Monday, July 7, 2014

Japanizam day 2nd and 3rd!

Japanizam je ove godine bio zaista divan! Uzivala sam sva 3 dana, koliko sam bila. Treceg dana sam bila u Domu Omladine vec u 11 prepodne *imala sam neke obaveze na faksu pre toga, pa...* Nasla sam se sa Vladimirom pa smo se muvali okolo, namestali njegov kostim, pricali sa ljudima i tako. On je trebalo da vodi tribinu sa gostima iz Madjarske, Bugarske i Hrvatske. To mu je bio prvi put u ulozi "voditelja" ili hosta ili kako god :'D Tako da je malkice bio nervozan pre pocetka, ali moram da kazem da je bio odlican! Zaista se snasao i bilo je interesantno slusati celu pricu o Cosplay-u i tome kako su nasi gosti poceli time da se bave i stigli ovde gde su sada. Posle toga sam se pridruzila Hristini, Ljubici i jos jednoj devojci (cijeg imena ne mogu da se setim, IZVINI! ) da bismo sminkale posetioce. Upala sam na Katty-no mesto i u stvari pojma nisam imala sta treba da se radi XD Ja inace ne sminkam nikoga sem sebe tako da me je malo bio strah i ruke su mi uzasno drhtale dok sam sminkala prve dve osobe. Posle sam se vec opustila i postalo mi je interesantno :3 Tri sata su prosla dok sam trepnula ali su me zato noge uzasno bolele XD Zaboga, ceo dan sam provela u stiklama...Nakon toga sam otisla sa Ljubicom da jedem nesto, dok je Vladimir isao sa strancima da im pronadju hostel. Uskoro sam krenula kuci jer nisam imala snage da stojim (vec je bilo 9 uvece).
 Juce je bio cetvrti i poslednji dan Japanizma. Stigla sam u 14h, taman pred pocetak nastupa. Obzirom da je ove godine broj karata bio ogranicen, guzva nije bila strasna i ljudi nisu gazili jedni preko drugih da bi usli u salu XD Sve je bilo u najboljem redu. Host je bila Hristina i ona je najavljivala izvodjace. Nastupali su pevaci, pevacice, beatbox-er, plesna grupa Ultimate dance, Masha koja je pevala i igrala i bila preslatka *svaka cast!* i tako dalje. Bilo je zabavno! Nakon toga smo imali pauzu, nasla sam se sa Vladimirom i onda smo setali i slikali se. Uvek je najveca guzva poslednjeg dana Japanizma zato sto se tada odvijaju glavni dogadjaji. Bilo je divno videti sve te ljude koji vole Japan, japansku modu i uopsteno njihovu pop kulturu :3 Nismo mogli da docekamo da krene samo Cosplay takmicenje.U medjuvremenu sam upoznala Miyu Myau - devojku iz Hrvatske koja je ucestvovala u reviji prvog dana i koja je imala svoj stand na Artist Alley. Zamolila sam je da se slikamo i malo smo popricale. Mnogo je fina i drago mi je da smo se upoznale. Dopadaju mi se stvari koje pravi, a ocigledno su se dopale i ljudima koji su posetili Japanizam jer ih je mnogo nosilo njene macje usi :3 Svi su bili vrlo uzbudjeni i onog trenutka kada su vrata sale bila otvorena ljudi su pohrlili unutra. Na binu su izasle Isidora i Jelena, u punim kostimima. Izgledale su fenomenalno! Volim kada one vode program zato sto umeju da zabave publiku. Sve vreme su se medjusobno bockale i koskale, prosto je izgledalo kao da ce se svakog trena zaista posvadjati. Bilo je vrlo interesantno :D Ove godine je bilo dosta mladih kosplejera koji jos nisu punoletni i ne mogu da se takmice za odlazak na evropsko prvenstvo. Medjutim, i oni su se zaista potrudili oko kostima i nadam se da ce i sledece godine ucestvovati. Seniori su bili odlicni! Sudije se imale problema da odluce ko je najbolji jer su im kostimi bili vrlo dobro uradjeni. Prvo mesto je zauzela Mona Popovic - imala je genijalan nastup i kostim lika Jinx iz igre League of Legends, cestitam od sveg srca! :D Kada se obajva pobednika zavrsila svi volonteri su se popeli na binu i publika im je tapsala jer bez njih nista od ovoga ne bi bilo moguce. Bilo je zaista divno, sa sve konfetama :D Svaki put kada se Japanizam zavrsi imam osecaj da se budim iz sna i vracam u svakodnevni dosadni zivot. Sada ne mogu da docekam Chibicon koji ce se odrazti u jauaru :D Nakon sto su svi izasli iz sale u holu je napravljena zurka. Svi su igrali, skakali, pevali i bilo mi je toliko zabavno da ih gledam :3 Pravo druzenje i zabava bez negativne energije, mala oaza za odmor od svakodnevnih problema...

