Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Quick review of the last two years

Wow, it's seriously been a really,really long time since I last visited my own blog. :O I just lost my will to write... And today I suddenly got the urge to write something,anything...Maybe because it's a new year now,so mabye I could start writing again.

Last couple of years had their ups and downs, they were really stressful, so maybe that is one of the reasons I didn't feel like writing anymore. I don't know if I will ever write about the ugly things that happened... But! There were also some really nice moments: my dearest sister got married! Also, my boyfriend moved in with me because he found a new job in Belgrade. Those two things were the highlightes of the past two years. Oh yeah! I finished my studdies! :D That also happened in 2017. It feels as if it happened 10 years ago... I really never imagined that I would find new friends while studding (because, somehow I never really fit in,it was like that in highschool,as well as in elementary school), but I stayed in contact with two girls that are so awesome. I love them very much...They were a great help for me and I am really thankful to them :3

One other nice thing that happened in 2017. was that my sister, her husband, my boyfriend and I, all together, went to Greece to seaside! It was so much fun! We stayed in Parga,and it is the loveliest place I've ever been to! They have beautiful beaches, sightseeing places,good restaurants...And people were really nice ^_^ The only problem was humidity - our towels and bathing suits were constantly wet, they couldn't dry out during the night -.- Oh,and they have really a lot of mosquitos - there is a HUGE swamp across the hill near the town. But apart from that,everything was perfect ^_^

I will probably write a post just about the wedding. There is a lot to write :D For now,here are two pictures!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Samo jedan kratak "pastelni" post posle mnogo vremena! Danas sam bas bila raspolozena za ove boje *Nije kao da nisam uvek raspolozena za pastelne boje...Ha!* :3 Lak sam pre nekog vremena dobila od najbolje drugarice i totalno sam se zaljubila u njega! U pitanju je Essence "The gel nail polish". Iskreno, nikada mi nije palo na pamet ni da pogledam ovu nijansu, nije to "moja" roze boja, ali mi se zaista jako dopada. I stoji mi na noktima vec 3 dana, tako da, sve pohvale za lak :D 
A sad ono bitno: ove macije usi koje vidite na slikama su samo mali deo onih koje cemo Katty i ja prodavati na standu na ovogodisnjem ChibiCon-u :3 Ne znam za vas, ali ja sam odusevljena ovim pufnastim bebi roze vestackim krznom! Mislim da sladje od ovoga ne moze... Ove godine smo se potrudile da napravimo bolji kroj i dve vrste usiju , tako da moze da se nadje za svakoga ponesto ^^ Na zalost, nismo uspele da nabavimo crno vestacko krzno jos uvek...Mozda se nesto promeni u narednih nedelju dana :P 
Na ChibiCon-u ce u ponudi biti i razne vrste chokera, kao i do sada. Naravno, i ovog puta imamo puno potpuno novih i drugacijih stvari, pa posetite nas stand! 


Friday, July 22, 2016

What do you usually do when you just can't figure your next step in life?

Hello everyone, after a looong long time!
I hope you all are doing great :3 I decided to write a quick post today. I've been thinking about writing for quite some time now, but I just couldn't make myself do it. This summer is a little different for me than the summers before. Why? Because I finished faculty. The only thing left now are exams, and when that is done, I have no idea what to do next. I didn't exactly find myself yet. I have no idea what I want to do in my life. There are few things that interest me but I just can't put a finger on one of them and start doing it. I'm thinking about fashion, maybe some charity work, working in a magazine, tourist agency....I'm just so confused. T___T Have any of you ever experienced something like this? I guess you have. I would like it very much if you could share your thoughts with me about how to find myself...
And while my days are passing by quickly, instead of studdiying, I've been going out with my friends, spendind time with my boyfriend, doing houswork....Everything but studiying! I hate that, and I have to snap out of it quickly! I hope this feeling will pass soon because it bothers me so much. Still, I can't say I didn't enjoy last two months - I made a lot of jewlry with my sister, went to The Gazette concert in Germany with my boyfriend * I have to write about that too!* , held a stand with my sister on Japanizam *we were selling that jewlry we made* , went to many walks and coffies with my friends...Still, I have a feeling that I miss something and that I should change something, but I just don't know what. Damn. I thought about cutting my hair , or dying it or something like that, but I don't really think I'm gonna do that XD I mean, my hair is so nice and natural now and I don't want to ruin it with dye. Ok, on with this post.
Yesterday I had a great time with Saki and Niki :D They made me laugh so much, I love them :D It's a shame Katty wasn't with us, but she is having her own great time with her boyfriend in Vienna. Saki, Niki and I went into a lot of shops, looked at things, tried somethings out. I tried out this super cute dress that I really want to buy *or better, make* and Saki bought a really nice pair of flat sandals. They are so cute, copper colored  with some sparkly parts. Niki took some pictures of me yesterday, so you can see what I was wearing. Ever since I bought this white dress it's been my favourite piece of clothing :3 Yesterday I decided to match it up with long black  cloak *or cape, or a very long shirt, however you want to call it  XD* and overknee socks.

