Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Srecan Bozic svima koji ga slave! :3 Danas smo konacno okitile jelku! Tata ju je juce kupio,ali nismo imale vremena da to obavimo...Danas sam pustila Diznijeve bozicne pesmice i onda smo je natenane ukrasile XD Setila sam se svih onih starih crtaca sa Pajom Patkom koje smo gledale kad smo bile male...Boze boze kako sam ih volela! Mislim da bih i sad gledala da ih prikazuju na TV-u.Sve u svemu,danasnji dan je bio prilicno dobar.Profesor mi je priznao esej,cak nije imao nikakvih zamerki (iznenadila sam se iskreno,smatram da nemam bas nekog talenta za to XD), vreme je bilo suncano i prilicno toplo za kraj decembra...i tako,to je u glavnom dovoljno da moje raspolozenje bude odlicno! Slike nisu i neke,ali dobro...

Merry Christmas to all of you that celebrate it! :3 Today we finally decorated our Christmas tree! Dad bought it yesterday but we didn't have time to decorate it...Today I played some Disney Christmas songs on youtube and than we slowly decorated the tree XD I remembered all those old cartoons with Donald Duck that we watched when we were little...I really liked them! I think I would still watch them if they were showing them on TV.All in all today was a pretty nice day.Professor told me my essay was good, he didn't even have any objections about it (which surprised me,really, I don't think I have much talent for writing XD ), the weather was really nice and pretty warm for this time of the year....And that's mostly enough to make my day!Pictures aren't something but,oh well....

Reminds me of Slytherin :D 

AND Gryffindor :D

Have a great day! 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Everything is somehow cute when winter comes~

Gde god da pogledamo ovih dana, vidimo nesto slatko i zabavno! Obozavam ovaj deo godine :3 Evo nekih slika koje sam napravila u poslednjih par dana...

Wherever we look we see something so cute and funny! I love this part of the year :3 Here are some things that I took pictures of in the past few days...

Proslo vece smo izasle na neko retro vece.Nas dragi komsija i njegov clan benda su svirali i bilo nam je vrlo lepo.Toliko nam je bilo zabavno da smo ostale duze nego sto smo planirale XD Sve u svemu, u ovom postu se radi o ovim slatkim slikama :3 Mnogo su lepe one krofne,izgledaju nestvarno :P

 Last night we went out on some retro night.Our dear neighbor and his band mate were playing and we enjoyed it very much! We had so much fun that we stayed out longer that we planed XD All in all, this post is all about those cute pictures :3 I love those doughnuts...

Monday, December 16, 2013

I don't know how to name this post XD

Mrzim da stavljam naslove na postove :'D
Ovaj vikend je bio uzbudljiv.U petak posle predavanja sam se nasla sa drugaricama kod Danice u stanu.Bilo nas je 5 (Yuki,Dunja,Danicina sestra,Danica i ja) i sve smo se sminkale XD Mozete da zamislite kako je to izgledalo - sminka na sve strane,zaista. Dugo nisam bila u drustvu toliko devojaka i bilo mi je interesantno da pricamo o odeci,kozmeticii,pevacima...Pila sam neku novu belu Sangriju ( perporucujem je,divna je!) i bas mi je bilo lepo.Yuki je to vece bila jedan od DJ-eva pa je morala da ode ranije...Slikala sam se par puta cisto zato sto sam znala da verovatno necu imati ni jednu sliku iz kluba...
To cvece na mojoj glavi je delo Yukinih ruku :3 Zaljubila sam se kad sam ga videla! Pozajmila sam ga na vece,ali mi ga je Yuki na kraju poklonila ^__^ Hvalaaaa!

I hate naming these posts :P
This weekend has been exciting.On Friday after my lessons finished I met with my friends at Danica's place.There was 5 of us girls and we were all putting our makeup on XD You can imagine how that looked like - makeup all around.It has been a long time since I last hung out with a bunch of girls.It was so interesting to talk about clothing, makeup, singers...I drank some new white Sangrija *it's kind of a white wine with low percent of alcohol* and I felt really good.Yuki was one of  DJ's that night so she had to go earlier.I took a few pictures just because we probably wouldn't take any in the club...
The flowers on my head are Yuki's work.I really fell in love with them! I borrowed them for the night but in the end Yuki gave them to me :3 Thank youu!  

U klubu * Underworld, naravno XD * je bilo super,doslo je puno ljudi i svi su igrali.Muzika je bila odlicna, Yuki je pustila The Gazette, Despair'sRay, Kagerou, Girugamesh, Miyavi * Obozavam njegove pesme sa poslednjeg albuma - Miyavi * i jos svasta ^_^ Malo kasnije nam se pridruzila i Katty, bas sam se obradovala sto je dosla ranije nego sto je rekla. Oko ponoci se smenila muzika, kao i ljudi u klubu.Pocelo je uobicajeno gothic vece :) Dosao je i nas drug Miki,Isidora,Milos i jos mnogo poznatih ljudi. Bilo je zabavno do kraja!

In the club * Underworld ofc * was great, a lot of people came and everyone danced.Music was awesome, Yuki played The Gazette, Despair'sRay, Kagerou, Girugamesh, Miyavi * I love songs from his last album - Miyavi* and a lot more ^_^ A little later Katty joined us as well, I was really glad that she came earlier than planed. Around midnight the music changed from j-rock and k-pop to usual gothic :) Miki,Isidora,Milos and a lot of other people we know came as well :) It was fun until the end!

