Dogovorila sam se sa Yuki da se nadjemo danas i posto sam kasnila ona mi je javila da dodjem na Kalemegdan.Stizem ti ja tamo i vidim neku gomilu ljudi...Prilazim blize,trazim je i shvatam da svuda oko sebe cujem japanski jezik :D Ugledala sam je,pozdravile se i onda sam pitala sta se desava.Onda sam ugledala i Danicu pa sam se i sa njom izglila,nisam ih obe videla jako dugo.Saznala sam da su deca koja idu u srednju skolu dosla u Srbiju iz Japana i valjda su ih doveli da se upoznaju sa ljudima koji studiraju japanski ovde kod nas.Bilo mi je mnogo interesantno da slusam sta pricaju, pogotovo kad sam shvatila sa SVE mogu da razumem :D Ah boze kako volim taj jezik! Sada sam definitivno sigurna da zelim da ga naucim po svaku cenu.To znaci da sledece godine uzimam japanski kao,pa,treci jezik T_T Mrzim sto imamo osmanski turski kao obavezan predmet.Samo mi oduzima vreme, a ne sluzi nicemu. -.- Ali,zarekla sam se da cu nauciti japanski i to cu i da uradim ^_^
Kada smo se rastale od japanaca otisle smo u jedan preslatki kafic po imenu Dve grlice.Prvi put sam bila tamo i zaista mi se dopada.Cene su pristupacne i ambijent je vrlo opustajuci.Sedele smo dobra 2 sata....Nije mi se islo kuci.Inace,danas sam uvijala kosu i savseno je ispalo! Bila sam odusevljena,a drzala sam je namotanu samo sat i po vremena *O* Stvar je u tome da se svaki pamen uvije u "puza" i onda prikaci ukosnicom.Trebalo mi je punih 45 minuta da to uradim ali se isplatilo ^^
I was supposed to meet Yuki today in front of our faculty but I was late so she told me to come to Kalemegdan.When I got there I saw a bunch of people and figured out that they were talking Japanese.Than I saw Yuki and Danica,greeted them and asked what was going on.I found out that kids came from one high school in Japan and they arranged to meet with ppl from our faculty that are studding Japanese *I think*.It was so interesting to listen to them talking especially that I came to realize that I can UNDERSTAND them. :D God I love that language!Now I am definitely sure that I want to learn it at any cost.That means, that starting from next year, I will be studding 3 languages T_T I hate that we have to study Ottoman Turkish.It's only time consuming without any point. -.- But I promised to myself that I will definitely learn Japanese and that is how it will be ^_^
When we said goodbye to visitors we went to one cute little cafe named Two Dows *or something like that*.That was my first time going there and I really like it.Prices are low and the ambient is very relaxing.We sat for around 2 hours and I really didn't wanna go home.And,yeah,I curled my hair today.It took me 45 mins to curl it up and I left it like that for only an hour and a half.It ended up looking perfect ! ^_^
Kada smo se rastale od japanaca otisle smo u jedan preslatki kafic po imenu Dve grlice.Prvi put sam bila tamo i zaista mi se dopada.Cene su pristupacne i ambijent je vrlo opustajuci.Sedele smo dobra 2 sata....Nije mi se islo kuci.Inace,danas sam uvijala kosu i savseno je ispalo! Bila sam odusevljena,a drzala sam je namotanu samo sat i po vremena *O* Stvar je u tome da se svaki pamen uvije u "puza" i onda prikaci ukosnicom.Trebalo mi je punih 45 minuta da to uradim ali se isplatilo ^^
I was supposed to meet Yuki today in front of our faculty but I was late so she told me to come to Kalemegdan.When I got there I saw a bunch of people and figured out that they were talking Japanese.Than I saw Yuki and Danica,greeted them and asked what was going on.I found out that kids came from one high school in Japan and they arranged to meet with ppl from our faculty that are studding Japanese *I think*.It was so interesting to listen to them talking especially that I came to realize that I can UNDERSTAND them. :D God I love that language!Now I am definitely sure that I want to learn it at any cost.That means, that starting from next year, I will be studding 3 languages T_T I hate that we have to study Ottoman Turkish.It's only time consuming without any point. -.- But I promised to myself that I will definitely learn Japanese and that is how it will be ^_^
When we said goodbye to visitors we went to one cute little cafe named Two Dows *or something like that*.That was my first time going there and I really like it.Prices are low and the ambient is very relaxing.We sat for around 2 hours and I really didn't wanna go home.And,yeah,I curled my hair today.It took me 45 mins to curl it up and I left it like that for only an hour and a half.It ended up looking perfect ! ^_^
I saw this on a wall in the street ^_^
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