Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Movies night :3

Ovaj vikend sam provela kod Milana zajedno sa Aleksandrom.Pravili smo pidzama party XD Dobro,nije bas bilo to,vise kao neko filmsko vece.U stvari smo 4 sata proveli na skype-u pricajuci sa Stevanom koja je u Kanadi :D Bilo je zabavno! Pricali smo o svemu i svacemu i smejali sve vreme.Na kraju smo konacno odlucili da gledamo neki film i izabrali komediju.Pojma nemam kako se film zvao...Legli smo oko 5 ujutru.Bio je to prvi put da smo izabrali film koji cemo gledati u roku od 5 minuta!Obicno se "dogovaranje" zavrsi time da ne gledamo nista XD Plan je bio da gledamo SVE delove Harry Potter-a ali do kraja nismo imali vremena.Pre nego sto sam otisla kod Milana nasla sam se sa Borom da pricamo o necemu *necu jos reci o cemu!*.Nisam ga videla veoma dugo i bas mi je bilo prijatno sto smo popricali :3
 Danas i juce sam skoro ceo dan provela van kuce.Toliko sam trckarala na sve strane da me sad mrzi da se mrdnem...Da,sinoc su me odzeparili -.- Ne znam kad i ne znam tacno gde ali prepostavljam negde na Zelenom Vencu.Ljudi cuvajte torbe! Strasno od koliko sam ljudi cula da su opljackani u poslednje vreme...Mnogo sam se iznervirala,ali imam srece sto nisam ponela licnu kartu sa sobom. :P
 Dok sam danas bila na fakultetu stigla mi je poruka da sam pozvana na neki kasting za reklamu ili tako nesto.Iz neba pa u rebra,nisam ocekivala uopste.Tako da sam posle predavanja bukvalno otrcala tamo.Sva preumorna,rascupana,sa podocnjacima i bukvalno bez sminke.Ne verujem da ce biti ista od toga :'D Hahaha...Svi u agenciji su bili vrlo fini i ljubazni ^_^ U svakom slucaju,poslednjih par dana je bilo interesantno i VRLO ubrzano i ispunjeno.I izvinjavam se na referatu,nesto mi se pise danas...^^

This weekend I was at Milan's place together with Aleksandra and we had slumber party XD Well,not exactly,it was just movies night.We actually spent around 4 hours on Skype with Stevana who's in Canada :D It was fuuun! We talked about many things,laughed a lot and in the end finally decided to watch a movie.It was a comedy but I have no idea how the movie was called...We went to sleep around 5am.It was the first time we decided which movie are we going to watch in 5 mins! We usually just end up not watching anything XD First we wanted to watch ALL parts of Harry Potter but in the end we didn't have time.Before going to Milan's place I met with Bora to chat about something *not gonna say what yet!*.I didn't see him for a very long time so it was really a pleasure :3 
Last two days I was so busy and I spent almost all of the day outside running from place to place.I'm so tired right now I don't wanna move...Someone took my wallet yesterday.I have no idea where or when, I just realized it was gone -.- There's so many ppl that got robbed lately it's scary.It's a good thing I forgot my ID at home.
While I was at faculty today I got a message that I am invited to some casting for a commercial or something.It was so sudden, I didn't expect it at all so I literally run there.I was tired,with no makeup,dark eye-circles and messy hair.I don't thing anything will come out of that :'D Hahah...All in all,these last few days were interesting and very busy.And I'm sorry for such a long post,I just felt like writing... ^^

Oh,yeah,Milan did my hair :3 Weeee!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Umbrella..ella..ella XD

Zdravo svima! Ovo je trebalo da postavim pre neke dve nedelje, medjutim,nisam odmah dobila slike, a posle kao i obicno,nisam imala vremena.Izasla sam jedan dan da se vidim sa Milanom, hteli smo malo da se setamo ali,pocela je kisa pa smo zavrsili u kaficu.Trebalo je i Katty da ide sa nama ali je bila preumorna i legla da spava VRLO rano XD Tako da smo nas dvoje zaseli u Boutique na Trgu i pricali...Posle smo ipak malo setali jer je kisa popustila.Uvek je interesantno pricati sa Milanom.Znamo se vec toliko godina da mi je preslo u naviku da se vidimo makar jednom u 2 nedelje,ako ne cesce. ^_^ Moram da naglasim da se ovog puta obukao fenomenalno! Odusevila sam se kad sam ga ugledala :D Bio je skoro pa u nekom Visual Kei fazonu (falilo mu je malo detalja,ali on to ne nosi...) Morala sam da ga slikam.
Nekih nedelju dana kasnije sam isla u Novi Sad kod decka :3 Ali o tome cu mozda da pisem sledeceg puta...Bilo je super!
Zelim vam svima lep dan!

