Thursday, August 28, 2014

Cupcakes, girls and cold!

Dosao je onaj period godine kada je vreme  bas onakvo kako meni odgovara :D Jeste da sam se prehladila ali to  mi ne umanjuje uzivanje! Toliko je prijatno i divno da bih najradije ceo dan boravila van kuce... Medjutim, fakultet to ne dozvoljava tako da sam primorana da setnje ogranicim na neka dva sata dnevno :P Sve u svemu, pre 2 dana nam je dosla u posetu Yuki! Poslednji put je bila kod nas pre skoro godinu dana kada smo Katty i ja pravile malo okupljanje povodom nasih rodjendana. Strasno, kao da zivimo na dva kraja sveta... Do sada smo svaki put kada je Yuki bila kod nas pravile mafine ili cupcakes - to smo radile i ovog puta. Postalo je neka vrsta tradicije XD Okupile smo se tako nas cetiri - bila je tu i Saki - sve cetiri prehladjene - i odlucile da se igrmo poslasticara. Prvo smo Saki o ja sacekale Yuki na stanici * Katty je dobila temperaturu pa nije mogla sa nama*, pa smo onda nas tri isle da kupimo potrebne sastojke - ukljucujuci tu i spric za slag i papirne mogle za cupcakes XD Bilo je zabavno, malo smo se duze zadrzale u prodavnici, zaboga, kako da ne pogledamo sve kad je sve sareno i privlaci paznju...Odlucile smo da u smesu ubacimo komadice cokolade i da umesto slaga koristimo slatku pavlaku. Kad smo se vratile kuci sve cetiri smo se uglavile u ovu nasu tesnu kuhinji i krenule da mutimo. Bilo je haoticno XD Ubacile smo crvenu u farbu u smesu za kolace i ispali su divno bebi rozi ^3^ I slag je bio slicne boje i sve je bilo tako slatko da nismo mogle da docekamo da probamo! Koristile smo neki recept sa interneta, blago izmenjen jer tamo nije pisalo da treba staviti margarina u smesu, wtf  O.o Ispali su ok, ali ipak ih treba peci duze od 20 minuta, ili jednostavno na temperaturi vecoj od 180 stepeni...Nema veze,bili su ukusni! Katty je na nekima napravila masne od slatke pavlake i jos kojekave stvari, vidi se ko je umetnik, nema sta :D Celo vece smo pricale, slusale muziku, smejale se i bilo je divno. Yuki je ostala da prespava kod nas. Bilo je interesantno ujutru kad mi je rekla da je sanjala kako sam se ja probudila i kako sam sva skakutava, cicim i puna sam energije - hahahah, nemoguce, ja sam od onih koji su ujutru kao zombi i treba im barem pola sata, sat da se razbude. Kako sam se samo smejala kad je ispricala, a ujedno i odglumila mene u snu :'D Naravno, prvo sto smo uradile je bilo kuvanje kafe i uz to jedenje kapkejksa. Posle smo se nasminkale, cisto jer nam se cefnulo pa isle u nabavku. Za rucak smo pravile makarone sa svezim povrcem i sirom :Q Njam njam njam...Kisa je padala i malo nam pokvarila planove ali smo Yuki i ja ipak otisle da se prosetamo i popijemo kafu. Naravno, pokisle smo i pored kisobrana. No,  nema veze, prijalo je u svakom slucaju ^^ Vreme nam je proletelo i vrlo brzo smo ispratile Yuki  na autobus. Nadam se da cemo se sledeci put videti u kracem roku nego ovog puta :3 

Now is that time of the year when the weather is just as I like it :D Indeed, I got cold but that doesn't affect me much. It's so nice ( and not too warm ), that I would most gladly spend my days outside, but faculty doesn't allow me to. All in all, Yuki came to visit us two days ago! The last time she was here at Katty's and my place was almost a year ago, when she came for our B-days. It's as if we are living in two different sides of the world! Up until now every time Yuki came here we made cupcakes or muffins - that's what we did this time as well! It became some kind of tradition XD So, the four of us gathered - Saki was here as well - all of us down with a cold - and we decided to play cake boss. Saki and I first went to pick up Yuki on the station * Katty couldn't come, she got fever* and then the 3 of us went to buy ingredients - including decorator for whipped cream *how the hell is that called in english???* and paper bags for cupcakes XD It was fun! When we came home all four of us went to our very small kitchen and we started mixing. It was chaotic! XD We decided to change the recipe we found on the internet since it didn't mention butter as one of the ingredients, wtf O.o We put some chocolate in the mixture and  decided on using cream instead of whipped cream. We also added red food color into the mixture so it got really pretty baby pink color :3 The cream ended up almost the same color and it was so cute we couldn't wait to try those cupcakes out! All of us did the decorations and Katty even made some bows and other things, you can see who is the artist  :D We talked through the evening, listened to the music, laughed and it was lovely. Yuki stayed for that night. It was very interesting in the morning when she told me that she dreamed of me waking up in the morning, all in high spirits, full of energy, squeaking around - hahaha, impossible, I'm one of those ppl that look and act like a zombie in the morning and it takes me at least 30 mins to wake up properly . I laughed so hard when she told me all that, practically imitating me in the dream X'D Ofc, the first thing we did was make ourselves some strong coffee and eat cupcakes with it :D After that we put some makeup on - for the sake of just putting it on, and then we went grocery shopping. For the lunch we made macaroni with fresh vegetables and cheese :Q Yum yum yum...The rain was falling so it kind of messed our plans but Yuki and I still went for a little walk and coffee in the afternoon. Time flew by and soon it was time for us to say goodbye...I hope we will visit each other sooner next time :3 


