Friday, January 31, 2014

Wind blows~

Danas je drugi dan od kako vetar duva neverovatnom jacinom i brzinom.Grozno je zaista,ne moze da se izadje iz kuce.To je mozda i dobro jer sam naterana da sedim i ucim,za promenu XD Pre neka 2-3 dana sam isla da obavim nesto u gradu i nasla se sa drugaricama.Sele smo u jedan od mojih omiljenih kafica - Pogon.Tamo je uvek opusteno,dobra muzika,nije guzva...I drze jednu malu cica macu koja je jako umiljata i koja je, naravno, zavrsila u mom krilu :3 
E,da,zaboravila sam! Nabavila sam PayPal! Uh jedva cekam da porucim nesto sa neta ( BB kremu!!) :) Ako nekoga interesuje,ako si student,samo odes u Erste banku,izvadis studentsku karticu koja je besplatna i trazis i PayPal.Nista se ne placa i vrlo je jednostavno ^^  
Poslednjih par dana intenzivno slusam JYJ i Kim (Hero) Jaejoong-a. Vrlo mi prijaju i kad ucim.Slusala sam i ranije TVXQ ciji su oni bili clanovi i jako volim kako pevaju.Imaju lepe lagane pesme.Jaejoong je izdao novi album WWW i preslusala sam ga celog - odlican je! Konacno je uspeo da se izbori za neki svoj stil muzike koja je vise rock nego pop ^^ Just another girl mi je za sada omiljena pesma.

Today is the second day since wind started blowing really hard.It's awfull really,you can't go outside.That is also maybe a good thing since now I have to make myself study for a change XD 2 or 3 days ago I went out to do some stuff and to meet with friends.We went to one of my favorite places in the town - Pogon,It is always so relaxing there,music is great and it's not crowded...And they are keeping one little kitty that likes to be cuddled and she ofc ended up in my lap :3
Oh,yeah, I forgot! I made PayPal! Can't wait to order something from the internet ( BB cream!!) :) 
In the last few days I've been listening to JYJ and Kim (Hero) Jaejoong.They are very pleasant to listen while studding.I listened to TVXQ which band members they were before.They have nice,slow songs.Jaejoong relised new album - WWW - and I listened to it whole - it's great! He finally managed to make some music in his style which is more rock than pop ^^ Just another girl is my fav song for now.

                                                   I'm already waiting for Spring to come :3

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Danas je bas bio lep dan ^_^ Videla sam se sa deckom,setali smo,isli u kafic,otisli do Sakurabane,jeli...smrzli se! Jako je hladno danas! Ali bas sam htela da se setam,bilo je divno i padao je sneg i nije mi bilo mnogo bitno sto je hladno XD Jedini problem je sto je dan prosao prebrzo...Ali dobro,bio je ispunnjen i uzivala sam ^^ Ovo su neke slike koje sam napravila pre nego sto sam izasla.Svetlo je bilo belo od snega,a oci su mi bile BAS zelene pa sam htela da slikam :3

Today was a lovely day ^_^ I met up with my boyfriend,we walked around,went to cafe, visited Sakurabana, frozen! It's so cold today! But I really wanted to walk,it was so nice and the snow was it didn't really matter that it was cold XD The only problem is that day went by so fast....But, it's ok,it was well spent and I enjoyed it ^^ These are the photos I took before I left the house.The light was really light and my eyes were SO green I had to take few photos :3

Friday, January 24, 2014


Dobila sam dve devetke u jednom danu na ispitima :D Prosto sam ponosna na sebe...Ovu drugu stvarno nisam ocekivala...Nadam se da cu uspeti da odrzim prosek na tom nivou i u narednom roku....Mada,cisto sumnjam,sad mi slede oni tezi ispiti.U svakom slucaju,jutros sam bila raspolozena za svetlu garderobu tako da sam uklopila svetlo roze,mint i lila boju! One su mi omiljene u poslednje vreme :3 

I got two great marks on exams  in one day! I'm just proud of myself....This second 9 I didn't expect,really...I hope I will be able to maintain good marks on other exams as well.Even though I doubt it,these next few exams are really hard >.< Anyway, I was in the mood for light colored clothing this morning so I mixed baby pink,mint and light purple! Those are my favs right now :3 

Ovde ,u stvari, od prilike moze da se vidi boja odece,za razliku od ostalih slika =.= Defnitivno mrzim kameru na svom telefonu.

