Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter preparations :3

Kao sto je obicaj kod nas,juce, na Veliki Petak smo farbale jaja.Otisle smo kod mame i njenih roditelja i zajedno ucesvtovale u seckanju nalepnica,kuvanju i farbanju jaja i malo se druzile.Katty i ja smo pre neki dan kupile broc *nisam sigurna za naziv*. To je biljka koju su ljudi ranije koristili za farbanje jaja i koja je tamno crvene boje.Nadale smo se da ce i jaja ispasti bas tako tamno crvena.Recimo da jesu :D Po zavrsetku  farbanja nazdravile smo casicama babine domace orahovace.Kada smo dosle kuci setila sam se da imamo neke ukrase u obliku jaja pa sam ih okacila na grancice.U poslednjih par godina ne praktikujemo neko preterano pripremanje za Uskrs.Poslednja 2-3 Uskrsa nismo ni bile kod kuce XD Prosle godine smo u ovo doba bile na grupnom putovanju, u Budimpesti, sa jos 4 ljudi i tog jutra kada je bio Uskrs skuvali smo jaja,napravili dorucak i uzivali u lepom vremenu bez nekog posebnog slavlja *ne racunam drugaricinu "pesmicu" pracenu zvonom XD* .
Danas nam dolazi neko drustvo i idemo na pin-up vece u jedan mali klub.Ocekujte neke slike...:3

As it is custom here,yesterday,on Good Friday we painted Easter eggs.We went to our mothers and her parents place and there we did all the work together and had fun.Katty and I bought some egg paint we never used before.It's made out of plant that people used before to paint eggs,it's dark red and beautiful! The eggs ended up with a lovely color :3 When we finished that, we made a toast with grandma's home-made walnut liqueur.When we got home I remembered that we have some Easter decorations in the shape of an egg so I hanged them on few branches and put them in a vase.In the last few years we didn't do anything special for the Easter.We weren't even in Serbia at this time, for the last 2-3 years XD Last year we were in Budapest with friends.On the Easter morning we just boiled some eggs,made breakfast and enjoyed nice weather...
Some of our friends are coming today and we will all together go to one little club on pin-up night.Expect pictures... :3



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