Hello everyone! I was supposed to write about this two weeks ago but I didn't get pictures in time and later on I was busy as usual.I went out with Milan that day, we wanted to walk around a bit since it was pretty warm outside but the rain started so we ended up in cafe. Katty was supposed to come with us as well but she was too tired and went to sleep really early XD So the two of us set down in Boutique *name of the cafe in main square in Belgrade* and talked...It is always interesting to talk with Milan.We know each other for so many years now that it became a habit to go out at least once in two weeks ^_^ I have to say, he dressed up phenomenally this time! I was amazed when I saw him :D He was almost in some kind of Visual Kei style (he only needed few details,but he doesn't wear that...) I had to take a picture.
About a week after that I went to Novi Sad to see my boyfriend :3 But I will , maybe, write about that the next time...It was great! 
Wish you all a nice day! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Apricot :3

Posadila sam kajsiju sa dedom :D Sinoc je dosao i rekao nam da bi voleo da posadimo kajsiju ili tako nesto *vec imamo visnju,orah i malu tresnju* i jutros mi je dao pare da kupim drvce :3 Katty na zalost nije sadila sa nama jer ima da nacrta jos neku gomilu radova za sutra pa je legla da odspava...Inace sam ceo dan provela van kuce jer je vreme SAVRSENO ^_^ Bas mi se nije boravilo u zatvorenom.Prvo sam setala sa Aki, a onda sa Sandrom *koja je sadila kajsiju zajedno sa dedom i sa mnom XD* Ne secam se kad sam poslednji put posadila nesto u basti...Kad smo bile mladje stalno smo nesto sadile da li sa jednim ili sa drugim dedom, nema veze.Ovo mi  je  probudilo neka lepa secanja ^^ Jedva cekam da ta kajsija poraste i procveta! Nema niceg lepseg od cveta tresnje,kajsije i jabuke...

I planted apricot tree with grandpa :D He came last night and said to us that he would like to plant apricot or something like that *we already have cherries and walnut* and this morning  he gave me money to buy little tree :3 Katty unfortunately didn't participate in planting because she has a lot of work for tomorrow so she went to take a nap...Btw, I was outside for the whole day because the weather is PERFECT ^_^ I really didn't wanna be indoors.First I walked around with Aki and than later on with Sandra *she planted the apricot together with grandpa and me XD* I can't remember the last time I planted something in the garden...When we were younger we were always planting something with either grandpa.This reminded me of some nice things ^^ I can't wait for that tree to bloom! There's nothing more beautiful than cherry,apricot or apple flowers...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Walking around ^^

Stvarno sam htela danas da uslikam svasta i da napravim jedan lep post,ali je vreme toliko bilo lepo da sam potpuno zaboravila XD Prevse smo bile zauzete setnjom,gledanjem obuce i odece i pricanjem...Jedva sam cekala da otopli! (Kao i svi vi verujem..) Medjutim,zbog ove nagle promene me toliko boli glava da bih je najradije otkinula -.- Isprobale smo gomilu cizama,0znamo da nam stvarno ne trebaju, ali...ali....lepe su! A zna se da nama devojkama obuce nikad nije dosta :D Bile smo napolju 4 sata i nije mi bilo tesko,koliko god trotoari bili mokri i blatnjavi... *upropastila sam cizme* Bilo je puno ljudi na ulicama i videlo se da je svima jako drago zbog sunca i toplote. Kad bi cele godine bilo prolece...No dobro,nemoguce je XD
Otisle smo u parfimeriju i isprobale neki Revlon tecni puder.Deluje mi odlican *nijansa je dovoljno svetla,za divno cudo*, cini mi se da nije mnogo tezak i ima lep miris ^_^ Razmisljamo da ga kupimo,dok ne nabavimo BB kremu preko neta...Mislim da je u pitanju bio ovaj:

I really wanted to take a lot of pictures today and than make one pretty post, but the weather was so nice I forgot to do it XD We were too busy with walking,talking,looking at shoes and clothing...I couldn't wait for the weather to get warmer!Although my head really hurts because of this sudden changes -.- We tried out a bunch of boots even though we don't need any of them...But....but...they are pretty! And we all know that there is never enough shoes for us girls :D We were out for 4 hours and it wasn't a bother,doesn't matter that side walks are dirty and wet... * I ruined my boots*  There was a lot of people on the streets and you could see that everyone was really glad because of the sun and it's warmth.If only Spring would last for the whole year...Impossible XD 
We went to one perfumery and tried out some Revlon liquid foundation.It looks great *the shade is light enough,what a surprise*, it looks like it's not too heavy and it has nice scent ^_^ We are thinking of buying it,until we buy BB cream through the internet...

I hope you had great day as well :3

P.S. Did you watch the opening of the Olympics??? Wow! It looked magical! *O*