Monday, August 11, 2014

Wedding! Part 1

Znam da nisam pisala sto godina ali sam zapala u fazu kada mi se apsolutno ne pise, iako imam mnogo slika i svasta se desavalo :P Ali ajde sad da napisem nesto, kad sam vec krenula *slike sam postavila pre dva dana, toliko o tome*  Sve ove slike su od prosle nedelje :3 Isla sam u Novi Sad kod Vladimira i na vencanje njegove najbolje drugarice Mone i njenog decka Borisa. Ovo je bilo najlepse vencanje na kojem sam bila. Drustvo je bilo prilicno probrano, nije nas bilo mnogo i bilo je vrlo opusteno. Zaista sam uzivala! Mlada i mladozenja su bili divni :3 Na zalost, imam samo ovih par slika sto sam sama slikala, jos nisu stigle one prave :( Vodili su nas u kineski restoran koji se nalazi na vrhu zgrade, na krovu. Odusevila sam se! Pogled je fenomenalan! I klopa je bila odlicna :D Konacno sam probala sushi! Vreme mi je jako brzo proslo... Inace, kad sam stigla u NS, Vladimir me je iznenadio cvetnom krunom koju je napravio :3 Prelepa je!!! Odmah sam se slikala, naravno XD Sad moram da smislim neku kombinaciju sa kojom mogu da je nosim. Sutradan smo isli svi zajedno da se setamo i bilo je jako lepo :3 Sedeli smo u kaficu/poslasticarnici/restoranu Teatar, koji se nalazi u okviru pozorista. Mnogo je lepo, imaju super meni i klopa im je super. Bila je tu i Monina sestra i Zoltan iz Madjarske. Oni su super :D Posle smo se mi zenske odvojile i otisle da gledamo neki nakit i kozmetiku, a momci su otisli na drugu stranu. Dobila sam preslatku narukvicu od Mone :3  *Arigatou~~*  Slikacu je uskoro pa cu postaviti sliku, zaboravila sam XD Na kraju sam zakasnila na voz pa sam ostala jos jednu noc... Svi zajedno smo otisli kod Mone i Borisa da gledamo neki film i zaglavili do pola cetiri ujutru. Taj vikend mi je zaista divno protekao :3

I know I didn't write for a very long time but I'm somehow not in the mood for it, even though I have so many pictures and things I could write about. But, oh well, now that I actually started I could as well write the entire post * I uploaded these pictures two days ago, so much about my will to write* All of these were taken last weekend :3 I went to Novi Sad to visit Vladimir and to attend wedding ceremony of his best friends. This was the best wedding I ever went to. The guests were great and everyone was very relaxed and it was fun. I really enjoyed it! The bride and the groom were lovely :3 Unfortunately I still don't have professional pictures, so for now I will be posting only these few that I took with my phone :( They took us to the chinese restaurant that's placed on one building's rooftop. It is awesome! The view is amazing! The food was amazing too :D I finally tried out sushi! Time flew by really fast... Oh, btw, when I came to Novi Sad Vladimir surprised me with flower crown! It's beautiful! :33 I immediately took few pics with it XD Now I have to figure out what should I wear it with :D The next day we went for a walk, all of us together and it was really nice.Mona's sister and Zoltan were there as well. They are great guys... :3 Later, us girls, went to shopping and boys went somewhere else. I got one really super cute bracelet from Mona :3 I forgot to take a picture of it... In the end I missed my train so I stayed one more night there. We watched some movie, talked and stayed up until 3:30 am XD That weekend was amazing :3 

Ovu kombinaciju sam nosila na vencanju, samo sa drugom frizurom, nakitom i carapicama ^^
This is the combination that I wore to the wedding, only with different hairstyle, socks and jewelry ^^

Flower crownnnn~~~ :3

Mirror, mirror on the wall... XD

Some pretty places and things I saw...

Till the next time * probably tomorrow or something like that, as soon as I get those pictures * ~~