Thursday, June 26, 2014

Katty's new project,DEMIST video and a friend :3

Ok,prvo i prvo - konacno je izasao spot od DEMIST! Tadaaaaaaa!
Ok, first things first - the DEMIST video that was supposed to come out finally did! 

Odlicno je ispalo! Odeca koju nose clanovi benda je kreirana i sasivena od strane Katty - Ophidian Fashion :3 
It came out great! The clothing that band members wear are made and designed by Katty - Ophidian Fashion :3

Zatim, ovo je nova kreacija koju je Katty napravila
Than, this is the new creation  Katty made

Opet, kroj je sama smislila, dizajn takodje, sama je sila...Ja sam najiskrenije odusevljena i vec sam joj trazila ovako nesto za jesen :D 
Again, the pattern, design and sewing was all done by Katty. I am really in love with this piece! I already told her that I want it for Autumn :D 
Pre neka 3 dana sam isla u Beograd "poslom" tj. zbog nekih obaveza oko fakulteta pa sam iskoristila priliku da se vidim sa Bojanom, dogovorile smo se jos odavno da idemo na kafu. Ispostavilo se da se kafa pretvorila u sladoled jer je bilo uzasno toplo XD Bilo nam je lepo, pricale smo, uradile ovih par fotografija i malo setale. Nisam imala puno vremena jer sam morala da se vratim kuci da ucim...Uprkos tome - bilo je zabavno! Sta mislite o mojim noktima? To sam uradila u toku ucenja XD Haha...Meni se bas dopadaju, volim kad ih namazem u vise boja. To bi bilo to za danas, prilicno sam umorna, ne znam na sta ce liciti prevod na engleski :'D Nemojte mi zameriti * vi koji obracate paznju na to :P *

About 3 days ago I went to Belgrade to do some things for faculty and I used that chance to meet with Bojana , we made a deal to go for a coffee some time ago. We ended up eating ice cream instead of coffee since it was so hot that day XD We had a nice time, talked a lot, made these few photos and walked around. I didn't have much time since I had to come back home and continue studding...In spite of that - it was fun! And what do you thing about my nails? I did them while I was studding XD Haha...I really like them, I love to paint my nails in few different colors. That would  be it for today, I'm really tired...Bye bye~

 I look kind of creepy :'D

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Cake,fun and Kpop!

Jucerasnji dan je bio toliko zabavan! Ceo dan sam bila aktivna... Popodne sam se nasla sa Milicom na Trgu da se malo prosetamo.Vec dugo vremena planiramo da kupimo krofne u pekari zvanoj Toma i juce smo se bas nameracile da to konacno ucinimo *poslednja dva puta ih nije bilo* . Usle smo u pekaru i , gle cuda, OPET IH NIJE BILO. -.- Pa da li je moguce?? Onda smo odlucile da uzmemo vocni tart (tj. nesto slicno tome) i macaroons i da sednemo na sred Trga da ih jedemo XD Oh, fun fun fun! Malo posto smo sele prisla su nam dva stranca i pitala da se slikaju sa nama. Prvo smo se pogledale *razmenile znacajne poglede koji su znacili "ok,nisu manijaci" * pa rekle - sto da ne! Ispostavilo se da su dosli iz Istambula i krenuli na turu po Balkanskim zemljama. Ah, sudbina...Prosto sam MORALA da probam da pricam na turskom, kad ga vec studiram XD Oni se iznenadise, rekose da dobro pricam * u sta ja iskreno ne verujem * . Bili su fini, slikali se i produzili dalje. Moram da kazem da su se zadrzali u Beogradu duze nego sto su planirali jer im se mnogo dopada :D Mislim da jos nisam srela stranca koji nije bio odusevljen Beogradom i Srbijom uopste... Pojele smo svoje kolace * nivo secera podignut do krova* i moram da kazem da mi se dopadaju macaroons :3 Neobicno su pufnasti i kremasti i lepe se za zube. Posle smo se setale po centru i produzile kroz Bulevar sve do Underworld-a gde se odrzavalo Kpop vece. Bas nam se igralo! Nema veze sto smo bile najstarije tamo XD Bilo nam je super! Iskakale smo se, oznojile, smejale i zaista uzivale... Muzika je bila odlicna ( prosle su i sve pesme koje imam u telefonu, jej! ) i bas mi je drago da smo otisle.

