Zdravo svima! Današnji post će biti malo drugačiji od prethodnih zbog toga što će tema biti možda malo više lična. Ne pišem često o nekim bitnim i ozbiljnim stvarima na ovom blogu. Prosto smatram da nema potrebe da baš ceo svoj život objavljujem svetu :P Ali ako hoću da pišem o onome o čemu sam planirala danas, treba da napravim mali uvod. Ne znam da li mnogo vas zna, ali moji i Katty-ni roditelji su razvedeni već nekoliko godina i naša mama je pre nekog vremena odlučila da se preseli. E, pa, ovaj post je o našoj prvoj poseti njoj i njenom dečku :D Krenule smo u petak popodne iz Beograda i putovale smo četiri sata -_- Bilo je užasno toplo, zagušljivo i neudobno (dobro došli na Železnice Srbije). U vozu su se našle i neke izbeglice koje su putovale u Suboticu. Jadni ti ljudi, baš ih je svašta snašlo... U našem vagonu ih je bilo desetak, a jednom od njih nije bilo dobro. Jedna žena im je dala brufen, međutim, nije mogla da im objasni za šta je taj lek pošto momci nisu pričali engleski. Sestra i ja smo onda pomislile da možda znaju turski, pa smo ih to i pitale. Ispostavilo se da znaju i ne mogu da opišem osmehe i oduševljenje kad sam rekla da znam da i ja znam turski :D Eto, izgleda se da je ovo moje studiranje ipak korisno za nešto... Pitala sam šta nije u redu sa onim dečkom i rekla da je lek za temperaturu. Ostatak puta sam provela u čitanju knjige ( preporučujem je, tj. sve delove iz serijala Maximum Ride od James Patterson - a) i u dremanju, dok je Katty crtala i slušala muziku. Kada smo krenule iz voza oni momci su nam poželeli srećan put i izdeklamovali sve pozdrave ma turskom kojih su mogli da se sete XD Mama i R. su nas sačekali, pa smo seli u kola i onda smo mama i ja otišle u kupovinu, a Katty je sa R. otišla kući. Taj dan smo proveli u pričanju, pijenju kafe i gledanju tv-a XD Bilo je vrlo opušteno i bili smo strašno lenji jer je temperatura napolju bila previsoka... Ja, kao i obično nisam mogla da spavam te noći jer sam bila u nepoznatom krevetu, tako da sam do kasno čitala knjigu :P Jutro je bilo divno, sedele smo i pile kafu, pričale, kao što smo obično radile kod kuće. Baš sam uživala ^^ Do duše, u nekom trenutku mi je možda bilo previše lenstvovanja :'D I taj dan smo proveli pričajući i pijući kafu (malo smo svi zavisni od kofeina X'D), a Katty i ja smo čak igrale igrice na kompu :D Ne sećam se kada sam poslednji put to radila... Usput sam u kuvaru pronašla i nekoliko recepata koje bih volela da isprobam, a mama je spremila ručak, pa smo svi zajedno jeli. ^^ Kasno popodne smo otišli na železničku stanicu, ali je voz kasnio sat i po vremena pa smo morali da čekamo. Pa, kad smo već morali da budemo tamo i ne radimo ništa, onda smo iskoristili priliku da slikamo :D Put nazad je protekao mnogo brže, a u Beogradu nas je tata sačekao sa svojom devojkom (baš lepo od njega :3). Eto, jedni fino kratko putovanje. Nemam pojma koja je poenta ovog posta, samo mi se pisalo nešto XD Možda bi poenta mogla da bude to da nije smak sveta ako se roditelji razvedu. U poslednje vreme to je jako česta stvar... To zaista nije lepo iskustvo, ali nije ni najgore što može da nam se desi u životu ^^ Tako da, ako se nekome od vas koji čitate ovo roditelji razvode - biće bolje uskoro, nemojte previše da se nervirate! Život ide dalje :P
Hello everyone! Today's post will be different from those before because it's a bit more personal. I don't usually write about serious or important things here. Mostly because I just don't want to share every bit of our life with the world. But if I want to make today's post I will need little intro. I don't know how many of you know, but Katty's and my parents have been divorced for a couple of years now, and some time ago our mom decided to move to another city and live with her boyfriend. So, this post will be about our first visit to them :D
We started our little trip on Friday afternoon and it took us 4 hours to get there -_- It was hot, uncomfortable and just blah (Welcome to Rails of Serbia). On the train were some refugees from Syria and few guys were in our wagon. One of them was ill and a woman gave them medicine but she couldn't explain what was it for, since guys didn't speak English. Katty and I thought thay maybe they could speak Turkish so we asked them. They said they do and were so happy when I said I also speak Turkish! So, I explained the best I could and it was nice knowing that my studies are actually useful! X'D The rest of the trip was so boring, I was reading a book (very good one, I recommend it to you, it's called Maximum Ride by James Patterson), Katty was drawing and so, after what looked like a billion years, we finally arived to our destination. Mom and R. were waiting for us on the station. Guys from the train waved at us, wished us goodbye and moved along. We spent that day talking, drinking coffee and watching TV. It was really relaxing ^^ I couldn't sleep that night (as always when I change bed) so I was reading that book I mentioned earlier (soooo so good and exciting!). Next morning was beautiful, Katty, mom ane I were in the dining room drinking coffee, eating breakfast and talking. Like the old times. I really enjoyed it :3 At some point I was kind of tired if doing nothing X'D That entire day was also spent in chilling and drinking coffee. Katty and I even played some games on computer. I can't remember the last time I played anything! I found some interesting recepies in a cook book that I want to try out, and mom made lunch. We ate all together and it was really tasty (ofc, mom made it!). In the late afternoon we headed to the train station, but when we were there, we were told that the train was being late ( and hour and a half -_-) So, since we didn't have anything better to do - we took pictures! :D Trip back was a lot better and it took "only" three hours. Dad was waiting for us on the station in Belgrade, together with his girlfriend. :3 All in all, it was one nice little journey. And now I have mo idea what's the point of this post, maybe I just had the urge to write XD And maybe the poin is that it's not the end of the world if your parents get a divorce. That is such a common thing today... It's really not a noce experience, but it far from worst that can happen. So, if parents from one of you are going through a divorce - don't worry, it will all pass and it will get better. Sometimes it's better that way than them staying together and arguing (or worse) every day. Life goes on~