Thursday, February 13, 2014

Apricot :3

Posadila sam kajsiju sa dedom :D Sinoc je dosao i rekao nam da bi voleo da posadimo kajsiju ili tako nesto *vec imamo visnju,orah i malu tresnju* i jutros mi je dao pare da kupim drvce :3 Katty na zalost nije sadila sa nama jer ima da nacrta jos neku gomilu radova za sutra pa je legla da odspava...Inace sam ceo dan provela van kuce jer je vreme SAVRSENO ^_^ Bas mi se nije boravilo u zatvorenom.Prvo sam setala sa Aki, a onda sa Sandrom *koja je sadila kajsiju zajedno sa dedom i sa mnom XD* Ne secam se kad sam poslednji put posadila nesto u basti...Kad smo bile mladje stalno smo nesto sadile da li sa jednim ili sa drugim dedom, nema veze.Ovo mi  je  probudilo neka lepa secanja ^^ Jedva cekam da ta kajsija poraste i procveta! Nema niceg lepseg od cveta tresnje,kajsije i jabuke...

I planted apricot tree with grandpa :D He came last night and said to us that he would like to plant apricot or something like that *we already have cherries and walnut* and this morning  he gave me money to buy little tree :3 Katty unfortunately didn't participate in planting because she has a lot of work for tomorrow so she went to take a nap...Btw, I was outside for the whole day because the weather is PERFECT ^_^ I really didn't wanna be indoors.First I walked around with Aki and than later on with Sandra *she planted the apricot together with grandpa and me XD* I can't remember the last time I planted something in the garden...When we were younger we were always planting something with either grandpa.This reminded me of some nice things ^^ I can't wait for that tree to bloom! There's nothing more beautiful than cherry,apricot or apple flowers...

1 comment:

  1. Bravo za vrednocu! :)

    posti moj blog i iskoristi sansu da osvojis haljinu:

