Prosle subote smo otisle na plazu sa tatom,njegovom devojkom i nekim njegovim prijateljima.Vreme je bilo vrlo lepo,imale smo vremena pa smo odlucile da krenemo sa njima * prvi i poslednji put ove godine*.Ostrvce se zove Bela stena i nalazi se na Dunavu,izmedju Beograda i Panceva.Na obali ima dosta vikendica i plaza je pescana.Voda je bila zaista topla i nismo imali problema sa ulaskom u nju XD Katty i ja smo se kupale sa maramama na glavi da ne bismo izgorele,medjutim kada sam se vratila kuci shvatila sam da sam ipak malo pocrvenela T_T Nas dve smo otisle u vodu cim smo smestili stvari i rasirili peskire.Za to vreme su tata i njegov drug raspalili rostilj a ostali pojma nemam sta su radili,nije mi bilo bas bitno.Plazaaa!Obozavam da budem u vodi i kad god sam na moru ne izadjem vise nego 1 od kad stignemo :'D Znam,ne valja ali sta cu....Na zalost,u Dunavu ne moze bas da se pliva jer je struja prejaka pa izgleda kao da stojim u mestu * sto u stvari verovatno i jeste slucaj XD * Katty je ostala dosta krace od nas ostalih,ne prija joj sunce.Ja sam uzivala do uvece.Sat vremena posto sam dosla kuci,opet sam bila na nogama i pridruzila se Katty ,Aki i ostatku drustva kod " Anikija" ( Aniki je drug koji je malo stariji od nas pa ga zovemo "starijim bratom" na japanskom XD ). Bilo je super,na kraju smo ostali samo Aniki,Aki i ja i gledali smo novi Disney crtani "Epic" i Iron Man 3 :D Obozavam Disney crtace!Ovaj je bio fenomenalan!
Vratila sam se sa Aki, peske, u 5 ujutu polu mrtva od umora XD
Skupile smo neke skolje na plazi :3
Last Saturday we went to the beach with our dad,his girlfriend and some of his friends.The weather was really nice,we had time so we decided to go with them *for the first and the last time this year*.The place we went to is called Bela stena (" White rock") and it's located between Belgrade and Pancevo.It is a little island that has lots of summer houses and a beach.It's a very lovely place on Danube.The water was pretty warm so we had no problems going in XD We had much fun,ate good food and collected some shelves and tried to swim,but the water is too fast for that,you get the feeling you are standing in one place *which you probably do XD *. Katty went home earlier because she can't stand a lot of sun.I came back in the evening and one hour after, I was on my way to Aniki's place to meet with Katty,Aki,Aniki and the rest of our friends.We had lots of fun and in the end Aniki,Aki and I were the only ones left so we decided to watch some movie.We ended up watching Disney's Epic and Iron Man 3. I LOVE Epic! It,epic :D
I came back home by foot,with Aki,at around 5 am. I was dead tired XD
Vratila sam se sa Aki, peske, u 5 ujutu polu mrtva od umora XD
Skupile smo neke skolje na plazi :3
Last Saturday we went to the beach with our dad,his girlfriend and some of his friends.The weather was really nice,we had time so we decided to go with them *for the first and the last time this year*.The place we went to is called Bela stena (" White rock") and it's located between Belgrade and Pancevo.It is a little island that has lots of summer houses and a beach.It's a very lovely place on Danube.The water was pretty warm so we had no problems going in XD We had much fun,ate good food and collected some shelves and tried to swim,but the water is too fast for that,you get the feeling you are standing in one place *which you probably do XD *. Katty went home earlier because she can't stand a lot of sun.I came back in the evening and one hour after, I was on my way to Aniki's place to meet with Katty,Aki,Aniki and the rest of our friends.We had lots of fun and in the end Aniki,Aki and I were the only ones left so we decided to watch some movie.We ended up watching Disney's Epic and Iron Man 3. I LOVE Epic! It,epic :D
I came back home by foot,with Aki,at around 5 am. I was dead tired XD