo T_T Nadam se da ste i vi imali lep provod!
On Sunday Aki nee-san was celebrating her B-day so we decided to make a little surprise for her :D I thought it would be nice to make her little doll that will represent Sebastian from anime named Kuroshitsuji *Black Butler*.Since my boyfriend was here to visit me, he,Katty,Milos and I sat down in Katty's room and started making the doll.It was so interesting, I didn't make dolls for a very long time...We resembled little children.It took us around 2-3 hours to finish little Seba-chan and he turned out so cute!I am very pleased!I was even more pleased when Aki saw him and screamed :D Katty and I always preferred making presents for our friends rider than buying them, so that they have "soul" .With the doll we gave her one candle that a friend from my faculty made,it's in a shape of a flower and smells like strawberries.I spent the entire weekend with Vladimir.He came on Saturday afternoon so we spent that day walking around.It was so nice :3 The rain was falling on Sunday so we didn't go for a walk but it was an interesting day *especially because of that doll*. We went together to Aki's place and had a little bit of fun before he went back home.The whole weekend went by in a blink of an eye,so fast T_T
Inace sam ceo vikend provela sa Vladimirom.Dosao je u subotu popodne pa smo taj dan setali,pokazala sam mu Pancevo i tako.Bilo mi je bas lepo :3 U nedelju je na zalost padala kisa pa nismo setali ali je ipak dan bio interesantan *pogotovo zbog te lutkice*. Zajedno smo otisli i kod Aki i malo se zabavili pre nego sto se vratio kuci.Vikend mi je prosao kao treptaj oka,preterano brzo T_T Nadam se da ste i vi imali lep provod!
On Sunday Aki nee-san was celebrating her B-day so we decided to make a little surprise for her :D I thought it would be nice to make her little doll that will represent Sebastian from anime named Kuroshitsuji *Black Butler*.Since my boyfriend was here to visit me, he,Katty,Milos and I sat down in Katty's room and started making the doll.It was so interesting, I didn't make dolls for a very long time...We resembled little children.It took us around 2-3 hours to finish little Seba-chan and he turned out so cute!I am very pleased!I was even more pleased when Aki saw him and screamed :D Katty and I always preferred making presents for our friends rider than buying them, so that they have "soul" .With the doll we gave her one candle that a friend from my faculty made,it's in a shape of a flower and smells like strawberries.I spent the entire weekend with Vladimir.He came on Saturday afternoon so we spent that day walking around.It was so nice :3 The rain was falling on Sunday so we didn't go for a walk but it was an interesting day *especially because of that doll*. We went together to Aki's place and had a little bit of fun before he went back home.The whole weekend went by in a blink of an eye,so fast T_T
He's so funny,right? :3
Beautiful sunset that I took picture of while V. and I were walking...
The candle,so pretty!
And some random picture of me from few days ago XD
Veoma kreativno za rodjendanski poklon like it ^__^ <3