Friday, October 16, 2015

New school year and some thoughts

Prošlo je već nedelju dana od kako su počela predavanja. Prosto mi ne dopire do svesti da sam upisala završnu godinu fakulteta. Sve je tako... Isto XD Haha. Do duše, počela sam malo da razmišljam o tome šta ću kada završim ovu četvrtu godinu. Za sada nisam došla ni do kakvog rešenja. I dalje razmišljam o tome da li da upišem master, da li da odem negde drugo pa da ga upišem, da li da tražim neki posao (iako pojma nemam kakav bi to posao moga da bude)... Totalno sam izgubljena. Osećam se vrlo slično onome kako sam se osećala nakon završene gimnazije - pojma nemam šta ću sa sobom i svojim životom. Nadam se da ću do kraja drugog semestra imati neki plan. Ili barem neku naznaku plana XD Predavanja su dosadna kao i obično, mada mi se dopada što smo kao jedan domaći zadatak dobili da sami prevedemo deo teksta iz nekog književnog dela. Već sam počela da radim na tome i shvatila da zapravo možda i umem da prevedem, kako-tako :D Naročito obzirom da smatram da je moje znanje turskog prilično loše.  Odličan osećaj! Još je bolje to što sam zapravo na vreme uzela da radim to,a i da učim, bez da me neko nagovara i podseća XD Jej, možda se i ne zakopam učenjem pre ispitnog roka ove godine :D
*Skrećem sa teme samo da prokomentarišem kako je Earl Grey definitivno moj omiljeni čaj! :3 Mmmm njam njam, ništa bolje od toga kada je napolju hladno i vetrovito kao danas...*
Setila sam se nečega što nam je profesorka rekla na predavanju - jezik ne može zapravo da se prevede. Mi u prevodu uvek izgubimo makar delić onoga što je pisac originalno hteo da kaže. Ne postoje uvek ekvivalenti nekih izreka i izraza koji bi tačno preneli osećanje ili nečije misli. Apsolutno se slažem sa ovim! I sama sam to primetila dok sam čitala neke knjige, pošto imam običaj da pročitam i na srpskom i na engleskom. Knjiga na mene uvek ostavi bolji i drugačiji utisak kada je čitam na originalnom jeziku. Ponekad poželim da znam svaki jezik ovog sveta makar samo da bih mogla da čitam knjige u originalu. Desilo mi se da pročitam sve delove Vampirske akademije na engleskom, a da nakon toga dobijem knjigu na srpskom. Pokušala sam da čitam ali nije bilo šanse. Nešto je falilo i delovalo mi je kao da je prevod previše banalan, previše...Pa, zapravo, nedovoljno uglađen. Nisam ni pokušala ponovo da pročitam tu knjigu na srpskom, radije ću da se mučim i da čitam na telefonu ili kompijuteru na engleskom XD Verujem da se mnogi osećaju slično kao ja povodom ovoga? 
Dakle, nema ničeg interesantnog osim ovoga o čemu bih mogla da pišem. Bila sam prehlađena pa nisam baš ni izlazila iz kuće..Videćemo šta će biti za vikend! 
Do sledećeg puta~ 

It's been a week already since new semester started on my faculty. I just can't get it in my head that I'm on my last year. Everything is just so.... Ordinary, same as always XD Haha. Although, I did start thinking about what I should do after this. For now, I don't have any idea. I'm still thinking if I should enroll to master studies, should I do that- but somewhere else (not on my faculty), should I just get a job (if so, what kind of a job would that be?!)... I'm totally lost. I feel very similar to what I felt when I finished high school - I have no idea what I'm gonna do with me and my life. I hope I will figure something out until the second semester is finished. Lectures are as boring as ever, although I do like that we got homework for one class that consists of us translating some literary text by ourselves. I already started working on that and I figured I maybe actually CAN translate it, in some way ( no idea if it's correct) :D Especially since I think that my knowledge in Turkish is really not that good. Great feeling! It's even better that I actually started studying and doing my homework on time, without anyone telling me to XD Yay. maybe I won't bury myself in studies two weeks before exams this year :D
* I'm getting a bit off topic just to state that Earl Grey is definitely my favorite tea! :3 Mmmm yummy, there's nothing better than that on a windy and cold day like this...* 
I just remembered something one of my professors said about translating - language can't actually be translated. When we translate someone's work we always lose at least a bit of what the author waned to say. There are no equivalents we could use  for all sayings or expressions we'd like to translate. Let alone feelings. I absolutely agree with this! I myself noticed that while I read some books, since I have custom of reading books both in English and Serbian. If original language is English the book always leaves better impression on me when I read it in original language. Sometimes I wish I knew all languages in the world just so I could read all the books in their original shape. It happened that I read all parts of Vampire Academy in English and then I got the first book in Serbian, but I just couldn't read it.I tried to, but there was no way.Something was missing and it looked like the translation was so poor, so... Well, not enough. I never tried reading it in Serbian again, I would rather torture myself with reading on computer or phone in English XD I believe many of you feel the same? 
So, there's nothing more interesting that I could write about today. I was ill so I didn't really leave the house. We'll see what's gonna happen during weekend.
Until the next time~ 

Here are some pics I kind of forgot to post here XD I did put them on Instagram though~

This was after I took an exam that lasted for two hours... You can see I look very, very tired XD

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lolita dress!

Hello everyone! I just wanna post pictures of THE dress I mentioned in my last post :D We finally took pictures of it on a model ( our dear friend-almost-sister Kat :3 ) and now you can see it! Kat was soooo excited to wear it! She was like a child that was given a candy :3 And it looks so good on her! So, what do you think?!