Colors are actually visible in this picture, unlike on the other ones =.= I definitely hate camera on my phone. 

 Potrudicu se da ubuduce pisem ovako cesce,kao u poslednjih par dana ^_^ Volim da pisem i volim da fotografisem sve sto vidim/dozivim samo sto nekad ne stignem ili nemam uslova -.- Uhvatio me je period kada bih stalno gledala slike odece i svih slatkih i svetlih stvari na netu.Razmisljam da sasijem sebi suknju ali jos uvek nemamo masinu pa mi je malo nezgodno.Babu ne mogu da zamolim da je sasije jer mi nije zavrsila ni haljinu koju je zapocela jos u novembru. Moram malo da je podstaknem. XD A sad odoh da ucim,ili da pokusam,vec sam previse vremena potrosila ni na sta danas...Prijatan dan zelim~ :3

I will try to write more often like this in the future as well ^_^ I really love to write and photograph everything that I see/ experience, it's just that I don't always have time or conditions to do so -.- This is the period when I just wanna look at photos of cute things on the internet.I'm thinking about making a skirt for myself but we still don't have swing machine so it's a bit of a problem.I can't ask our grandma to make it for me because she didn't even finish the dress she started to make for me in November.I have to encourage her a little XD And now I'm off to study, or try studding, I already spent too much time doing nothing today....Wish you a good day~ :3

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Nail art ^^

Imala sam malo vremena i htela sam da isprobam nesto sto sam videla na netu - nokte koji izgledaju kao da se sa njih sliva cokolada ili tako vec nesto satko :3 Iskoristila sam ono sto sam imala i dopada mi se kako je isalo.Voila! :D

I had a bit of free time and decided to try out something I saw on the internet - nails that look like chocolate is melting from them *or anything else that's sweet* :3 I used what I had at home and I like how it ended up.Voila! :D

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pictures :3

Danas samo neke slike,previse sam umorna za bilo sta.Imala sam 2 ispita jutros, a spavala sam manje od 5 sati T_T *Da naglasim,manje od 6-7 sati sna je za mene katastrofa XD*
 Ne znam tacno od kad su slike,od letos,jesenas...ima ih raznih :D

Today I will post only pictures,I'm too tired to write anything. I had two exams this morning and I slept only for around 5 hours T_T * Less than 6-7 h is a disaster for me XD *
 I don't know from when these are,they're from last summer,spring,autumn I guess....:D

Our kitty Milica >(^___^)<

I figured out that I just looove to take pictures of my coffee :D
No one could tell,right? *Riiiight. XD*

 Grandma and me :3

Ah,mislim da mi ipak nedostaje leto,koliko god bilo vruce...

Oh, I guess I still miss summer,even though it's so hot....

Friday, January 17, 2014


Iiii.....nista.Danas je bio tako dosadan dan,samo ucenje i nista vise.Malo sam pravila nesto od papira i na kraju sam namazala nokte.Pa evo slika,svidja mi se kako je ispalo :3 Volim sarene nokte.Laku noc,pozelite mi srecu sutra na ispitu T_T

Annnndddd....nothing.Today was such a boring day,only studding and nothing else.I made something out of paper and in the end I put some polish on my nails.Here are pictures I like how it turned out :3 I love colorful nails.Good night,wish me luck for tomorrows exam T_T

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

ChibiCon part 2 ~

Evo jos nekih slika sa mog telefona :)

Here are some more pictures from my phone :)

Katty je obukla svetlu haljinu! Odusevila sam se kad sam je videla ^__^ Kupila ju je pre neki dan za mene u stvari,posto zna da volim lolita stil :3 Haljina je divna,zaista,iz 50-ih ili 60-ih godina...

