Friday, March 28, 2014

SUduce me tonight XD

Pre nekih nedelju dana sam izasla sa Aki posle fakulteta.Nasle smo se na autobuskoj stanici odmah po mom povratku i otisle do centra.Vreme je bilo prelepo,toplo,pravo prolecno ^_^ Shvatile smo da se znamo 20 godina i da NIKADA nismo izasle same do grada.Hahaha bile smo u neverici...Malo smo setale pa sele u kafic.Konobar je bio divan i objasnio nam tacno kako izgleda njihov plazma shake posto smo razmisljale da li to da narucimo.Na kraju jesmo jer je tako lepo objasnio XD Nismo se pokajale.Na ozvucenju je isla muzika i u jednom trenutku je krenula pesma od Cycle V - Seduce me tonight.Privukla mi je paznju jer je pre nisam cula ali onda sam tako pocela da se smejem jer pevac "SEDUCE me" izgovara kao "SUduce me" :'D Plakale smo od smeha,pogotovo kad je doslo do dela gde peva " sususu duce me tonight!" jer sam ja pre toga isto tako otpevala ne znajuci nastavak pesme :D Ahahahahah bilo je urnebesno!

About a week ago I met with Aki after my faculty ended.We met on a bus station right after I came back from Belgrade.The weather was lovely,warm, genuine spring time ^_^ We figured out that we've known each other for 20 years and we NEVER went out alone together.Haha, we couldn't believe it...So we walked for a while and than set in a cafe.The waiter was so nice,he told us how does their "plazma" shake look like, since we were thinking of ordering it.In the end we did coz he explained it so nicely XD We didn't regret it.There was some music going on the sound system and in one moment they played Cycle V - Seduce me tonight.It caught my attention because I've never heard it before.But than I started laughing really hard when I heard that singer is saying "suduce me" instead of  "seduce me" .We laughed so much we almost started crying XD And than we really did start crying when I jokingly sang "sususu duce me tonight" 5 secs before the singer actually did the same thing :'D Hahahaha it was hilarious!

Ovu kaficu sam pila u kaficu na sred Trga u 8 ujutru zato sto sam zaboravila da nemamo predavanje pa sam za dzabe ustala u 6 i otisla u Beograd.Ispalo je vrlo lepo,uzivala sam u suncanom jutru,laganoj muzici i praznom kaficu.Taman sam iskoristila to vreme da provezbam arapski....^^

I drank this pretty coffee in the middle of  the Square in Belgrade at 8am because I forgot that we didn't have the first lecture that day.So I got up at 6am and went out of the house.It ended up nicely,I enjoyed myself in a sunny morning, light music and empty cafe. ^_^

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Japanese :3

Dogovorila sam se sa Yuki da se nadjemo danas i posto sam kasnila ona mi je javila da dodjem na Kalemegdan.Stizem ti ja tamo i vidim neku gomilu ljudi...Prilazim blize,trazim je i shvatam da svuda oko sebe cujem japanski jezik :D Ugledala sam je,pozdravile se i onda sam pitala sta se desava.Onda sam ugledala i Danicu pa sam se i sa njom izglila,nisam ih obe videla jako dugo.Saznala sam da su deca koja idu u srednju skolu dosla u Srbiju iz Japana i valjda su ih doveli da se upoznaju sa ljudima koji studiraju japanski ovde kod nas.Bilo mi je mnogo interesantno da slusam sta pricaju, pogotovo kad sam shvatila sa SVE mogu da razumem :D Ah boze kako volim taj jezik! Sada sam definitivno sigurna da zelim da ga naucim po svaku cenu.To znaci da sledece godine uzimam japanski kao,pa,treci jezik T_T Mrzim sto imamo osmanski turski kao obavezan predmet.Samo mi oduzima vreme, a ne sluzi nicemu. -.- Ali,zarekla sam se da cu nauciti japanski i to cu i da uradim ^_^ 
Kada smo se rastale od japanaca otisle smo u jedan preslatki kafic po imenu Dve grlice.Prvi put sam bila tamo i zaista mi se dopada.Cene su pristupacne i ambijent je vrlo opustajuci.Sedele smo dobra 2 sata....Nije mi se islo kuci.Inace,danas sam uvijala kosu i savseno je ispalo! Bila sam odusevljena,a drzala sam je namotanu samo sat i po vremena *O*  Stvar je u tome da se svaki pamen uvije u "puza" i onda prikaci ukosnicom.Trebalo mi je punih 45 minuta da to uradim ali se isplatilo ^^

