Danas je drugi dan od kako vetar duva neverovatnom jacinom i brzinom.Grozno je zaista,ne moze da se izadje iz kuce.To je mozda i dobro jer sam naterana da sedim i ucim,za promenu XD Pre neka 2-3 dana sam isla da obavim nesto u gradu i nasla se sa drugaricama.Sele smo u jedan od mojih omiljenih kafica - Pogon.Tamo je uvek opusteno,dobra muzika,nije guzva...I drze jednu malu cica macu koja je jako umiljata i koja je, naravno, zavrsila u mom krilu :3
E,da,zaboravila sam! Nabavila sam PayPal! Uh jedva cekam da porucim nesto sa neta ( BB kremu!!) :) Ako nekoga interesuje,ako si student,samo odes u Erste banku,izvadis studentsku karticu koja je besplatna i trazis i PayPal.Nista se ne placa i vrlo je jednostavno ^^
Poslednjih par dana intenzivno slusam JYJ i Kim (Hero) Jaejoong-a. Vrlo mi prijaju i kad ucim.Slusala sam i ranije TVXQ ciji su oni bili clanovi i jako volim kako pevaju.Imaju lepe lagane pesme.Jaejoong je izdao novi album WWW i preslusala sam ga celog - odlican je! Konacno je uspeo da se izbori za neki svoj stil muzike koja je vise rock nego pop ^^ Just another girl mi je za sada omiljena pesma.
Today is the second day since wind started blowing really hard.It's awfull really,you can't go outside.That is also maybe a good thing since now I have to make myself study for a change XD 2 or 3 days ago I went out to do some stuff and to meet with friends.We went to one of my favorite places in the town - Pogon,It is always so relaxing there,music is great and it's not crowded...And they are keeping one little kitty that likes to be cuddled and she ofc ended up in my lap :3
Oh,yeah, I forgot! I made PayPal! Can't wait to order something from the internet ( BB cream!!) :)
In the last few days I've been listening to JYJ and Kim (Hero) Jaejoong.They are very pleasant to listen while studding.I listened to TVXQ which band members they were before.They have nice,slow songs.Jaejoong relised new album - WWW - and I listened to it whole - it's great! He finally managed to make some music in his style which is more rock than pop ^^ Just another girl is my fav song for now.
I'm already waiting for Spring to come :3
E,da,zaboravila sam! Nabavila sam PayPal! Uh jedva cekam da porucim nesto sa neta ( BB kremu!!) :) Ako nekoga interesuje,ako si student,samo odes u Erste banku,izvadis studentsku karticu koja je besplatna i trazis i PayPal.Nista se ne placa i vrlo je jednostavno ^^
Poslednjih par dana intenzivno slusam JYJ i Kim (Hero) Jaejoong-a. Vrlo mi prijaju i kad ucim.Slusala sam i ranije TVXQ ciji su oni bili clanovi i jako volim kako pevaju.Imaju lepe lagane pesme.Jaejoong je izdao novi album WWW i preslusala sam ga celog - odlican je! Konacno je uspeo da se izbori za neki svoj stil muzike koja je vise rock nego pop ^^ Just another girl mi je za sada omiljena pesma.
Today is the second day since wind started blowing really hard.It's awfull really,you can't go outside.That is also maybe a good thing since now I have to make myself study for a change XD 2 or 3 days ago I went out to do some stuff and to meet with friends.We went to one of my favorite places in the town - Pogon,It is always so relaxing there,music is great and it's not crowded...And they are keeping one little kitty that likes to be cuddled and she ofc ended up in my lap :3
Oh,yeah, I forgot! I made PayPal! Can't wait to order something from the internet ( BB cream!!) :)
In the last few days I've been listening to JYJ and Kim (Hero) Jaejoong.They are very pleasant to listen while studding.I listened to TVXQ which band members they were before.They have nice,slow songs.Jaejoong relised new album - WWW - and I listened to it whole - it's great! He finally managed to make some music in his style which is more rock than pop ^^ Just another girl is my fav song for now.
I'm already waiting for Spring to come :3