Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Choco-late :3

Odlucile smo da prestanemo da postujemo na drugom blogu * home-made lolita* jer previse vremena oduzima pisanje na oba bloga. Mislim da je, u stvari, sasvim u redu da svoje "kreacije" postavljamo ovde,kao i sve ostalo :) Tako da,evo nekih novih stvari!

We decided to stop posting on "home-made lolita" and to just post our "creations" here,alongside everything else. It takes too much time to manage two blogs.I think it's ok to just post everything here,more people know about this blog.So,here are some new things! :)

  Sve, naravno, mozete naci na:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Quick review !

Zdravo! Evo kratkog posta o Essence senki za oci koju smo kupile pre neki dan.Mnogo mi se dopada!Ima slatko pakovanje i jako je dobra!Kremasta je i ostaje dugo na ocima.Mada,morate biti prilicno brzi pri nanosenju jer posle par sekundi vise ne moze da se razmaze...Ima nekoliko boja ali sam se odlucila za zlatnu.Obicno ne koristim kremaste senke *nisam neki fan* ali ovog puta sam morala da je kupim XD Zaista,boja je toliko dobra!I cena je pristupacna, 170 dinara :) Jedino sto ne valja je u stvari to sto ako zelim da je nanesem prstima ne mogu da namazem prst jer imam nokte, a teglica je zaista mala. :(

Hello! Here is as quick review on new Essence eye shadow :) We bought it just the other day.I really like it! It has cute pack and is very good! It's creamy and it stays on your skin for a long time.BUT you have to put it on really quickly because after few seconds you can't spread it anymore...There are few colors,but we took this gold one.I don't usually buy cream eye shadows *I'm not a big fan* but I just had to this time XD Seriously,the color is SO good! And the price is good- 1,5 euros :) The only problem is if I want to put it with my fingers, I can't really take it with a finger because a have long nails and the jar is so small :(

And this is the necklace Katty made *with my help XD * today:

And this one she made all by herself and I'M IN LOVE with it! *O*

Mozete ih kupiti ovde:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Red riding hood-hat!

Pre 3 dana sam isla na Aero miting sa Saki,tatom i njegovom devojkom.Bilo je mnogo zabavno! Ne toliko sam miting, koliko nase druzenje XD Nas tri smo se sve vreme glupirale dok je tata pricao sa poznanicima.Bilo je dosta zmajeva*izgleda da ljudi vise vole da lete na zivim bicima u poslednje vreme :D* Salim se! Bilo je i malih,sportskih aviona.Pravili su akrobacije,takmicili se,a dosao je i jedan vojni avion i izveo svoju tacku.On je naravno privukao najvise paznje.Volim da ih gledam,i zaista se divim tim pilotima.Potrebno je ogromno umece i koncentracija da bi se izvelo tako nesto...Dugo nisam bila na aerodromu posto je tata prestao da leti,tako da sam zaista uzivala u mirisu trave i majcine dusice.Vrlo je opustajuce sedeti na suncu i vetru i udisati miris prirode.Vreme je *po mom misljenju* bilo savrseno- suncano i oblacno u isto vreme. Slikala sam svasta,tako da imam bas puno fotografija,ali naravno,ne mogu da ih stavim sve ovde...Kada se Saki i tatina devojka  udruze to je ludnica.Nema sanse a da se ne desi nesto zbog cega cemo se rasplakati od smeha.Naravno,takvih je situacija bilo JAKO puno i ovog puta. :D U jednom trenutku smo se toliko glasno smejale da su se svi okrenuli prema nama.Ups!
Tog dana uvece smo Katty i ja otisle u klub.Nisam izasla kao covek jos od marta! Zamislite!! Bilo mi je jako lepo! Srele smo gomilu ljudi koje poznajemo tako da nam nije bilo ni malo dosadno.DJ nam je ispunio par zelja ^_^ Uvek trazimo pesmu Kannibale od Das Ich.To je "nasa pesma" kad izadjemo :D Zaista je obozavam! 

Three days ago I went to a small Air show( here in Pancevo) together with Saki,dad and his girlfriend.We had lots of fun! The most fun part was actually part where Saki,dad's girlfriend and I were talking about some stupid things like how do we dye our hair or to which saloon we go to XD In the middle of airport! There was a lot of "dragons" (hang glider? or something like that,it's like a bike with wings and engine :P ),small sport airplanes and even one military plane.They did some stunts, competed...I love to watch airplanes fly! I admire those pilots that do stunts,they really need to have great skill and concentration!Our dad stopped flying so I haven't went to that airport in a long time.I really enjoyed the smell of grass and thyme.It was very relaxing to sit on the grass,feel the wind and smell nature :3 The weather was perfect for me- sunny and windy at the same time with a bit of clouds.I took a lot of pictures,but I really can't post everything here.When Saki and dad's girlfriend get together it gets crazy! There's NO WAY we won't end up crying of laughter XD At one moment we started laughing so hard everyone turned to look at us.Oops! 
That day,in the evening Katty and I went out to the club.I didn't go to a club ever since March! Imagine that! Jeez.I loved it! We met lots of people we know so it wasn't the least bit boring.DJ fulfilled our music wishes- we always ask for Kannibale by Das Ich. That is " our song" :D I really love it!

                         I wore new hat that Katty bought for me! Isn't it cute?? I always wanted one! 

Till the next post!

Friday, September 13, 2013


Danas je sajam meda ovde u Pancevu :3 Otisle smo jutros sa mamom,malo da prosetamo po ovom lepom vremenu i da vidimo sta se desava.Nije bilo puno posetilaca,ali je bila lepa muzika i ljudi su bili bas fini. Jedan prodavac nam je poklonio kesicu medenjaka.Bili su divni!Mekani,svezi...Posle smo sedele u kaficu i pile kafu.Cekale smo da nam se javi drugarica koja je trebalo da dodje.Evo je sad sedi pored i gleda sta pisem i pita me kako me ne mrzi da pisem ovo :'D Iskreno,vrlo cesto me JAKO mrzi XD Katty ju je naterala da skine sminku i nasminkala je sama *mnogo blaze nego sto se ona inace sminka* . Bas joj lepo stoji,jos samo da je ubedimo u to! 

There is honey fair here in Pancevo today.We went together with our mom this morning to see what's going on.There were not many people,but music was nice and sellers were very kind.One mister gave us pack of honey cakes :3 They were wonderful! After that we went for coffee and waited for a friend to call us and tell us that she is on her way to Pancevo.She is now sitting beside me ,watching what I'm writing and wondering how am I not too lazy to write :'D Truthfully,I often really AM too lazy to write XD Katty made her take all of her make up off and than she put new,lighter make up on her.She looks really pretty like that!We just need to convince her into that XD

Here are some pictures of today :

Mommy :3

                                     I have new shoes :DI  Looooooooooooooooove them!!!! :3