Zdravo svima! Ovo je trebalo da postavim pre neke dve nedelje, medjutim,nisam odmah dobila slike, a posle kao i obicno,nisam imala vremena.Izasla sam jedan dan da se vidim sa Milanom, hteli smo malo da se setamo ali,pocela je kisa pa smo zavrsili u kaficu.Trebalo je i Katty da ide sa nama ali je bila preumorna i legla da spava VRLO rano XD Tako da smo nas dvoje zaseli u Boutique na Trgu i pricali...Posle smo ipak malo setali jer je kisa popustila.Uvek je interesantno pricati sa Milanom.Znamo se vec toliko godina da mi je preslo u naviku da se vidimo makar jednom u 2 nedelje,ako ne cesce. ^_^ Moram da naglasim da se ovog puta obukao fenomenalno! Odusevila sam se kad sam ga ugledala :D Bio je skoro pa u nekom Visual Kei fazonu (falilo mu je malo detalja,ali on to ne nosi...) Morala sam da ga slikam.
Nekih nedelju dana kasnije sam isla u Novi Sad kod decka :3 Ali o tome cu mozda da pisem sledeceg puta...Bilo je super!
Zelim vam svima lep dan!
Hello everyone! I was supposed to write about this two weeks ago but I didn't get pictures in time and later on I was busy as usual.I went out with Milan that day, we wanted to walk around a bit since it was pretty warm outside but the rain started so we ended up in cafe. Katty was supposed to come with us as well but she was too tired and went to sleep really early XD So the two of us set down in Boutique *name of the cafe in main square in Belgrade* and talked...It is always interesting to talk with Milan.We know each other for so many years now that it became a habit to go out at least once in two weeks ^_^ I have to say, he dressed up phenomenally this time! I was amazed when I saw him :D He was almost in some kind of Visual Kei style (he only needed few details,but he doesn't wear that...) I had to take a picture.
About a week after that I went to Novi Sad to see my boyfriend :3 But I will , maybe, write about that the next time...It was great!
Wish you all a nice day!
Nekih nedelju dana kasnije sam isla u Novi Sad kod decka :3 Ali o tome cu mozda da pisem sledeceg puta...Bilo je super!
Zelim vam svima lep dan!
Hello everyone! I was supposed to write about this two weeks ago but I didn't get pictures in time and later on I was busy as usual.I went out with Milan that day, we wanted to walk around a bit since it was pretty warm outside but the rain started so we ended up in cafe. Katty was supposed to come with us as well but she was too tired and went to sleep really early XD So the two of us set down in Boutique *name of the cafe in main square in Belgrade* and talked...It is always interesting to talk with Milan.We know each other for so many years now that it became a habit to go out at least once in two weeks ^_^ I have to say, he dressed up phenomenally this time! I was amazed when I saw him :D He was almost in some kind of Visual Kei style (he only needed few details,but he doesn't wear that...) I had to take a picture.
About a week after that I went to Novi Sad to see my boyfriend :3 But I will , maybe, write about that the next time...It was great!
Wish you all a nice day!
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