Pre nekoliko dana mi je koleginica otkrila ovo mesto dok smo šetale. Tada nismo imale vremena da uđemo, ali sam zato juče iskoristila priliku. Zove se Amelie ~ U trenutku kada sam zakoračila unutra, kao da sam ušla u drugi svet. Kafić je neopisivo sladak! Ima mnogo detalja koji su pažljivo rapsoređeni tako da ne stvaraju utisak da je prostor prenatrpan i neuredan. Boje su svetle, nežne...Baš onakve kakve volim! Odmah sam sve morala da slikam i želela sam istog trenutka da podelim utiske sa ostatkom sveta. :3 Međutim... Jedna stvar mi je malo pokvarila užitak - espresso koji je bio apsolutno grozan! U životu kiseliji nisam popila :( U stvari, nisam ga do kraja ni popila, zaista je bio loš. Možda ta tura kafe nije bila dobra ili je jednostavno takav, ali...Koleginica je naručila toplu čokoladu i rekla je da je divna, tako da ne mogu da kažem da je išta drugo loše sem tog espresa. Iznenadila sam se kada su nam poslužili hladnu vodu u čašama zajedno sa ledom i kriškom krastavca. Nikada ranije nisam videla ništa slično i odmah sam pomislila kakva bi bila reakcija moje sestre koja ne podnosi krastavac. Ne bi bilo lepo...:'D Meni se dopalo zato što je ukus vrlo osvežavajući i mislim da je to odlična fora za leto kada su one grozne vrućine. Definitivno ću ponovo posetiti ovaj kafić! :3
Few days ago a friend told me about this place while we were walking. At that time we didn't have time to go in, so I took the chance yesterday. Cafe is called Amelie ~ The moment I set my foot in it was like I entered another world. The place is incredibly cute! There are many details carefully placed all around so that the space doesn't look crowded and untidy. Colors are nice and pastel... Just the way I like it! I immediately started taking photos and I wanted to share them with the world that second! But... just one thing spoiled the impression - espresso that was absolutely goss! It was so sour... I don't know if it was just bad coffee, or if it's always like that and it just doesn't fit my taste. My friend ordered hot chocolate and it was great :) I was so surprised when the waiter served us cold water in glasses with slices of cucumber in them. I never saw anything like that before and I immediately thought about Katty's reaction since she hates cucumber :'D I liked it - the tase was very refreshing and it would be a great catch for those hot summer days. I will definitely visit this caffee again! :3