Vec sam napisala da smo u nedelju snimali i slikali za reviju.Koliko sam se plasila na sta ce sve to da lici, toliko je sve bilo u redu! I vise od toga.Bilo je super zabavno! Nismo imali nikakvih problema,smejali smo se sve vreme i prilicno brzo smo zavrsili.Svi su dosli na vreme,isprobale smo par kombinacija i odlucile se za po jednu za svakog od njih trojice.Katty je bila kao prava profesionalka :D Milica je sminkala nasa tri modela,Katty im je nasminkala oci.I Kat je bila tu da nam pravi drustvo i bude pomoc *kao i ja XD* Tata nam je nabavio sve od masinerije sto nam je bilo potrebno, a Milan je pozajmio fotoaparat.Bio je to pravi timski rad ^_^ Kada smo se vratili sa snimanja nije nam se rastajalo*iako je vec bila ponoc,a sutradan se islo na faks/u skolu* ,svi smo bili uzbudjeni i nismo mogli da docekamo da prebacimo fotografije u komp pa da ih lepo vidimo XD Danas je Katty sa Milosem obradila snimak i uklopila ga uz pesmu *ispalo je sjajno!* .Ostalo je jos da se sva odeca dovrsi i to je to - revija! Drago mi je sto su pozvali Katty da ucestvuje - ona toliko voli sve ovo da radi i mnogo joj dobro ide.Nadam se da ce sve ispasti kako treba *za sada deluje da hoce*. Evo nekoliko slika,cisto da se nesto vidi :D
I already wrote that we did the shooting for the fashion show.From what I imagined before the shoot itself I expected nothing but the worst, instead everything turned out completely the opposite and the shoot ended up being wonderful! We didn't have any problems, we laughed a lot and finished everything in a very short time.Everyone came right on time,we tried on few combinations and decided for one for each one of the models.Katty was like a real pro :D Milica did the make up,Katty did the eye make up,and we decided on combinations together.Kat was there to, she helped around,same as me XD Dad managed to get us all the machinery we needed and Milan borrowed his camera.It was a real team work! ^_^ We were so excited when we came back home and din't wanna part our ways *even thou the next day we had faculty/school in the morning* .We couldn't wait to transfer pictures into the computer so that we can see them. XD Today Katty edited the video with Milos and it looks awesome! The only things left are details on wardrobe and that's it - next stop fashion show! I'm really glad that they invited Katty to participate - she really likes her job and she's good at it.I hope everything will be fine *for now it looks like it will*. Here are few pictures so you can see part of stuff :D
I already wrote that we did the shooting for the fashion show.From what I imagined before the shoot itself I expected nothing but the worst, instead everything turned out completely the opposite and the shoot ended up being wonderful! We didn't have any problems, we laughed a lot and finished everything in a very short time.Everyone came right on time,we tried on few combinations and decided for one for each one of the models.Katty was like a real pro :D Milica did the make up,Katty did the eye make up,and we decided on combinations together.Kat was there to, she helped around,same as me XD Dad managed to get us all the machinery we needed and Milan borrowed his camera.It was a real team work! ^_^ We were so excited when we came back home and din't wanna part our ways *even thou the next day we had faculty/school in the morning* .We couldn't wait to transfer pictures into the computer so that we can see them. XD Today Katty edited the video with Milos and it looks awesome! The only things left are details on wardrobe and that's it - next stop fashion show! I'm really glad that they invited Katty to participate - she really likes her job and she's good at it.I hope everything will be fine *for now it looks like it will*. Here are few pictures so you can see part of stuff :D
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