Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Little things make life beautiful

Milica se vratila iz Švedske! Konačno smo se videle,  dva meseca nije bila tu... Bilo nam je lepo, malo smo prošetale pa sele u kafić jer su mene bolele noge od novih cipela XD Jedva sam se posle dovukla do kuće... Donela nam je tri vrste čaja, švedske slatkise da ih probamo i napravila mi je šnale u obliku mašni :3 Baš je sve divno! Jedva čekam da napravimo neki od tih čajeva, baš lepo mirišu... Jedan se zove Upsala miks i ima ga samo u tom gradu, drugi je od cimeta i nekih bobica, a treci od crnog čaja i limuna. Bilo nam je zabavno da prepričavamo događaje koji su se u međuvremenu desili, smejale smo se na sav glas. Na žalost, nismo se dugo zadržale pošto obe još uvek imamo ispite. Ja sam i jutros imala jedan. Ako njega položim, onda mi ostaje još samo usmeni deo tog ispita. Sutra saznajem rezultate... Danas je vreme bilo divno, uživala sam na putu do Beograda i nazad, jesen se polako primećuje. Pojedino drveće je dobilo prelepu žuto-zlatnu boju. Ima toliko nijansi zelene, žute i smeđe boje da je to neverovatno. Još uvek ima i poljskog cveća, pa čak i leptira! Pre neki dan je jedan divni, veliki, crno-crveni leptir sleteo u dvorište. Ja, kakva sam, morala sam da probam da ga dodirnem - i uspela sam! Pipnula sam mu nožicu, a on je poleteo i sleteo mi na kosu!  ^^ To mi se i pre desavalo. Obožavam leptire. Hmm, kad smo već kod lepih stvari, Katty mi je kupila tu beretku koja se vidi na slikama. Apsolutno sam oduševljena! Baš takvu sam htela, a još sam joj i dodala mašnicu :3 Vunena je i greje, ali nije neprijatno nostiti je i kada nije baš hladno. 

Milica came back from Sweden! We finally met after she was gone for two months. We had fun, walked around for a while and than sat in usual Caffè because my legs were hurting like hell since I wore new shoes whole day. I barely dragged myself home XD She brought us three types of tea, some sweets and made me hair pins with bows. Everything is really lovely! :3 I can't wait to try that tea, it smells great! One is called Uppsala mix and it can be bought only in that city, second one contains some berries and cinnamon, and the third one is made of Earl gray and lemon :3 It was fun to talk about things that happened while we didn't see each other, we laughed out loud. Unfortunately we didn't hang out for long since we both still have exams. I even had one this morning. If I pass, than I only have one left (for now) . I will know the results tomorrow... The weather today was beautiful, I really enjoyed my trip to Belgrade and back. You can slowly notice Autumn all around. Some of the trees got that beautiful golden and yellow color. You can see so many shades of green, yellow and brown, it's amazing! There are still wild flowers blooming and even butterflies! Few days ago one beautiful black and red butterfly landed in our backyard. The way I am, I had to try touching it. And I did! I touched his leg and than he flew to my head and landed on my hair :3 That happened to me before as well. I love butterflies. Hmmm while we are talking about pretty things, Katty bought me one beret hat! You can see it in these pictures, I just added a bow so it would be more like me ^^ It's made of wool and it keeps me warm, but it's not unpleasant even in warmer weather like today :3

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