Japanizam this year was really awesome! I enjoyed these 3 days that I spent there. On the third day I was already at 11am at Dom Omladina * I had some things to do for faculty before that so...*. I met with Vladimir and then we walked around, did finishing touches on his costume, talked with people around...Vladimir was supposed to be a "host" for a tribune with foreign cosplayers that came from Hungary, Romania and Croatia. That was his first time as a "host" so he was a bit nervous, but I have to say he did an excellent job! It was really interesting to hear about how these cosplayers came to be engaged in it. After that I joined Hristina, Ljubica and one other girl (whose name I can't remember SORRY!) and started doing makeup for visitors. I usually don't do makeup for other people but only for me so my hands were shaking really bad for the first 2 people XD After that I relaxed and it became fun! Three hours have passed in a flash but my legs were hurting really bad XD For god's sake I was in heals all day long! After that I went with Ljubica to eat and Vladimir went with our visitors to find their hostel. Soon after that I went home since I was really tired and barely standing.
Yesterday was the last day of Japanizam. I came at 2 o'clock, just in time for the performance. Given that this year the number of tickets for the last day was limited, the place wasn't so crowded and visitors didn't step over each other to get into the hall XD Everything was in order. Hristina was the host and she announced performers. There were singers, one beatboxer, dance crew Ultimate dance, Masha who danced and sung and was so cute, and others..It was so fun! After this we had pouse, I met up with Vladimir and than we walked around and took pictures. Crowd is the largest on the last day of Japanizam because that's when the main events are held. It was lovely to see all those people who like Japan, japanese fashion and their pop culture overall :3 We couldn't wait for the Cosplay competition to start! In the meantime I met Miyu Myau - the girl from Croatia that participated in the fashion show on the first day and that had her stand in Artist alley. I asked her to take a picture with me and talked a little. She is so nice and I'm glad I met her. I like the things she makes, and other visitors like them too since a lot of them were wearing her cat ears :3 Everyone was so excited and the moment the doors to the hall were open the crowed just rushed in! Isidora and Jelena came out all dresses up in awesome costumes . I love it when they are leading the "show" - they know how to entertain the crowd. They were picking on each other and made us laugh, and at some point it looked as if they were really going to start fighting :'D It was so interesting! There was a lot of junior cosplayers this year that couldn't participate in the competition for European championship. Nevermind that, they still made great costumes and I hope to see them again next year. Seniors were great! The judges had problems deciding who should win since they all had great costumes. In the end the first place was won by Mona Popovic in costume of  Jinx - League of Legends, congratulations Mona!! :D When that ended all volunteers were invited to come up stage so that we could see them. All of this couldn't happen without them. It was really wonderful, together with confetti :D Every time Japanizam ends I have a feeling like waking up from a dream back to the boring everyday reality. Now I can't wait for Chibicon that will be held in January :D After everyone came out of the hall a little party was held in the main lobby. Everyone was dancing, jumping and singing, I had so much fun watching it. Real fun, hangout without any negative energy, like a little oasis for escaping from daily problems :3

These are Jelena (left) and Isidora (right) :D

 On the right picture is Miyu Myau :3

 And some funny faces while waiting for the show to begin XD 

These were taken by Predrag Bojkovic :3

And the rest of the pictures can be seen here  *all credits to Predrag Bojkovic! :)