Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Nisam znala kako da nazovem post. Zbog cele situacije u drzavi i okolini nisam pisala vec par dana. Nisam bila ni najmanje raspolozena za to.Vesti su po ceo dan bile ukljucene i nisam mogla da ne pratim sta se desava.Cak nisam mogla ni da se koncentrisem na ucenje. Ali sad, kad se situacija malkice smirila *samo malkice*, mogu malo manje da se nerviram. Nadam se da su svi koji nisu pogodjeni ovom situacijom pomogli koliko su mogli. Trebace mnogo vremena da se drzava oporavi, ipak je ovo siromasna zemlja.
Bas tog dana, kada je krenula cela ova katastrofa, posle fakulteta sam se nasla sa Milicom da se malo ispricamo. Nismo ni pomisljale sta ce nastati do kraja tog dana. Medjutim, nama je to popodne bilo divno.Sedele smo u uobicajenom kaficu, smejale se, pricale. Prostor kafica je zaista neverovatan. Budi osecaj smirenosti i opustenosti. Ovog puta smo sedele unutra jer je u staklenoj basti bilo hladno. Pricale smo o dolazecoj reviji, kako cemo se obuci, nasminkati....Prepricavale smo dogadjaje iz detinjstva *koji su toliko smesni da smo skoro plakale od smeha*  i raznorazne situacije u kojima smo se zadesile. Malo smo se i slikale :3 Kad smo stigle kuci, imale smo sta da cujemo...
Prekjuce je konacno zasijalo sunce i vreme je poslednja dva dana divno! Malo sam prosetala sa mamom i Katty po gradu juce. Bilo je prelepo koracati posle 3 dana sednja u kuci zbog proklete kise. -.-

I didn't know how to name this post.Because of the whole situation in the country I wasn't in the mood for writing. *For those who don't know,we are experiencing terrible floods*  The news were on all the time and I could not not listen to what's going on. I couldn't even focus on studding. But now, when the situation has calmed down a bit *just a little, little little bit* I can stress about it a bit less. I hope that everyone who could, helped people in distress at least a bit.It will take a long time for Serbia to recover after this. Just that day, when this all started, after faculty, I met with Milica to hang out. It didn't even cross our minds that the situation could get this bad, the same evening. Despite everything, that afternoon was lovely.We sat at our usual place, laughed, talked. The interior of that place is really amazing. It makes you feel calm and relaxed,you forget about rest of the world. This time we sat inside since the greenhouse was too cold. We talked about upcoming fashion show, how will we dress up, what make up will we use...We took few pictures as well. :3 But when we came home, terrible news was waiting for us....
Two days ago the sun finally came up and the weather is now great! I went out with Katty and mom yesterday. It was a great feeling to walk after 3 days in the house because of this bloody rain -.-

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