Ovaj vikend smo provele sa Milanom :3 Najpre smo se u petak uvece nasle sa njim i Milicom pa smo seli u kafic i pricali. Bilo je vrlo zabavno! Mislim da nas je pola kafica culo kako se smejemo XD Milica nije mogla da ostane do kasno jer je imala jos obaveza, a nas troje smo uskoro krenuli ka Milanovoj kuci. Padala je kisa tako da se nismo previse setali... Celo vece nam je proslo u pricanju, slusanju muzike i smejanju. Dugo nismo izasli nas troje ovako sami... Ostali smo budni do 6 ujutru, a poslednja dva sata pre spavanja smo proveli smejuci se do suza :'D Nismo mogli da prestanemo! Kada smo ustali (posle nekih 5 sati sna) bili smo blago (khm "blago") pospani ali nismo hteli da nam propadne dan, tako da smo popili kafu, spremili se i izasli. Milan je poneo fotoaparat i slikali smo se na svakom koraku. To nas je podsetilo na neko proslo vreme kada smo se stalno slikali, kad god izadjemo i sta god da radimo. :3 Otisli smo u park, pa do neke crkve, trcali po travi, smejali se... Bas je bilo lepo ^^ Stigle smo kuci tek oko 18h, preumorne i odlicnog raspolozenja. Sto kaze Milan - uvek nam fali jos vremena, svaki put se zalimo kako opet nismo dovoljno pricali XD Inace, ovo kucam preko telefona, cekajuci Milicu da dodje XD
We spent this weekend at Milan's place :3 On Friday we first met with him and Milica and then sat in a cafe. We talked a lot and laughed even more, I think the whole cafe heard us XD Milica couldn't stay for a long time since she had some other places to go so the 3 of us soon went to Milan's place. It was raining so we didn't walk too much... The whole evening went by in talking, laughing and listening to the music. It has been a long time since we last saw each other alone like this. We stayed up until 6 am and the last two hours were filled with laughter. We just couldn't stop XD When we woke up we were still a bit ("a bit ") sleepy but we didn't wanna spend the day in bed. So we drank coffee, dressed up, Milan took his camera and we went out. We took pictures on every step. This reminded us of the old days when we always took tons of pictures everywhere :3 We went to park, church (actually we only climbed up its stairs and took pictures there XD) , run around the grass, laughed... It was really nice ^^ We came home at around 6pm, dead tired but in high spirits. As Milan says - there's never enough time for us to talk, we always complain about it XD Btw, I'm typing this on the phone, waiting for Milica to come :'D
We spent this weekend at Milan's place :3 On Friday we first met with him and Milica and then sat in a cafe. We talked a lot and laughed even more, I think the whole cafe heard us XD Milica couldn't stay for a long time since she had some other places to go so the 3 of us soon went to Milan's place. It was raining so we didn't walk too much... The whole evening went by in talking, laughing and listening to the music. It has been a long time since we last saw each other alone like this. We stayed up until 6 am and the last two hours were filled with laughter. We just couldn't stop XD When we woke up we were still a bit ("a bit ") sleepy but we didn't wanna spend the day in bed. So we drank coffee, dressed up, Milan took his camera and we went out. We took pictures on every step. This reminded us of the old days when we always took tons of pictures everywhere :3 We went to park, church (actually we only climbed up its stairs and took pictures there XD) , run around the grass, laughed... It was really nice ^^ We came home at around 6pm, dead tired but in high spirits. As Milan says - there's never enough time for us to talk, we always complain about it XD Btw, I'm typing this on the phone, waiting for Milica to come :'D
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