I was supposed to meet Yuki today in front of our faculty but I was late so she told me to come to Kalemegdan.When I got there I saw a bunch of people and figured out that they were talking Japanese.Than I saw Yuki and Danica,greeted them and asked what was going on.I found out that kids came from one high school in Japan and they arranged to meet with ppl from our faculty that are studding Japanese *I think*.It was so interesting to listen to them talking especially that I came to realize that I can UNDERSTAND them. :D God I love that language!Now I am definitely  sure that I want to learn it at any cost.That means, that starting from next year, I will be studding 3 languages T_T I hate that we have to study Ottoman Turkish.It's only time consuming without any point. -.- But I promised to myself that I will definitely learn Japanese and that is how it will be ^_^
When we said goodbye to visitors we went to one cute little cafe named Two Dows *or something like that*.That was my first time going there and I really like it.Prices are low and the ambient is very relaxing.We sat for around 2 hours and I really didn't wanna go home.And,yeah,I curled my hair today.It took me 45 mins to curl it up and I left it like that for only an hour and a half.It ended up looking perfect ! ^_^

I saw this on a wall in the street ^_^ 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Dream catcher ^^

Zdravo svima! Nesto ovih poslednjih par dana i nisam bila rapsolozena za pisaanje (ne znam zasto).Mada,i da jesam bila raspolozena, nisam imala vremena.Dosta toga se desavalo,bile smo na sve strane.Plus onih par dana lepog vremena koji su me tako vuuukli da izadjem napolje i ne vratim se u kucu do veceri XD Danas je jako ruzno vreme tako da sam odlucila da konacno krenem da ucim,a u pauzi pisem ovo ^^ 
Posto je meni decko napravio lutkicu Undertaker-a htela sam nekako da mu uzvratim.Odlucila sam da mu napravim hvatac snova,kao nesto sto moze lepo da izgleda u sobi i da ima neko znacenje :3 Prvi put u zivotu sam to pokusala i ispao je prilicno dobro.Nisam gledala uputstva na internetu niti neka pravila po kojima bi mozda trebalo da se vodim.Samo sam sela i krenula napamet XD Tako da,ispalo je ovako: 

Hello everyone! These last few days I wasn't in a mood for writing (I don't know why). But, even if I was,I didn't have time to write.There was a lot of things going on around us,we were all over the place.Plus those few days of really nice weather that I just couldn't spend indoors.The weather is really bad today so I decided to finally start studding and while I'm on a break I'm writing this ^^
Since I got that really cute Undertaker doll from my boyfriend I decided to make something for him as well.I chose to make him a dream catcher as that is something that can look nice in the room and has a meaning :3 This was my first time making one and it ended up pretty good.I didn't watch any tutorial or tried searching for  rules or anything.I just sat down and started on my own XD So it ended up like this:

Cim su mama i drugarica videle odmah su narucile da im napravim :'D Tako da cu ovih dana morati i time da se pozabavim...Na fakultetu je uobicajeno...Prilicno dosadno.Medjutim,kad je lepo vreme onda sam i ja  puna energije i raspolozena za sminkanje,pravljenje frizure i te stvari,pa tako odem i na faks :D 

As soon as mom and friend saw it they told me to make one of those for both of them :'D So I have to do that too...On faculty is just as always...Pretty boring.But, when the weather is nice I am full of spirit and energy so I'm all up for putting the make up on,doing my hair and all that stuff. :D 

Selfies before going to faculty XD

 or IN the faculty :D

 And some pretty Spring flowers 

Yup,that is one huuuuge bunny in the middle of Belgrade.I have no idea what's the meaning of it XD

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Surprise! :D

Upravo tako :D Decko mi je postom poslao pokloncic koji me je apsolutno odusevio ^___^ Posto se zna da volim Kuroshitsuji *Black Butler* anime/manga, on je lepo odlucio da mi napravi nekog od likova.Znala sam da je poslao NESTO, a sta je to nesto...Otvaram ti ja paket i vidim nesto crno...*kovceg*
Pocela sam da se smejem jer nisam pojma imala sta ce biti unutra :D A onda sam otvorila i videla ovo:

I got a present from my boyfriend :3 He made me Undertaker - one of the characters from anime/manga Kuroshitsuji *Black Butler* and totally surprised me! :D I seriously didn't know what was inside the package and I just saw black coffin at first - started laughing.But than it came to me that it must be something from Kuroshitsuji XD Isn't he cute ~ ? 

