Imale smo haotican vikend! Ali bilo je vrlo uzbudljivo i interesantno!U subotu sam ceo dan provela spremajuci kucu,dok je Katty dovrsavala kostime za bend jer je u nedelju bilo snimanje spota.Bas se namucila...Medjutim,sve je ispalo kako treba na kraju ^^ Slike za sada nemam,ali cim ih budu objavili,prosledjujem ovde! Imam jedino ove dve na kojima smo Vladimir i ja :3 Snimanje je bilo interesantno,naporno,u trenucima ponavljanja scena dosadno,ali sve u svemu divno iskustvo!Odeca je ispala odlicno i ne mozemo da docekamo da je vidimo na snimku...Katty je bila i model za nakit,sa ostalim devojkama koje su bile statisti u spotu.Ja nisam bila raspolozena,imala sam druga posla :D I Milica je dosla da nam pravi drustvo i pripomone,bas mi je drago ^^
We had a chaotic weekend! But it was very exciting and interesting! I spent the whole Saturday cleaning the house,and Katty was finishing clothing for the band since they were shooting their video on Sunday.She was really exhausted...But,everything looked great in the end and we can't wait to see it in the video :D I don't have pictures from the filming right now,but as soon as they release them,I will share them here.I only have these with me and my boyfriend ^^ The filming was interesting,exhausting and in some parts boring,but all in all one great experience! Katty was a model for some jewelry alongside other girls that participated in the filming.I wasn't in the mood and I had my own business to do :D Milica also came to make us company and to help if needed, I was really glad ^^
Vratili smo se kuci kasno,oko 1 ujutru,mrtvi umorni.Sutradan sam se probudila u 8 jer je trebalo da idem na fakultet i za malo da odustanem.Ipak sam otisla,zajedno sa deckom XD Imala sam samo jedno predavanje pa smo ostatak dana proveli setajuci i uzivajuci u suncu.U jednom trenutku mi ga je bilo i previse,pogotovo posle malo sna prethodne noci :P
Ovo je cipka iz izloga prodavnice po imenu Sajonara *bas tako,i to cirilicom* Odusevila sam se kad sam je videla,divno je uradjena,a metar kosta "tricavih" 15000 dinara :'D
We came back late,around 1 am, dead tired.The day after, I woke up at 8am since I was supposed to go to faculty.I almost stayed at home,but in the end Vladimir and I went together to my lesson and than spent the whole day outside since the weather was lovely.It was so sunny,it was a bit too much for me XD
I took pictures of this lace because it's so beautiful :3
Odusevila sam se kad sam videla izlog od nove Starkove prodavnice u Knez Mihailovoj.Ukrasili su je u duhu Uskrsa i sve je sareno,bas kako volim :3
There's a new store in the main street that I love.They decorated it in spirit of Easter,so pretty :3
A danas sam opet izasla sa Milicom,u isti kafic kao i proslog puta.Dogovorile smo se da ponesem sminku pa da me malo nasminka,pokaze mi neke trikove i tako.Inace,Milica ume savrseno da sminka,bukvalno kao profi sminker ^_^ Mnogo mi se dopada sta je uradila - nije mi stavljala tecni pouder,samo korektor i puder u prahu.Na oci mi je stavila zlatnu senku o kojoj sam pisala pre nekog vremena *Ticket to paradise od Essence* i malo crne senke.Na zalost,na slikama se ne vidi toliko...Ali je uzivo vrlo efektno :D
And today I went out with Milica again,to the same cafe as last time.We agreed that she was going to show me some make up tricks,chat and just hang out.We had lots of fun,and she put some make up on me. I love the way she's doing make up!Just like any professional make up artist *O*
Na ovoj slici izgledam kao duh,tako da ju je Katty obradila...
I look like a ghost in this picture,so Katty edited it...
I ispalo je ovo. Hahaha izgledam kao iz horor filma XD
And this came out.Looks as if I came out of a horror movie XD
Ovo je cica maca koja se zove Cveta i pripada kaficu.Znala sam da ce da mi sedne u krilo,to je nezaobilazno za bilo koju zivotinju kada sam ja u pitanju XD
This kitty cat's name is Cveta *something like Hana?* and she lives in the cafe.I knew she was going to sit in my lap,that's unavoidable for any animal when I'm the case XD