Ovo je pocetak Katty-ne blistave karijere :D Haha, zaista, revija je prosla odlicno! Kao njena sestra i neko ko je sve vreme bio pored nje i posmatrao, sa povremenim ucescem u sitnim stvarima, vrlo sam ponosna! Znam koliko se namucila, koliko je truda ulozila, vremena, koliko se nervirala, prolila suza, koliko puta je raskrvarila ruke sijuci...29.05. je bio dan kada je Katty sa jos 11 mladih dizajnera ucestvovala na B.A.F.E-u. Bile smo toliko uzbudjene! Nervozne pre svega! Plasile smo se hoce li sve biti kako treba, da li ce modeli dobro hodati, da li ce se svi pojaviti. Krenuli smo u Beograd sa dvoja kola, garderobom i delom modela koji su iz Panceva.Upali smo pravo u najgoru popodnevnu guzvu i trebalo nam je vise od sat vremena da stignemo do Mixer House-a. Kada smo stigli, deo ljudi je vec odavno bio tamo, neki modeli su vec bili nasminkani, obuceni, uveliko se radilo. Nasi modeli su stigli na vreme, oko 17h, kako smo se dogovorili, obukle smo ih i onda je krenula proba. Vecina njih nikada nije hodala po pisti, tako da verujem da su bili malo nervozni - i mi smo bile, pogotovo mogu da zamislim Katty. Medjutim, posle 2 prolaska su znali savrseno sta da rade.Nakon
toga je krenulo sminkanje, frizura... Sve je bilo nekako u brzini, nabijeno
uzbudjenjem, dobrim raspolozenjem...Imali smo vremena i da posedimo i popricamo
malo. Kada je vec bilo oko 7- pola 8 krenuli su da dolaze gosti. U jednom
trenutku je receno da svi modeli moraju da odu u backstage. Tada je energija
ekslpodirala. Imala sam osecaj da sam utaknuta u struju. Katty je bila pribrana
koliko je to moguce u onom haosu. Momci * i jedna devojka* su uglavnom svi bili
obuceni i samo je trebalo pogledati da li je sve na mestu. Ja sam se posle
nekog vremena sklonila iz backstage-a i otisla medju publiku.U medjuvremenu je
doslo dosta naseg drustva, roditelji...Nikoleta je ponela fotoaparat pa je
slikala za vreme revije. Te slike jos nemam, ali bice ih u narednih par dana.
je revija. Ne znam kako se Katty osecala, ali meni su drhtale i ruke i noge.
Odbrojavala sam dizajnere do trenutka kada je trebalo da krene Katty-na revija.
Srce je pocelo da mi lupa, ruke su drhtale, jedva sam stajala u mestu...Onda je
muzika krenula i nakon nekoliko uvodnih taktova izasao je Milan. Hodao je dobrom brzinom, pravi
maneken, nema tu greske. Posle njega su izasli Wlad, Vladimir, Milovan, Branko,
Miodrag, Borivoje, Vojislav, Marko, Milos, Aleksandar, Nikola, Nikola i kao
kruna Katty-ne kolekcije - Kat u pelerini koja je inspirisana Srpskim grbom
:3 Zelimo da im se svima zahvalimo jos jednom sto su pristali da ucestvuju i
sto su bili toliko divni!Hvala ljudi!I hvala Milici koja nam je
pomagala na sve nacine i pravila nam drustvo ^_^ Sta bismo mi bez vas!?
Kada su svi prosli, usledio je defile i aplauz koji je bio veom bucan. Manekeni su otisli, a mi smo ostali da cekamo Katty da izadje i pokloni se. Ona je kao pravi dizajner ZABORAVILA i izasla tek nakon minuta ili tako nesto, smejuci se :D Hahaha, bilo je divno!
Posle smo svi otisli pozadi, dosli su nasi roditelji, prijatelji, svi su joj cestitali, malo smo se slikali i bilo je prelepo. Pucala sam od ponosa! Modeli su polako otisli svako na svoju stranu, Katty je ostala da se upoznaje sa ljudima i sklapa poznanstva *dobila je i prvu musteriju!* , a ja sam otisla sa Vladimirom i Milicom kod Milana da se druzimo. Kasnije nam se pridruzila i Katty, pa smo ostali budni do svitanja. Zaista je bilo zabavno!
is the beginning of Katty's fabulous career! :D No, really the show went
amazingly well! As her sister and someone who was there the whole time,
watching her and encouraging her, I am very proud! I know how much energy and
time she has put in all of this, how many tears she had shed, how many times
her fingers bled because she did everything by herself... 29th of May was the
day when Katty and 11 more young designers showed their work at B.A.F.E. We
were all so excited! Nervous before all! We were concerned if our models are
going to walk fine, and if all of them were going to show up. We left for Belgrade in two cars,
with 3 models that were going with us and all the clothing. It took us an hour
and a half to get to Mixer House since we ended up in a traffic jam. When we
got there, most of the designer had already arrived, some of models were
dressed up, make up already on. Our models came on time, we dressed them up and
then the rehearsal started. Most of them never walked the runway so I believed
they were really nervous (as were we). After two tries they all knew exactly
how they should do their work. (heart) After that came makeup, hair and that
kind of stuff. Everything went by really fast, filled with excitement, the mood
was great... We even had time to sit and chat a little. When it was already 7
or 7:30pm the guests started arriving. In one moment we were told that all of
the models should go backstage. That's when the energy exploded! Katty was as
composed as she could be in that moment of chaos. Our guys *and one girl!* were
already dressed up and Katty only needed to check if everything was in place. I
soon came out from backstage and joined our friends in the audience. A lot of
our friends were there and our parents as well. (cat) Nikoleta brought her
camera and took pictures during the whole show. I still don't have those
pictures, but I will post them soon enough. :)
the show started. I was counting down the designers until it was Katty's turn.
I have no idea how she felt, but my heart was beating really loud, my hands
were shaking and I could barely stand. The music started and after few beats Milan came out. His walk
was good, a real model, no mistake there! After him, came Wlad, Vladimir,
Milovan, Branko, Miodrag, Borivoje, Vojislav, Marko, Milos, Aleksandar, Nikola,
Nikola and as the "crown of the collection" - Kat in a pelerine
inspired by the Serbian coat of arms. Guys, we want to thank all of you again
for participating in all this! Really, thanks a lot! (heart) And thank you
Milica as well, who helped
us in every way she could and kept us company throughout the show. ^_^ What
would we do without you all?!
When all the models came out together the applause came, and it was LOUD.They left the stage and we stayed there waiting for Katty to come out.She FORGOT to do that,and was late because of it XD Ahaha, real designer,right? It was wonderful! :D
After that we all went to backstage (our parents, friends, ME) to congratulate and it was great. I was so proud! The models slowly started going home, Katty stayed behind to meet new people *she met her first customer!* and I went to Milan's place together with Vladimir and Milica. Katty came later and we all talked until dawn. It was really fun and unforgettable!
photos done by Monika Pavlovic