Eheheheeeee X'D

 Odusevljena sam! Obozvam lik Undertaker-a :D Bas je sladak,ne~?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Plameni :D

Poznajem Plamene Vitezove vec dosta dugo i danas sam prvi put otisla na njihov trening.Oni su grupa ljudi sa kojima sam prosle godine isla na Maglic za 1. maj i provela se kao retko kad u zivotu :D Vrlo su aktivni,zabavni i ozbiljni u svom "poslu".Vole da se druze,organizuju turnire i okupljanja.Danas sam nekoliko sati provela sa njima na Kalemegdanu.Prvi put sam uzela u ruke luk i strelu i isprobala gadjanje.Fenomenalno je!Oduvek sam to zelela da probam.
Dogovorila sam se sa drugaricom pa smo zajedno otisle u Beograd,gde smo se nasle sa Bojanom,koji je nas drug i jedan od vitezova.Bilo je interesantno prolaziti kroz Knez Mihailovu dok smo bili onako obuceni XD Slikali su nas na svakom cosku,zaustavljali nas,a mi smo vec kasnili...No dobro,nista strasno,bilo je bas zabavno :D U jednom trenutku,kad smo vec uveliko svi bili na dogovorenom mestu,naisla su neka deca koja su bila ovde na ekskurziji *iz Bugarske* pa je, dragi nam vodja, Stevan poveo mene,Miljanu i jos jednog viteza da malo popricamo sa njima.Bas su bili slatki ^^
I vreme je bilo lepo danas,bilo bi jos bolje da je bilo toplije za par stepeni,ovako su se neki od nas malo smrzli...Evo nekih slika :D

I've known Plameni Vitezovi *"Fire Knights"* for quite some time now and today was the first time that I went to their practice.They are a group of people that I went with to Maglic on May 1st *is't a holiday* last year.It was one of the greatest experiences in my life :D They are very active,fun and serious in their "business".They like to hang out,organize tournaments and gatherings.I spent few hours with them today on Kalemegdan.I took arrow and bow in my hands for the first time and tried them out.It was amazing!I have always wanted to try it.
First I met up with a friend and we went together to Belgrade to meet with our friend, and one of the knights,Bojan.It was interesting to go through the main street all dressed up XD People took pictures every few steps,stopping us even though we were already late.No problem,it was fun :D In one moment,when everyone already gathered on the arranged spot a group of kids came.They were here for anexcursion *they are from Bulgaria* so our drear leader Stevan asked me,Miljana and one more knight to come with him and talk with kids for a bit.They were so cute ^^
And the weather was good today.It would have been even better if it was a bit warmer because some of us were a bit cold...Here are some pictures :D

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Seba-chan as B-day present!

U nedelju je bio rodjendan nase drugarice/komsinice/ nee-san Aki i mi smo htele da je iznenadimo :D Palo mi je na pamet da joj napravimo lutkicu koja ce predstavljati Sebastian-a iz anime Kuroshitsuji *Black Butler* .Posto mi je decko bio u poseti,on,Katty,Milos i ja smo se smestili u sobu,raspazarili se i krenuli da sijemo.Bilo je vrlo interesantno,dugo nisam pravila lutke... Izgledali smo kao mala deca.Trebalo nam je 2-3 sata da ga zavrsimo i ispao je preslatko! Ja sam vrlo zadovoljna! Jos vise sam bila zadovoljna kad ga je Aki videla i vrisnula od srece :D Katty i ja smo oduvek preferirale da poklone za prijatelje same napravimo, tako da "imaju dusu" .Uz lutkicu smo joj odnele i svecu koju je napravila moja koleginica sa fakulteta.Sveca mi se mnogo dopala posto je u obliku cveta i mirise.
Inace sam ceo vikend provela sa Vladimirom.Dosao je u subotu popodne pa smo taj dan setali,pokazala sam mu Pancevo i tako.Bilo mi je bas lepo :3 U nedelju je na zalost padala kisa pa nismo setali ali je ipak dan bio interesantan *pogotovo zbog te lutkice*. Zajedno smo otisli i kod Aki  i malo se zabavili pre nego sto se vratio kuci.Vikend mi je prosao kao treptaj oka,preterano brzo T_T  Nadam se da ste i vi imali lep provod!

On Sunday Aki nee-san was celebrating her B-day so we decided to make a little surprise for her :D I thought it would be nice to make her little doll that will represent Sebastian from anime named Kuroshitsuji *Black Butler*.Since my boyfriend was here to visit me, he,Katty,Milos and I sat down in Katty's room and started making the doll.It was so interesting, I didn't make dolls for a very long time...We resembled little children.It took us around 2-3 hours to finish little Seba-chan and he turned out so cute!I am very pleased!I was even more pleased when Aki saw him and screamed :D Katty and I always preferred making presents for our friends rider than buying them, so that they have "soul" .With the doll we gave her one candle that a friend from my faculty made,it's in a shape of a flower and smells like strawberries.I spent the entire weekend with Vladimir.He came on Saturday  afternoon so we spent that day walking around.It was so nice :3 The rain was falling on Sunday so we didn't go for a walk but it was an interesting day *especially because of that doll*. We went together to Aki's place and had a little bit of fun before he went back home.The whole weekend went by in a blink of an eye,so fast T_T

He's so funny,right? :3

Beautiful sunset that I took picture of while V. and I were walking...

The candle,so pretty!

 And some random picture of me from few days ago XD