Ovaj vikend sam provela kod Vladimira u Novom Sadu. Bilo je divno! Imali smo srece da ne pada kisa, iako je bilo bas toplo i tmurno. U subotu uvece smo izasli da se prosetamo. Prvi put sam videla Novi Sad po mraku. Divan je! Katedrala u centru izgleda prelepo sa vitrazima na svakom staklu *O* Ima mnogo kafica i svaki je u svom fazonu. Iskreno, svi su mi se svideli. Atmosfera je drugacija nego u Beogradu - sve je nekako mirnije i malo tise. Sutradan smo otisli na Strand ( to je plaza na obali Dunava). Odusevila sam se kako je lepo uredjena i koliko ima ljudi. Zaista je lepo, steta samo sto ima jako malo mesta u vodi jer su postavljene bove koje ogranicavaju kupaliste (s razlogom, Dunav je jako brz!). Malo smo se prosetili po pesku, usli donekle u vodu, posle posedeli na plazi i uskoro krenuli nazad u stan jer je sve govorilo da ce krenuti oluja. Jedva sam cekala da napravimo rucak/veceru jer sam bila jako gladna! Tog jutra mi je bilo toliko toplo da nisam mogla da doruckujem nego sam popila kafu i pojela par keksica T_T Do momenta kada je trebalo da krenemo na stanicu temperatura je malo opala, a kise i dalje nije bilo. Sacekala me je kad sam se vratila u Beograd XD Zaista mi je bilo divno :3
I spent this weekend in Novi Sad at my boyfriend's place. It was great! We were lucky that it wasn't rainy even though it looked like the storm was coming. On Saturday night we went out for a walk.It was my first time seeing Novi Sad by night. It's so beautiful! The cathedral in the center looks stunning with all the stained glass on the windows. *O* There is a lot of cafes and bars and each of them has some unique style. Honestly, I like them all XD The atmosphere is different than in Belgrade - everything is somehow more calm and quiet. The next day we went to beach called Strand (it's on the river Danube's shore). It was beautiful! There was a lot of people and everything is nicely organised. It really is beautiful, pity there is fairly little space in the water because of the buoys which were placed (with a good reason, the Danube's current is rather strong!). We walked a little on the sand, got our feet wet a bit, afterwards we were sitting on the beach and soon started going back to the apartment because there were talks of the storm. I couldn't wait for us to make lunch/dinner, because I was soooo hingry! I was so hot that morning that i couldn't even eat breakfast so I just drank coffee and ate a couple of biscuits...Till the moment we had to set off to the station the temperature decreased just a little, and there was no rain. She waited for me on the bus stop in Belgrade XD