Ok,prvo i prvo - konacno je izasao spot od DEMIST! Tadaaaaaaa!
Ok, first things first - the DEMIST video that was supposed to come out finally did!
Odlicno je ispalo! Odeca koju nose clanovi benda je kreirana i sasivena od strane Katty - Ophidian Fashion :3
It came out great! The clothing that band members wear are made and designed by Katty - Ophidian Fashion :3
Zatim, ovo je nova kreacija koju je Katty napravila
Than, this is the new creation Katty made
Opet, kroj je sama smislila, dizajn takodje, sama je sila...Ja sam najiskrenije odusevljena i vec sam joj trazila ovako nesto za jesen :D
Again, the pattern, design and sewing was all done by Katty. I am really in love with this piece! I already told her that I want it for Autumn :D
Pre neka 3 dana sam isla u Beograd "poslom" tj. zbog nekih obaveza oko fakulteta pa sam iskoristila priliku da se vidim sa Bojanom, dogovorile smo se jos odavno da idemo na kafu. Ispostavilo se da se kafa pretvorila u sladoled jer je bilo uzasno toplo XD Bilo nam je lepo, pricale smo, uradile ovih par fotografija i malo setale. Nisam imala puno vremena jer sam morala da se vratim kuci da ucim...Uprkos tome - bilo je zabavno! Sta mislite o mojim noktima? To sam uradila u toku ucenja XD Haha...Meni se bas dopadaju, volim kad ih namazem u vise boja. To bi bilo to za danas, prilicno sam umorna, ne znam na sta ce liciti prevod na engleski :'D Nemojte mi zameriti * vi koji obracate paznju na to :P *
About 3 days ago I went to Belgrade to do some things for faculty and I used that chance to meet with Bojana , we made a deal to go for a coffee some time ago. We ended up eating ice cream instead of coffee since it was so hot that day XD We had a nice time, talked a lot, made these few photos and walked around. I didn't have much time since I had to come back home and continue studding...In spite of that - it was fun! And what do you thing about my nails? I did them while I was studding XD Haha...I really like them, I love to paint my nails in few different colors. That would be it for today, I'm really tired...Bye bye~
I look kind of creepy :'D
Oh very cute pics!
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I hope your follow me back!
Thank you! I followed you back :3 Have a great day! ^_^
Deletewhat a lovely mix of photos <3