Srecan Bozic svima koji ga slave! :3 Danas smo konacno okitile jelku! Tata ju je juce kupio,ali nismo imale vremena da to obavimo...Danas sam pustila Diznijeve bozicne pesmice i onda smo je natenane ukrasile XD Setila sam se svih onih starih crtaca sa Pajom Patkom koje smo gledale kad smo bile male...Boze boze kako sam ih volela! Mislim da bih i sad gledala da ih prikazuju na TV-u.Sve u svemu,danasnji dan je bio prilicno dobar.Profesor mi je priznao esej,cak nije imao nikakvih zamerki (iznenadila sam se iskreno,smatram da nemam bas nekog talenta za to XD), vreme je bilo suncano i prilicno toplo za kraj decembra...i tako,to je u glavnom dovoljno da moje raspolozenje bude odlicno! Slike nisu i neke,ali dobro...
Merry Christmas to all of you that celebrate it! :3 Today we finally decorated our Christmas tree! Dad bought it yesterday but we didn't have time to decorate it...Today I played some Disney Christmas songs on youtube and than we slowly decorated the tree XD I remembered all those old cartoons with Donald Duck that we watched when we were little...I really liked them! I think I would still watch them if they were showing them on TV.All in all today was a pretty nice day.Professor told me my essay was good, he didn't even have any objections about it (which surprised me,really, I don't think I have much talent for writing XD ), the weather was really nice and pretty warm for this time of the year....And that's mostly enough to make my day!Pictures aren't something but,oh well....
Merry Christmas to all of you that celebrate it! :3 Today we finally decorated our Christmas tree! Dad bought it yesterday but we didn't have time to decorate it...Today I played some Disney Christmas songs on youtube and than we slowly decorated the tree XD I remembered all those old cartoons with Donald Duck that we watched when we were little...I really liked them! I think I would still watch them if they were showing them on TV.All in all today was a pretty nice day.Professor told me my essay was good, he didn't even have any objections about it (which surprised me,really, I don't think I have much talent for writing XD ), the weather was really nice and pretty warm for this time of the year....And that's mostly enough to make my day!Pictures aren't something but,oh well....
Reminds me of Slytherin :D
AND Gryffindor :D
Have a great day!