Ok, naslov je tako random :'D Nemam bas mnogo vremena da pisem, tako da sam OPET zapustila blog. Sta da se radi, moram da ucim, a imam i drugih stvari pored toga... Ali moram da napisem nesto o prosloj nedelji :) U utorak sam otisla u Novi Sad kod decka. Hteo je da me obraduje pa smo otisli na rucak u kineski restoran, zatim u setnju, pa u bioskop da gledamo Cuvare galaksije. Bilo je divno! Zaista sam se zabavljala, a vreme je proletelo. Sutradan smo isli u goste kod M. i B., gledali neke gluposti na youtube-u, jeli mafine koje je Mona napravila i zadrzali se poprilicno dugo XD Bas kada je trebalo da krenemo ka stanici krenula je zestoka kisa. Imali smo kisobran, ali to ni malo nije pomoglo. Dok smo dosli do stanice bili smo toliko mokri da sam mogla sve da cedim. Dobro je da sam imala preobuku u rancu i taman vremena da se presvucem pre polaska voza. Do duse, nisam mogla da uradim nista povodom natopljenih cizama...Resenje je bilo to da sam do Beograda putovala bosa :D Moram da priznam da je ta varijanta mnogo udobnija, iako mi je bilo pomalo hladno. Bilo je dobro i to sto mi je Mona bas tog dana poklonila jedan divan dzemperic, tako da se nisam bas u potpunosti smrzla ^^ Jedva cekam jesen pa da ga nosim posto mi se stvarno jako svidja. Ugh, ispostavilo se da ce ovo ipak biti dugacak post XD Dobro, sta sad... Prosle nedelje se Milan KONACNO vratio iz Kanade tako da smo se videle sa njim u subotu. Bilo je super, ispricali smo se (naravno, ne dovoljno) i na kraju zavrsili ovde kod nas na nekom maskenbalu. Bilo je zabavno, igrali smo, glupirali se... Ostatak vremena izmedju odlaska u NS i danasnjeg dana sam proverila uglavnom za knjigom. Osecam se tako umorno, nikako ne mogu da se naspavam, koliko god spavala. Pretpostavljam da je to delom zbog vremena, a delom zbog toga sto po ceo dan gulim mozak citanjem stvari koje me, vecinom, ne interesuju. :P Sve u svemu, bilo je lepih trenutaka u poslednjih nekoliko dana :3
P. S. Konacno cemo naruciti BB kreme! Ne mogu da docekam!!!
Ok, that title is so random XD I don't really have much time to write so I neglected this blog again... Well, can't do anything about it, I really have a lot to study, and I also have other things to do... But I have to write something about last week :) On Tuesday I went to Novi Sad to visit my boyfriend. He wanted to please me so he took me to Chinese restaurant for lunch, after that we went for a walk and then to the cinema to watch Guardians of galaxy. It was wonderful! I really had lots of fun and time flew by really quickly. The next day we went to visit M. and B., watched some silly things on YouTube, ate muffins that Mona made and stayed there for quite some time. Just when it was time for us to go to the station rain started pouring, so by the time we came to the station we were totally drenched. We had an umbrella but it totally didn't help XD We could squeeze the water out of our clothes. It's a good thing I had the change of clothes in my back pack... The only problem was that my shoes were so wet and I didn't have anything else to wear. So I decided to travel to Belgrade barefoot :D I have to admit, that way is much more comfortable, although I was a bit cold... Oh, yeah, it was a really good thing that Mona gave me one super cute jumper just that day so I didn't totally freeze ^^ I can't wait for autumn to come so that I can wear it. Ugh, I ended up writing a really long post. Oh well, now that I started... Milan finally came back from Canada last week, so we went out with him on Saturday. We talked a lot (ofc, not enough) and in the end we came here and ended up on some maskenbal. It was fun, we danced, joked around... The rest of the days between my trip to Novi Sad and today I mostly spent studying. I feel so tired, I can't get enough sleep no matter how long I sleep. I guess it's partly because I spend a lot of time by book, reading something that doesn't interest me at all, and partly because of this stupid weather that changes all the time. All in all, there was quite a few beautiful moments during last week :3
P. S. We are finally going to order BB creams! I can't wait!!! :D
P. S. Konacno cemo naruciti BB kreme! Ne mogu da docekam!!!
Ok, that title is so random XD I don't really have much time to write so I neglected this blog again... Well, can't do anything about it, I really have a lot to study, and I also have other things to do... But I have to write something about last week :) On Tuesday I went to Novi Sad to visit my boyfriend. He wanted to please me so he took me to Chinese restaurant for lunch, after that we went for a walk and then to the cinema to watch Guardians of galaxy. It was wonderful! I really had lots of fun and time flew by really quickly. The next day we went to visit M. and B., watched some silly things on YouTube, ate muffins that Mona made and stayed there for quite some time. Just when it was time for us to go to the station rain started pouring, so by the time we came to the station we were totally drenched. We had an umbrella but it totally didn't help XD We could squeeze the water out of our clothes. It's a good thing I had the change of clothes in my back pack... The only problem was that my shoes were so wet and I didn't have anything else to wear. So I decided to travel to Belgrade barefoot :D I have to admit, that way is much more comfortable, although I was a bit cold... Oh, yeah, it was a really good thing that Mona gave me one super cute jumper just that day so I didn't totally freeze ^^ I can't wait for autumn to come so that I can wear it. Ugh, I ended up writing a really long post. Oh well, now that I started... Milan finally came back from Canada last week, so we went out with him on Saturday. We talked a lot (ofc, not enough) and in the end we came here and ended up on some maskenbal. It was fun, we danced, joked around... The rest of the days between my trip to Novi Sad and today I mostly spent studying. I feel so tired, I can't get enough sleep no matter how long I sleep. I guess it's partly because I spend a lot of time by book, reading something that doesn't interest me at all, and partly because of this stupid weather that changes all the time. All in all, there was quite a few beautiful moments during last week :3
P. S. We are finally going to order BB creams! I can't wait!!! :D
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