Friday, February 7, 2014

Walking around ^^

Stvarno sam htela danas da uslikam svasta i da napravim jedan lep post,ali je vreme toliko bilo lepo da sam potpuno zaboravila XD Prevse smo bile zauzete setnjom,gledanjem obuce i odece i pricanjem...Jedva sam cekala da otopli! (Kao i svi vi verujem..) Medjutim,zbog ove nagle promene me toliko boli glava da bih je najradije otkinula -.- Isprobale smo gomilu cizama,0znamo da nam stvarno ne trebaju, ali...ali....lepe su! A zna se da nama devojkama obuce nikad nije dosta :D Bile smo napolju 4 sata i nije mi bilo tesko,koliko god trotoari bili mokri i blatnjavi... *upropastila sam cizme* Bilo je puno ljudi na ulicama i videlo se da je svima jako drago zbog sunca i toplote. Kad bi cele godine bilo prolece...No dobro,nemoguce je XD
Otisle smo u parfimeriju i isprobale neki Revlon tecni puder.Deluje mi odlican *nijansa je dovoljno svetla,za divno cudo*, cini mi se da nije mnogo tezak i ima lep miris ^_^ Razmisljamo da ga kupimo,dok ne nabavimo BB kremu preko neta...Mislim da je u pitanju bio ovaj:

I really wanted to take a lot of pictures today and than make one pretty post, but the weather was so nice I forgot to do it XD We were too busy with walking,talking,looking at shoes and clothing...I couldn't wait for the weather to get warmer!Although my head really hurts because of this sudden changes -.- We tried out a bunch of boots even though we don't need any of them...But....but...they are pretty! And we all know that there is never enough shoes for us girls :D We were out for 4 hours and it wasn't a bother,doesn't matter that side walks are dirty and wet... * I ruined my boots*  There was a lot of people on the streets and you could see that everyone was really glad because of the sun and it's warmth.If only Spring would last for the whole year...Impossible XD 
We went to one perfumery and tried out some Revlon liquid foundation.It looks great *the shade is light enough,what a surprise*, it looks like it's not too heavy and it has nice scent ^_^ We are thinking of buying it,until we buy BB cream through the internet...

I hope you had great day as well :3

P.S. Did you watch the opening of the Olympics??? Wow! It looked magical! *O*

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