Danas smo Katty i ja konacno napravile tubmlr za njen brend, mozete ga naci ovde . :D

Yesterday was so much fun! I was really active throughout whole day. In the afternoon I met with Milica on the Square. Some time ago we decided to try out some doughnuts from the bakery called Toma, but every time we went there they didn't have them. So, yesterday we went again and guess what? THEY DIDN'T HAVE THEM THIS TIME AGAIN. -.- Damn it, is it possible? We decided to take some fruit tart and macaroons and than sit somewhere on the Square and eat them. Oh fun fun fun! Little after we sat some foreigners came and asked us to take a picture together. We shared looks between ourselves, decided they weren't creepers and than said "why not!" We found out that they came from Turkey and that they are making a tour around Balkan countries. Oh, destiny... I just HAD to try talking with them in Turkish, since I'm already studding it... XD The were surprised and said I'm speaking it good, but I don't believe them. They were really nice, took pictures and than moved on. I have to say that they told us they stayed in Belgrade longer than planned since they really liked it. :D Actually, I never met any tourist that didn't like Belgrade and Serbia in whole... We ate our cakes * sugar level raised up to the roof * and I discovered that I like macaroons :3 They are unusually fluffy, creamy and sticky. After that we walked around and went to the club Underworld in which K-pop night was held. We really wanted to dance! It didn't matter that we were the oldest ones there XD We had great time! Danced, sweated, laughed and really enjoyed our time.... The music was great ( all the songs that I have in my phone were played, yay! ) and we were really glad we came.

Today, Katty and I finally made tumblr for her clothing line, you can find it here :D

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hair clips,nails and a little trip :)

Nisam imala vremena da pisem ovih dana, stisli ispiti...Samim tim mi se nije dogadjalo nista interesantno. Jedina lepa stvar je ta da sam isla u Novi Sad kod Vladimira. Bilo nam je lepo :3 Malo smo prosetali do njegovog stana. Usput smo svratili do prodavnice da kupim lak za nokte jer nisam stigla da ih namazem kod kuce (da, to sam ja, nigde bez lepih noktiju XD). Kad smo dosli na kasu videla sam neke slatke snale za kosu pa je V. odlucio da mi ih kupi :33 Bila sam srecna kao malo dete! A i snale su prilicno za decu...Kasnije smo jeli tresnje, gledali film. Steta samo sto se na kraju dana povredio na treningu, bas mi je bilo zao :( Bitno da nije mnogo strasno i da ce se ubrzo oporaviti. Sutradan ujutru sam sela da popijem kafu na zeleznickoj stanici. Vreme je bilo divno i malo sam se opustila. Bio mi je potreban taj mali predah od ucenja. Vratila sam se kuci mentalno odmornija i spremna za nove napore :'D Ne mogu da docekam jul i Japanizam! Puna mi je glava misli o tome sta da obucem i kako da ukombinujem taj dogadjaj i ispite. I Katty ce ucestvovati u ovogodisnjoj reviji koja se odrzava 3. jula! Jedva cekam! ^^

