About a week ago I met with Aki after my faculty ended.We met on a bus station right after I came back from Belgrade.The weather was lovely,warm, genuine spring time ^_^ We figured out that we've known each other for 20 years and we NEVER went out alone together.Haha, we couldn't believe it...So we walked for a while and than set in a cafe.The waiter was so nice,he told us how does their "plazma" shake look like, since we were thinking of ordering it.In the end we did coz he explained it so nicely XD We didn't regret it.There was some music going on the sound system and in one moment they played Cycle V - Seduce me tonight.It caught my attention because I've never heard it before.But than I started laughing really hard when I heard that singer is saying "suduce me" instead of "seduce me" .We laughed so much we almost started crying XD And than we really did start crying when I jokingly sang "sususu duce me tonight" 5 secs before the singer actually did the same thing :'D Hahahaha it was hilarious!
Ovu kaficu sam pila u kaficu na sred Trga u 8 ujutru zato sto sam zaboravila da nemamo predavanje pa sam za dzabe ustala u 6 i otisla u Beograd.Ispalo je vrlo lepo,uzivala sam u suncanom jutru,laganoj muzici i praznom kaficu.Taman sam iskoristila to vreme da provezbam arapski....^^
I drank this pretty coffee in the middle of the Square in Belgrade at 8am because I forgot that we didn't have the first lecture that day.So I got up at 6am and went out of the house.It ended up nicely,I enjoyed myself in a sunny morning, light music and empty cafe. ^_^