Jucerasnji dan je bio toliko zabavan! Ceo dan sam bila aktivna... Popodne sam se nasla sa Milicom na Trgu da se malo prosetamo.Vec dugo vremena planiramo da kupimo krofne u pekari zvanoj Toma i juce smo se bas nameracile da to konacno ucinimo *poslednja dva puta ih nije bilo* . Usle smo u pekaru i , gle cuda, OPET IH NIJE BILO. -.- Pa da li je moguce?? Onda smo odlucile da uzmemo vocni tart (tj. nesto slicno tome) i macaroons i da sednemo na sred Trga da ih jedemo XD Oh, fun fun fun! Malo posto smo sele prisla su nam dva stranca i pitala da se slikaju sa nama. Prvo smo se pogledale *razmenile znacajne poglede koji su znacili "ok,nisu manijaci" * pa rekle - sto da ne! Ispostavilo se da su dosli iz Istambula i krenuli na turu po Balkanskim zemljama. Ah, sudbina...Prosto sam MORALA da probam da pricam na turskom, kad ga vec studiram XD Oni se iznenadise, rekose da dobro pricam * u sta ja iskreno ne verujem * . Bili su fini, slikali se i produzili dalje. Moram da kazem da su se zadrzali u Beogradu duze nego sto su planirali jer im se mnogo dopada :D Mislim da jos nisam srela stranca koji nije bio odusevljen Beogradom i Srbijom uopste... Pojele smo svoje kolace * nivo secera podignut do krova* i moram da kazem da mi se dopadaju macaroons :3 Neobicno su pufnasti i kremasti i lepe se za zube. Posle smo se setale po centru i produzile kroz Bulevar sve do Underworld-a gde se odrzavalo Kpop vece. Bas nam se igralo! Nema veze sto smo bile najstarije tamo XD Bilo nam je super! Iskakale smo se, oznojile, smejale i zaista uzivale... Muzika je bila odlicna ( prosle su i sve pesme koje imam u telefonu, jej! ) i bas mi je drago da smo otisle.
Danas smo Katty i ja konacno napravile tubmlr za njen brend, mozete ga naci ovde . :D
Yesterday was so much fun! I was really active throughout whole day. In the afternoon I met with Milica on the Square. Some time ago we decided to try out some doughnuts from the bakery called Toma, but every time we went there they didn't have them. So, yesterday we went again and guess what? THEY DIDN'T HAVE THEM THIS TIME AGAIN. -.- Damn it, is it possible? We decided to take some fruit tart and macaroons and than sit somewhere on the Square and eat them. Oh fun fun fun! Little after we sat some foreigners came and asked us to take a picture together. We shared looks between ourselves, decided they weren't creepers and than said "why not!" We found out that they came from Turkey and that they are making a tour around Balkan countries. Oh, destiny... I just HAD to try talking with them in Turkish, since I'm already studding it... XD The were surprised and said I'm speaking it good, but I don't believe them. They were really nice, took pictures and than moved on. I have to say that they told us they stayed in Belgrade longer than planned since they really liked it. :D Actually, I never met any tourist that didn't like Belgrade and Serbia in whole... We ate our cakes * sugar level raised up to the roof * and I discovered that I like macaroons :3 They are unusually fluffy, creamy and sticky. After that we walked around and went to the club Underworld in which K-pop night was held. We really wanted to dance! It didn't matter that we were the oldest ones there XD We had great time! Danced, sweated, laughed and really enjoyed our time.... The music was great ( all the songs that I have in my phone were played, yay! ) and we were really glad we came.
Today, Katty and I finally made tumblr for her clothing line, you can find it here :D
Danas smo Katty i ja konacno napravile tubmlr za njen brend, mozete ga naci ovde . :D
Yesterday was so much fun! I was really active throughout whole day. In the afternoon I met with Milica on the Square. Some time ago we decided to try out some doughnuts from the bakery called Toma, but every time we went there they didn't have them. So, yesterday we went again and guess what? THEY DIDN'T HAVE THEM THIS TIME AGAIN. -.- Damn it, is it possible? We decided to take some fruit tart and macaroons and than sit somewhere on the Square and eat them. Oh fun fun fun! Little after we sat some foreigners came and asked us to take a picture together. We shared looks between ourselves, decided they weren't creepers and than said "why not!" We found out that they came from Turkey and that they are making a tour around Balkan countries. Oh, destiny... I just HAD to try talking with them in Turkish, since I'm already studding it... XD The were surprised and said I'm speaking it good, but I don't believe them. They were really nice, took pictures and than moved on. I have to say that they told us they stayed in Belgrade longer than planned since they really liked it. :D Actually, I never met any tourist that didn't like Belgrade and Serbia in whole... We ate our cakes * sugar level raised up to the roof * and I discovered that I like macaroons :3 They are unusually fluffy, creamy and sticky. After that we walked around and went to the club Underworld in which K-pop night was held. We really wanted to dance! It didn't matter that we were the oldest ones there XD We had great time! Danced, sweated, laughed and really enjoyed our time.... The music was great ( all the songs that I have in my phone were played, yay! ) and we were really glad we came.
Today, Katty and I finally made tumblr for her clothing line, you can find it here :D
lovely looking gals <3 i wanna steal some of those macarons! :P
Haha, yeah, they were really tasty :3 Thanks for commenting! :*