I didn't have time to write these past few days, too many exams. With that, nothing interesting happened as well. The only nice thing was that I went to Novi Sad to visit Vladimir. We had fun :3 We walked to his place and on the way stopped by some store so that I could buy nail polish, since I didn't have time to do my nails at home (yup, that's me, nowhere without pretty nails XD). When we stood by the cash register I saw some hair clips. V.decided to buy them for me :33 I was happy as a child! And those hair clips are pretty much for children... Later we ate cherries, watched some movie. It's a shame that in the end he hurt himself on the practice, I feel so sorry for him :( But the most important thing is that the injury is not terrible and he will recover soon. In the morning I set in a cafe on the train station. The weather was so nice and I relaxed a little. I really needed that little rest from studying. I came home refreshed and ready to study again :'D I can't wait for July and Japanizam to come! My head is full of thoughts about what should I wear and how to combine that event with all the exams I have to take. Katty is participating in the fashion show that is part of the Japanizam! That is so exciting! ^^

And for the end, our kitty Milica sitting on dad's bike :D

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Beautiful day :3

Juce sam posle celodnevnog ucenja konacno izasla malo iz kuce.Katty, Kat i ja smo otisle u Beograd i nasle se sa Milanom da malo prosetamo. Sinoc je odrzana i Noc muzeja (sto smo saznali kad smo videli gomile ljudi na ulicama) tako da je bilo dosta desavanja. Prvo smo otisli do Mixer-a da odnesemo jedan komad garedrobe sa Katty-ne revije, da bi ga upotrebili za neki performans. Tamo je takodje bilo organizovano desavanje. Ljudi su prodavali rucno izradjene stvari u Mikseru i izvan njega, bilo je promocija, nekih aktivnosti... Najvise nas je odusevilo to sto su izmedju nekog drveca razapeli kanape, pokacili drvenim stipaljkama papire i markere, pa su ljudi mogli da napisu svoje probleme ili da "daju resenja" za tudje. Bilo je vrlo zabavno citati sta je sve napisano. :D Posle smo se vratili u centar, posetili Filoloski fakultet na kome je bila izlozba vezana za japansku kulturu ♥ Konacno sam videla kako izgledaju materijali za japanski obi! Savrsenstvo izrade! Toliko prelepih nijansi i sara da ne mogu da opisem... Nastavili smo sa setnjom, kasnije malo posedeli u kaficu i vreme nam je proslo neopisivo brzo. Nikome se nije islo kuci. Drago mi je sto smo napravili puno divnih slika, a omiljena mi je ova prva sa Katty :3

   Yesterday, I went out with Katty and Kat to meet Milan, after a whole day of studying. It was the Night of Museums so there was a lot of people in the streets. We went to Mixer House first to give them one piece of Katty's clothing from the fashion show, so that they can use it for some performance. There were some events there as well, promotions, various activities...The most amazing thing was that they hung some pieces of paper on ropes between tries, together with markers, so that visitors could write down their problems or answer to the problems of others. It was so fun reading what was written! :D After that we went back to downtown, visited Faculty of Philology where the exhibition of Japanese culture was being held  I was finally able to see materials for obi! Perfection! So many beautiful details and colors! We continued our walk and later sat in a cafe. Time flew by so quickly! Nobody wanted to go home. I am really glad we took many great pictures, my favorite is this first one with Katty :3

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Gel finish by Avon and selfies...xD

Poslednjih par dana nisam radila nista interesantno posto sam uglavnom ucila.Tako da sam jedino slikala sebe pokusavajuci da uhvatim sminku i kosu koju sam tog dana imala XD Sminka se uglavnom ne vidi jer mi je kamera slaba, ili je moja sminka previse blaga :"D Malo pre sam dobila novi lak za nokte - Gel finish iz Avon-a, u boji lavande. Divan je! Pre nekoliko dana sam ga videla na noktima kod Yuki i odusevila sam se. Bas sam se iznenadila kada mi ga je tatina devojka poklonila *pre neki dan smo pricale o lakovima, i to bas o ovim, nisam ni pomislila da ce mi ga doneti XD* Postavicu slike kad ga nalakiram posto sam pre par sati vec namazala neki drugi...Vrlo lepo izgleda i lako se nanosi.Videcemo koliko je trajan. Za sada evo ove slike sa interneta:

