Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hot summer

Hm,shvatila sam da nekako ne mogu lepo da se izrazim kad pisem na engleskom.Ne znam zasto ali imam osecaj kao da ne pisem ja nego neka druga osoba.Tako da mislim da cu poceti da pisem i na srpskom :P Ovih dana je toliko toplo....Ali to znate i sami.Ne znam za druge,ali ja stvarno,stvarno ne volim leto.Osecam se kao neka krpa,nemam snage ni volje ni za cim.Ne mogu da docekam da dodje jesen,da mogu lepo da kupim gomilu nekih slatkih hulahopki i carapa i da nosim ove silne kosuljice koje mi je Katty kupila.
Pre neka 2-3 dana smo izasle da se malo prosetamo.Otisle smo do Aviv parka,ovde u Pancevu da bismo pogledale neke stvari.Od kad se otvorio taj trzni centar svi su se sjatili tamo.Nije mi jasno kako mogu da bleje u tim kaficima u trznom centru umesto da sede lepo u centru grada,u parku gde ima gomila boljih mesta za sedenje.Valjda misle da je to "cool" .Bile smo raspolozene za neku malo mracniju varijantu garderobe *sto ja u sustini ne praktikujem leti* tako da smo izgledale ovako:
Ok,so I figured out that I can't express myself when I write in English so I started writing in Serbian as well.These last few days have been so hot...I don't know about you,but I really don't like summer.I feel half dead every day,and I don't have will to do anything.I can't wait for autumn to come so that I can wear leggings,socks and stuff  like that.Also I really wanna wear some shirts that Katty bought for me *they are sooo cute!*.
Few days ago we went out for a little walk.We went to Aviv park,here in Pancevo to look for some things.Ever since that mall opened everyone has been going there,sitting in cafes and the center of the city ended up empty.I just don't get it.How can they just sit there in the middle of car parking?Apart from all the cafes and places in the center?They probably think that it's "cool" to go there.Right.
Anyway,we were in a mood for some darker look,so we went out like this:

            Yup,in the toilet XD Haha,but,that was the only place with good light -.-
                         I love this skirt on Katty! It looks really awesome! *O*

E,da.Sad ima bas puno slika i stvari o kojima bih mogla da pisem,ali nekako me jako mrzi XD Nadam se da cu za 2-3 dana opet napisati nesto :)
Right now I have a lot of pictures and things I could write about,but somehow I am just too lazy for that XD I hope I will write something again in the next few days :)

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