Danas,29.05.2014. odrazava se B.A.F.E, i Katty je jedan od ucesnika.Vece pred reviju - bile smo nervozne ,uzbudjene,a sada ne mozemo da docekamo *pogotovo Katty* .Trenutno zavrsava poslednje sitnice,zasiva poslednje dugmice i zeli da bude sigurna da je svaka stvar na svom mestu.Ocekujemo da ce biti vrlo zabavno!
Poslednjih par dana nesto nisam imala vremena da pisem,tako da evo par slika od proslih nedelja,koje jos nisam postavila.Bilo je lepih momenata i zabavnih situacija.Sve slike su vezane za reviju...:3
B.A.F.E will be held today, on 29th of May and Katty is *as we said earlier* one of the participants.The night before the show we were nervous,excited and now we can't wait for it to start *especially Katty* . At the moment she is finishing last little details and preparing everything for the big day.We are expecting it to be very fun!
These last few days I didn't have time to write,so here are some pictures from few last weeks that I didn't post until now.There was lots of lovely and fun situations!All of these pictures are connected with the fashion show... :3
Poslednjih par dana nesto nisam imala vremena da pisem,tako da evo par slika od proslih nedelja,koje jos nisam postavila.Bilo je lepih momenata i zabavnih situacija.Sve slike su vezane za reviju...:3
B.A.F.E will be held today, on 29th of May and Katty is *as we said earlier* one of the participants.The night before the show we were nervous,excited and now we can't wait for it to start *especially Katty* . At the moment she is finishing last little details and preparing everything for the big day.We are expecting it to be very fun!
These last few days I didn't have time to write,so here are some pictures from few last weeks that I didn't post until now.There was lots of lovely and fun situations!All of these pictures are connected with the fashion show... :3