Katty wore light colored dress! I was delighted to see her in it :3 She bought it for me the other day actually, because she knows that I love lolita style ^^ Dress is really beautiful! It's from 50s or 60s I think... 

Monday, January 13, 2014

ChibiCon 2014 ~~

Ovog vikenda je odrzan ChibiCon, odnosno mali Japanizam :D Naravno,organizovala ga je grupa Sakurabana iz Beograda kao i svake godine.Ovo je drugi po redu mini, zimski Japanizam i ja moram da kazem da mi se mnogo dopada! Bilo je vrlo veselo i poseceno.Na proslom, na zalost, nisam bila *ispitni rok,prva godna fakulteta i to -.- * pa ne mogu da cenim kakav je ovaj bio u odnosu na prosli,ali je bilo divno ^___^ Bilo je raznih zanimljivih predavanja,igraonica, prodavane su mnoge rucno pravljene stvari...Uvece, u nedelju, u bioskopskoj sali pusten je dugometrazni anime pod nazivom Saint Onii-san ili kako su ga preveli Svete batice.Film je fenomenalan! Preporucujem ga svima koji vole dobro da se nasmeju :D Prica je o Budi i Isusu koji su dosli u Tokio na godisnji odmor i zive kao cimeri.Vrlo je simpaticno uradjeno bez ikakvog vredjanja ili losih momenata.Preporucujem od sveg srca da ga pogledate!Prevod je uradila Isidora iz Sakurabane i uradila ga je bas kako treba - da docara sve smesno u filmu :D Meni je bilo posebno lepo jer sam se videla sa deckom pa smo ceo dan proveli zajedno :3 I sad bih ja pisala nasiroko i nadugacko ali nemam vremena...Evo vam link od od dogadjaja pa mozete da vidite o cemu se radi :

During this weekend ChibiCon was held in Dom Omladine in Blegrade.It's a small version of Japanizam that is held in summer.It was ofc organised by Sakurabana Beograd, as it is every year.This was second ChibiCon up until now and I have to say that I love it! The atmosphere was great,everyone was high-spirited and there was a lot of people.I didn't go to the first ChibiCon held last year *I was busy with exams,first year of studies and all that -.- * so I can't compare this one with that one,but it was wonderful! ^__^ There were various events held,lectures about anime and such,there were stands with hand-made things for selling...In the evening they played anime called Saint Onii-san which was absolutely amazing! I recomand it to all of you who like to laugh and have a lot of fun :D The story is about Buddha and Jesus that decided to come to Tokyo for a vacation and they are staying together as roommates in one little flat.It is very cute and without any bad moments or insults.I really recommend you to watch it,from the bottom of my heart :3 Translation was done by Isidora from Sakurabana and she did an amazing job,she evoked every funny thing in anime in a briliant way :D Yesteraday was especially nice for me because I got to see my boyfriend :3  I would love to write far and wide but I don't have time for that...  Here is link for the event,so you can check what it's all about:

Photos made by: Jelena Radenkovic and Mina Petrovic

Kostim *ovo je samo deo* na desnoj slici pripada Ljubici koja je predstavljala Srbiju na Cosplay-u odrzanom u Londonu 2013. godine :)

This costume *this is only a part of it* on the right belongs to the girl whose name is Ljubica,who represented Serbia in Cosplay event held in London 2013 :)

Ima jos mnooooogo slika,ali ne mogu sve ovde da stavim...Nadam se da ce ovaj dogadjaj postati jos popularniji i poseceniji ^_^

There's a lot more pictures,but I can't post them all here...I hope that this event will become more popular and visited in future ^_^