I didn't do anything interesting last few days since I was mostly studying.So I took few selfies,trying to catch my makeup and hair.Well, makeup is mostly invisible since my camera is not good enough, or my makeup is not strong enough :'D Just a moment ago I got new nail polish - Gel finish by Avon, Lavender sky. I love it!! I already saw it on Yuki's nails A few days ago and I really liked it! I was so surprised today when dad's girlfriend gave it to me * we talked about it A few days ago, I never thought that she would actually give me one XD * It is awesome! I will post pictures wearing it soon since I already painted my nails just A few hours ago...The color is great and it spreads easily.We will see how long it will last on the nails.
Pocela sam cesto da koristim roze karmin ili vec bilo kakvu roze boju za usta.Dopada mi se kako mi stoji i mislim da je odlicno za ovo suncano vreme :3

I started using pink lipstick or any other lip product more than before.I like how it looks on me and I think it's great for this sunny weather :3

Sunday, June 1, 2014

B.A.F.E. Dark Geometric Fashion - Katty!

Ovo je pocetak Katty-ne blistave karijere :D Haha, zaista, revija je prosla odlicno! Kao njena sestra i neko ko je sve vreme bio pored nje i posmatrao, sa povremenim ucescem u sitnim stvarima, vrlo sam ponosna! Znam koliko se namucila, koliko je truda ulozila, vremena, koliko se nervirala, prolila suza, koliko puta je raskrvarila ruke sijuci...29.05. je bio dan kada je Katty sa jos 11 mladih dizajnera ucestvovala na B.A.F.E-u. Bile smo toliko uzbudjene! Nervozne pre svega! Plasile smo se hoce li sve biti kako treba, da li ce modeli dobro hodati, da li ce se svi pojaviti. Krenuli smo u Beograd sa dvoja kola, garderobom i delom modela koji su iz Panceva.Upali smo pravo u najgoru popodnevnu guzvu i trebalo nam je vise od sat vremena da stignemo do Mixer House-a. Kada smo stigli, deo ljudi je vec odavno bio tamo, neki modeli su vec bili nasminkani, obuceni, uveliko se radilo. Nasi modeli su stigli na vreme, oko 17h, kako smo se dogovorili, obukle smo ih i onda je krenula proba. Vecina njih nikada nije hodala po pisti, tako da verujem da su bili malo nervozni - i mi smo bile, pogotovo mogu da zamislim Katty. Medjutim, posle 2 prolaska su znali savrseno sta da rade.Nakon toga je krenulo sminkanje, frizura... Sve je bilo nekako u brzini, nabijeno uzbudjenjem, dobrim raspolozenjem...Imali smo vremena i da posedimo i popricamo malo. Kada je vec bilo oko 7- pola 8 krenuli su da dolaze gosti. U jednom trenutku je receno da svi modeli moraju da odu u backstage. Tada je energija ekslpodirala. Imala sam osecaj da sam utaknuta u struju. Katty je bila pribrana koliko je to moguce u onom haosu. Momci * i jedna devojka* su uglavnom svi bili obuceni i samo je trebalo pogledati da li je sve na mestu. Ja sam se posle nekog vremena sklonila iz backstage-a i otisla medju publiku.U medjuvremenu je doslo dosta naseg drustva, roditelji...Nikoleta je ponela fotoaparat pa je slikala za vreme revije. Te slike jos nemam, ali bice ih u narednih par dana. :)
Krenula je revija. Ne znam kako se Katty osecala, ali meni su drhtale i ruke i noge. Odbrojavala sam dizajnere do trenutka kada je trebalo da krene Katty-na revija. Srce je pocelo da mi lupa, ruke su drhtale, jedva sam stajala u mestu...Onda je muzika krenula i nakon nekoliko uvodnih taktova izasao je Milan. Hodao je dobrom brzinom, pravi maneken, nema tu greske. Posle njega su izasli Wlad, Vladimir, Milovan, Branko, Miodrag, Borivoje, Vojislav, Marko, Milos, Aleksandar, Nikola, Nikola i kao kruna Katty-ne kolekcije - Kat u pelerini koja je inspirisana Srpskim grbom :3 Zelimo da im se svima zahvalimo jos jednom sto su pristali da ucestvuju i sto su bili toliko divni!Hvala ljudi!I hvala Milici koja nam je pomagala na sve nacine i pravila nam drustvo ^_^ Sta bismo mi bez vas!? 
Kada su svi prosli, usledio je defile i aplauz koji je bio veom bucan. Manekeni su otisli, a mi smo ostali da cekamo Katty da izadje i pokloni se. Ona je kao pravi dizajner ZABORAVILA i izasla tek nakon minuta ili tako nesto, smejuci se :D Hahaha, bilo je divno!
Posle smo svi otisli pozadi, dosli su nasi roditelji, prijatelji, svi su joj cestitali, malo smo se slikali i bilo je prelepo. Pucala sam od ponosa! Modeli su polako otisli svako na svoju stranu, Katty je ostala da se upoznaje sa ljudima i sklapa poznanstva *dobila je i prvu musteriju!* , a ja sam otisla sa Vladimirom i Milicom kod Milana da se druzimo. Kasnije nam se pridruzila i Katty, pa smo ostali budni do svitanja. Zaista je bilo zabavno!

