Ovaj vikend sam provela kod Milana zajedno sa Aleksandrom.Pravili smo pidzama party XD Dobro,nije bas bilo to,vise kao neko filmsko vece.U stvari smo 4 sata proveli na skype-u pricajuci sa Stevanom koja je u Kanadi :D Bilo je zabavno! Pricali smo o svemu i svacemu i smejali sve vreme.Na kraju smo konacno odlucili da gledamo neki film i izabrali komediju.Pojma nemam kako se film zvao...Legli smo oko 5 ujutru.Bio je to prvi put da smo izabrali film koji cemo gledati u roku od 5 minuta!Obicno se "dogovaranje" zavrsi time da ne gledamo nista XD Plan je bio da gledamo SVE delove Harry Potter-a ali do kraja nismo imali vremena.Pre nego sto sam otisla kod Milana nasla sam se sa Borom da pricamo o necemu *necu jos reci o cemu!*.Nisam ga videla veoma dugo i bas mi je bilo prijatno sto smo popricali :3
Danas i juce sam skoro ceo dan provela van kuce.Toliko sam trckarala na sve strane da me sad mrzi da se mrdnem...Da,sinoc su me odzeparili -.- Ne znam kad i ne znam tacno gde ali prepostavljam negde na Zelenom Vencu.Ljudi cuvajte torbe! Strasno od koliko sam ljudi cula da su opljackani u poslednje vreme...Mnogo sam se iznervirala,ali imam srece sto nisam ponela licnu kartu sa sobom. :P
Dok sam danas bila na fakultetu stigla mi je poruka da sam pozvana na neki kasting za reklamu ili tako nesto.Iz neba pa u rebra,nisam ocekivala uopste.Tako da sam posle predavanja bukvalno otrcala tamo.Sva preumorna,rascupana,sa podocnjacima i bukvalno bez sminke.Ne verujem da ce biti ista od toga :'D Hahaha...Svi u agenciji su bili vrlo fini i ljubazni ^_^ U svakom slucaju,poslednjih par dana je bilo interesantno i VRLO ubrzano i ispunjeno.I izvinjavam se na referatu,nesto mi se pise danas...^^
This weekend I was at Milan's place together with Aleksandra and we had slumber party XD Well,not exactly,it was just movies night.We actually spent around 4 hours on Skype with Stevana who's in Canada :D It was fuuun! We talked about many things,laughed a lot and in the end finally decided to watch a movie.It was a comedy but I have no idea how the movie was called...We went to sleep around 5am.It was the first time we decided which movie are we going to watch in 5 mins! We usually just end up not watching anything XD First we wanted to watch ALL parts of Harry Potter but in the end we didn't have time.Before going to Milan's place I met with Bora to chat about something *not gonna say what yet!*.I didn't see him for a very long time so it was really a pleasure :3
Last two days I was so busy and I spent almost all of the day outside running from place to place.I'm so tired right now I don't wanna move...Someone took my wallet yesterday.I have no idea where or when, I just realized it was gone -.- There's so many ppl that got robbed lately it's scary.It's a good thing I forgot my ID at home.
While I was at faculty today I got a message that I am invited to some casting for a commercial or something.It was so sudden, I didn't expect it at all so I literally run there.I was tired,with no makeup,dark eye-circles and messy hair.I don't thing anything will come out of that :'D Hahah...All in all,these last few days were interesting and very busy.And I'm sorry for such a long post,I just felt like writing... ^^
Danas i juce sam skoro ceo dan provela van kuce.Toliko sam trckarala na sve strane da me sad mrzi da se mrdnem...Da,sinoc su me odzeparili -.- Ne znam kad i ne znam tacno gde ali prepostavljam negde na Zelenom Vencu.Ljudi cuvajte torbe! Strasno od koliko sam ljudi cula da su opljackani u poslednje vreme...Mnogo sam se iznervirala,ali imam srece sto nisam ponela licnu kartu sa sobom. :P
Dok sam danas bila na fakultetu stigla mi je poruka da sam pozvana na neki kasting za reklamu ili tako nesto.Iz neba pa u rebra,nisam ocekivala uopste.Tako da sam posle predavanja bukvalno otrcala tamo.Sva preumorna,rascupana,sa podocnjacima i bukvalno bez sminke.Ne verujem da ce biti ista od toga :'D Hahaha...Svi u agenciji su bili vrlo fini i ljubazni ^_^ U svakom slucaju,poslednjih par dana je bilo interesantno i VRLO ubrzano i ispunjeno.I izvinjavam se na referatu,nesto mi se pise danas...^^
This weekend I was at Milan's place together with Aleksandra and we had slumber party XD Well,not exactly,it was just movies night.We actually spent around 4 hours on Skype with Stevana who's in Canada :D It was fuuun! We talked about many things,laughed a lot and in the end finally decided to watch a movie.It was a comedy but I have no idea how the movie was called...We went to sleep around 5am.It was the first time we decided which movie are we going to watch in 5 mins! We usually just end up not watching anything XD First we wanted to watch ALL parts of Harry Potter but in the end we didn't have time.Before going to Milan's place I met with Bora to chat about something *not gonna say what yet!*.I didn't see him for a very long time so it was really a pleasure :3
Last two days I was so busy and I spent almost all of the day outside running from place to place.I'm so tired right now I don't wanna move...Someone took my wallet yesterday.I have no idea where or when, I just realized it was gone -.- There's so many ppl that got robbed lately it's scary.It's a good thing I forgot my ID at home.
While I was at faculty today I got a message that I am invited to some casting for a commercial or something.It was so sudden, I didn't expect it at all so I literally run there.I was tired,with no makeup,dark eye-circles and messy hair.I don't thing anything will come out of that :'D Hahah...All in all,these last few days were interesting and very busy.And I'm sorry for such a long post,I just felt like writing... ^^
Oh,yeah,Milan did my hair :3 Weeee!