Milos je obukao kosulju koju je Katty sasila :) 
Milos wore shirt that Katty made :)

A Isidora izgleda sve lepse i lepse svaki put kad je vidimo!
And Isidora looks better and better every time we see her :D

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas preparations!

Posto je vec polovina decembra, skoro, krenule smo sa pregledanjem i spremanjem ukrasa :3 Obozavam da ih pregledam! Vecina njih je dosta stara i uvek probudi lepe uspomene.Svake godine jedva docekam da kupimo jelku i da je okitimo.Uvek kupujemo jelku na iznajmljivanje jer smatramo da je potpuno bezveze kupiti isecenu jelku i upropastiti biljku za tih par dana praznika. Ovako je lepo iznajmimo, vratimo je, oni je zasade ili ostave za sledecu godinu i gotovo.
I u gradu se vec oseca praznicno raspolozenje.Polako su svi poceli da kite izloge, da ne pricamo o tome sto je Beograd okicen jos pre nedelju dana ili tako nesto. Jedva cekam da upale lampice, cini mi se da su jako lepo sve organizovali. ^^ Na zalost, kako se priblizava Nova godina, tako se priblizava i ispitni rok, tako da nemam vremena da setam i razgledam koliko bih volela. I Katty je veoma zauzeta svojom skolom. Ima bas puno projekata...No dobro, ona barem uziva u svom poslu :D 
Dok sam trazila nesto u fijoci malo pre nasla sam mirisljave stapice od cimeta i jabuka,bas u zimskom fazonu! Ne volim da ih palim pa sam ih postavila u neki svecnjak u obliku jelke, mirisu i ovako i onako ^_^

Since it's almost mid December we started preparing New Year's decorations :3 I love to look at them! Most of them is pretty old and they always remind me of some old days when we were small.Every year I can't wait for us to decorate Christmas tree.We always rent a tree.I don't see the point in buying tree that has been cut so that we could use it only for few days.This way we give it back once Christmas is over and they rent it again next year :)
You can already feel that Christmas mood in the city. Slowly people are decorating windows and Belgrade is already decorated for like a week or so. I can't wait for them to turn on the lights! I think they decorated the city very nicely...But unfortunately as New Year is approaching so are the exams so I don't have as much time as I want to walk around.Katty is very busy too, she has a lot of projects to do for school.But at least, she really likes her job :D
When I was looking for something in the drawer i found incense with smell of apples and cinnamon.So very wintery!  I don't like to light them up so I just put few of them in some candlestick in a shape of Christmas tree,they smell either way ^_^

Friday, December 6, 2013

Ah that winter...

E pa,konacno je dosla zima. Ne znam da li se radujem ili ne. Volim sto je hladno i sto mogu da nosim sal i kaput, a sa druge strane to znaci da ce uskoro krenuti ispiti - a tome se bas i ne radujem.Pogotovo zbog cinjenice da jos uvek nisam sela i krenula intenzivno da ucim nego samo raduckam pomalo. 
Ali hajde sad da predjemo na neke lepse teme :D Nekako je zimi uvek zivlje nego leti.Barem kod nas, stalno se nesto dogadja,zurke,revije,rodjendani...Proslog vikenda smo bile na steampunk reviji i zurci : 

"Clockwork Asylum: The first Steampunk/Gothic Night in Belgrade".
Bilo je odlicno! Zaista smo uzivale,videle se sa drustvom,igrale...Na reviji se predstavilo tri dizajnera: Milos facebook.com/Steamladdies sa nakitom, Villena Viscaria facebook.com/villena.viscaria?fref=ts sa  odecom dok je facebook.com/rezbarenje.koze radio kozne detalje.. Katty i ja smo dobile da nosimo neki nakit to vece. U stvari,Katty je nosila ogrlicu i prsten koji su njeni- dobila ih je kao poklon i jos jedan prsten samo za pokazivanje,a ja sam nosila lance.Sve je jako lepo ^_^ Bilo je puno ljudi,prosto nije moglo da se dise.Nadam se da ce biti organizovan jos neki dogadjaj ovog tipa i sa ovom tematikom.
Nase kostime smo same spremile :D 

And so, the winter finally came.I don't know if I should be happy or not.I love that it's cold and that I can wear coat, scarf and that stuff, but on the other hand it means that it's almost time for exams - which I don't look forward to.Especially because I still didn't start studying properly.
But let's move on to some better subjects :D Somehow, more things are happening during winter than in summer.At least for us.There's always something - party, b-day, fashion show...Last weekend we went to steampunk party and fashion show :   
"Clockwork Asylum: The first Steampunk/Gothic Night in Belgrade". It was great! We really enjoyed it, saw our friends, danced...Two designers were showing their creations: Milos facebook.com/Steamladdies with his jewelry, Villena Viscaria facebook.com/villena.viscaria?fref=ts with clothing and facebook.com/rezbarenje.koze with leather details.Katty and I wore some of jewelry Milos made.It was all very pretty ^_^ There was a lot of people, we could barely breath.I hope there will soon be another event of this type and theme :3
We made our costumes ourselves :D

                                                                              Next two photos by Oliver Dimic

A ovako smo izgledale pre neki dan kad smo isle da kupimo neke materijale u Beogradu.
And this is how we looked when we went to Belgrade to buy some materials.

            Ne mogu da opisem koliko volim da se obucem ovako :D Sve je pufnasto,meko i toplo :3 
            I can't describe how much I love to dress like this! Everything is so fluffy,soft and warm :3