This is the beginning of Katty's fabulous career! :D No, really the show went amazingly well! As her sister and someone who was there the whole time, watching her and encouraging her, I am very proud! I know how much energy and time she has put in all of this, how many tears she had shed, how many times her fingers bled because she did everything by herself... 29th of May was the day when Katty and 11 more young designers showed their work at B.A.F.E. We were all so excited! Nervous before all! We were concerned if our models are going to walk fine, and if all of them were going to show up. We left for Belgrade in two cars, with 3 models that were going with us and all the clothing. It took us an hour and a half to get to Mixer House since we ended up in a traffic jam. When we got there, most of the designer had already arrived, some of models were dressed up, make up already on. Our models came on time, we dressed them up and then the rehearsal started. Most of them never walked the runway so I believed they were really nervous (as were we). After two tries they all knew exactly how they should do their work. (heart) After that came makeup, hair and that kind of stuff. Everything went by really fast, filled with excitement, the mood was great... We even had time to sit and chat a little. When it was already 7 or 7:30pm the guests started arriving. In one moment we were told that all of the models should go backstage. That's when the energy exploded! Katty was as composed as she could be in that moment of chaos. Our guys *and one girl!* were already dressed up and Katty only needed to check if everything was in place. I soon came out from backstage and joined our friends in the audience. A lot of our friends were there and our parents as well. (cat) Nikoleta brought her camera and took pictures during the whole show. I still don't have those pictures, but I will post them soon enough. :)
Then the show started. I was counting down the designers until it was Katty's turn. I have no idea how she felt, but my heart was beating really loud, my hands were shaking and I could barely stand. The music started and after few beats Milan came out. His walk was good, a real model, no mistake there! After him, came Wlad, Vladimir, Milovan, Branko, Miodrag, Borivoje, Vojislav, Marko, Milos, Aleksandar, Nikola, Nikola and as the "crown of the collection" - Kat in a pelerine inspired by the Serbian coat of arms. Guys, we want to thank all of you again for participating in all this! Really, thanks a lot! (heart) And thank you Milica as well, who helped us in every way she could and kept us company throughout the show. ^_^ What would we do without you all?!
When all the models came out together the applause came, and it was LOUD.They left the stage and we stayed there waiting for Katty to come out.She FORGOT to do that,and was late because of it XD Ahaha, real designer,right? It was wonderful! :D
After that we all went to backstage (our parents, friends, ME) to congratulate and it was great. I was so proud! The models slowly started going home, Katty stayed behind to meet new people *she met her first customer!* and I went to Milan's place together with Vladimir and Milica. Katty came later and we all talked until dawn. It was really fun and unforgettable! 

photos done by Monika Pavlovic