Poznajem Plamene Vitezove vec dosta dugo i danas sam prvi put otisla na njihov trening.Oni su grupa ljudi sa kojima sam prosle godine isla na Maglic za 1. maj i provela se kao retko kad u zivotu :D Vrlo su aktivni,zabavni i ozbiljni u svom "poslu".Vole da se druze,organizuju turnire i okupljanja.Danas sam nekoliko sati provela sa njima na Kalemegdanu.Prvi put sam uzela u ruke luk i strelu i isprobala gadjanje.Fenomenalno je!Oduvek sam to zelela da probam.
Dogovorila sam se sa drugaricom pa smo zajedno otisle u Beograd,gde smo se nasle sa Bojanom,koji je nas drug i jedan od vitezova.Bilo je interesantno prolaziti kroz Knez Mihailovu dok smo bili onako obuceni XD Slikali su nas na svakom cosku,zaustavljali nas,a mi smo vec kasnili...No dobro,nista strasno,bilo je bas zabavno :D U jednom trenutku,kad smo vec uveliko svi bili na dogovorenom mestu,naisla su neka deca koja su bila ovde na ekskurziji *iz Bugarske* pa je, dragi nam vodja, Stevan poveo mene,Miljanu i jos jednog viteza da malo popricamo sa njima.Bas su bili slatki ^^
I vreme je bilo lepo danas,bilo bi jos bolje da je bilo toplije za par stepeni,ovako su se neki od nas malo smrzli...Evo nekih slika :D
I've known Plameni Vitezovi *"Fire Knights"* for quite some time now and today was the first time that I went to their practice.They are a group of people that I went with to Maglic on May 1st *is't a holiday* last year.It was one of the greatest experiences in my life :D They are very active,fun and serious in their "business".They like to hang out,organize tournaments and gatherings.I spent few hours with them today on Kalemegdan.I took arrow and bow in my hands for the first time and tried them out.It was amazing!I have always wanted to try it.
First I met up with a friend and we went together to Belgrade to meet with our friend, and one of the knights,Bojan.It was interesting to go through the main street all dressed up XD People took pictures every few steps,stopping us even though we were already late.No problem,it was fun :D In one moment,when everyone already gathered on the arranged spot a group of kids came.They were here for anexcursion *they are from Bulgaria* so our drear leader Stevan asked me,Miljana and one more knight to come with him and talk with kids for a bit.They were so cute ^^
And the weather was good today.It would have been even better if it was a bit warmer because some of us were a bit cold...Here are some pictures :D
Dogovorila sam se sa drugaricom pa smo zajedno otisle u Beograd,gde smo se nasle sa Bojanom,koji je nas drug i jedan od vitezova.Bilo je interesantno prolaziti kroz Knez Mihailovu dok smo bili onako obuceni XD Slikali su nas na svakom cosku,zaustavljali nas,a mi smo vec kasnili...No dobro,nista strasno,bilo je bas zabavno :D U jednom trenutku,kad smo vec uveliko svi bili na dogovorenom mestu,naisla su neka deca koja su bila ovde na ekskurziji *iz Bugarske* pa je, dragi nam vodja, Stevan poveo mene,Miljanu i jos jednog viteza da malo popricamo sa njima.Bas su bili slatki ^^
I vreme je bilo lepo danas,bilo bi jos bolje da je bilo toplije za par stepeni,ovako su se neki od nas malo smrzli...Evo nekih slika :D
I've known Plameni Vitezovi *"Fire Knights"* for quite some time now and today was the first time that I went to their practice.They are a group of people that I went with to Maglic on May 1st *is't a holiday* last year.It was one of the greatest experiences in my life :D They are very active,fun and serious in their "business".They like to hang out,organize tournaments and gatherings.I spent few hours with them today on Kalemegdan.I took arrow and bow in my hands for the first time and tried them out.It was amazing!I have always wanted to try it.
First I met up with a friend and we went together to Belgrade to meet with our friend, and one of the knights,Bojan.It was interesting to go through the main street all dressed up XD People took pictures every few steps,stopping us even though we were already late.No problem,it was fun :D In one moment,when everyone already gathered on the arranged spot a group of kids came.They were here for anexcursion *they are from Bulgaria* so our drear leader Stevan asked me,Miljana and one more knight to come with him and talk with kids for a bit.They were so cute ^^
And the weather was good today.It would have been even better if it was a bit warmer because some of us were a bit cold...Here are some pictures :D
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