And you can see a video *made by mistake XD* of me trying the dress here:

Until the next time, 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Douglas mirror palette, Golden Rose wet powder cake and NYX lipstick

Sada je već maj i polako se približava kraj moje četvrte godine na fakultetu, a samim tim i apsolventsko veče. Ne mogu da dočekam! Sa Katty sam smislila kakvu haljinu želim da mi sašije, sad samo treba da nabavim materijal za to. A nabavljanje materijala će biti najteži posao...Nije mi jasno zašto je izor boja tako slab...Cipele imam i onda sam juče htela da isprobam kakvu bih šminku mogla da nosim za to veče. 
Pre nekog vremena Katty mi je iz Beča donela Douglas Mirror Palette i  htela sam malo da se igram sa njom. Takođe smo nabavile Golden Rose Wet Powder Cake kameni puder pa sam i njega isprobala. Do sada smo od Golden Rose koristile samo puder u prahu i on se pokazao dobrim, naročito zbog toga što postoji nijansa dovoljno svetla za naš ten. 
Moram da kažem da mi se Mirror Palette jako dopada! Ima puno nijansi senki za oči, boje su lepo pigmentovane, senke su mekane i lepo se nanose, u paleti postoje i dva pudera u kamenu, dva rumenila, četkice za ruž i rumenilo, aplikatori za senku, mini ajlajner i crvena olovka za usta i paletica masnih boja za usta. Da ne pominjemo to što je ogladalo iz tri dela i mogu da vidim lice sa svih strana! Katty je ovu paletu kupila na sniženju za 10 evra, a originalna cena je oko 30 evra ( što opet nije mnogo, zaista). Za šminkanje sam ovog puta koristila krem, bronzane i braon nijanse jer sam htela da postignem neki topli izgled koji pomalo podeća na šminku dvadesetih ( ali nije tako jaka). Senke se lepo mešaju i kombinuju, nije potrebna velika količina praha da bi boja bila vidljiva. 

Senčila sam se uz pomoć NIX palete All You Ever Wanted, koju imam već dugo i koju obožavam, a kao highlighter sam koristila Flash Collection Shimmer Powder koji je prelep i koji koristim svaki dan, čak i kad ne nosim puder ispod, zato što koži daje lep sjaj i odmoran izgled :3 
NYX Snow White br 569 karmin sam kombinovala sa Golden Rose Velvet Matte br 28 ljubičastim karminom da bih dobila neku boju šljive. Maskara je Essence Lash Princess.

Golden Rose Wet Powder Cake puder je za sada ostavio dobar utisak. U kutijici se nalazi sunđer koji se nakvasi i onda se njime nanosi puder. Jedina mana je što taj sunđer ne može zapravo da stane u samu kutijicu od pudera nego mora da se nosi odvojeno ( znači u nekoj posebnoj vrećici ili tako nečemu da se ne bi prljao). Mislim da nije dobar za osobe sa suvom kožom, prilično je suv i lice bi trebalo dobro da se namaže pre nanošenja da ne bi nastajale suve tačke (ili u mom slučaju da se nos ne bi osusio -.-). Dobro pokriva, veoma je svetao, iako je nijansa koju ja imam 04 - Warm beige. Na slikama lice izgleda prilično fino i ten je ujednačen. E sad, da naglasim da moja koža trenutno nema nekih problema, lice mi je čisto i skoro potpuno bez ikakvih oštećenja, ne znam kako ovaj puder izgleda kada se nanese na lice koje ima nekih većih nepravilnosti... Na pakovanju piše da puder sadrži vitamin E koji je antioksidans. Posle još nekoliko korišćenja ću moći da kažem da li mi se zaista dopada i da li postoji nešto što mi ne odgovara. Za sada evo slika!

Bez ajlajnera

Sa ajlajnerom

I jedna sa filterima sa instagrama :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The GazettE in Munich 2016

Zdravo svima posle mnogo vremena! Konacno sam odlucila da ponovo pocnem da pisem. :3 
Pre nekog vremena je najavljena svetska turneja benda The Gazette koji ja obozavam. Onog trenutka kad sam saznala pocela sam da planiram kupovinu karata. A saznala sam samo nekoliko dana pre nego sto su karte pustene u prodaju XD Zamislite moju paniku... Imala sam srece pa sam sacuvala neke pare koje sam dobila za rodjendan tako da je trebalo da dodam samo jos malo. Medjutim, deo para koje sam sacuvala je bilo metalno XD Ne znam da li neko od vas ima obicaj da tako skuplja sicu, ali sestra i ja smo ovo praktikovale od kad smo bile male. Mislim da je to najbolji nacin da se pare sacuvaju u steku. Jedini problem je posle to pretvoriti u papirne novcanice. Ja ne znam koji problem ljudi zaposleni u bankama imaju sa metalnim novcem. Alo, vi ste BANKA trebalo bi da radite sa svakom vrstom novca, zar je toliki problem prebrojati sicu? Narocito kada nema prakticno nikoga ko ceka u redu -.- Tog jutra kada je trebalo da krene prodaja karata ja sam jurcala od banke do banke, isla u postansku stedionicu, pitala u radnjama i NIKO nije hteo da ukrupni pare. Ne mogu da opisem moju paniku - Sta ako ne stignem na vreme kuci i karte se rasprodaju?? * Naravno, nisu se rasprodale odmah, ali ...pa...kad si fan mislis da je bend najpopularniji na svetu i da ce se sve karte odmah rasprodati XD* Na kraju sam usla u jednu banku *sad vise ne znam koja je* i zena na salteru je bila divna i ljubazna i rekla da nema problema. Kao sunce da je sinulo u tom trenutku. Posle toga sam otrcala u svoju banku, uplatila pare na paypal i opet otrcala kuci. I onda je dosao trenutak porucivanja. Ruke su mi se tresle i plasila sam se da nesto ne pogresim, ali sve sam odradila kako treba i pare su uplacene. Uh.... jedva sam cekala da dodje kraj meseca kada je trebalo da ih posalju. Plasila sam se da se ne izgube negde usput, da ne bude nesto osteceno....
 Jednog jutra dosao je postar. Baba je otvorila vrata i zovnula da kaze da je stiglo pismo za Katty. Sisla sam da vidim sta je i ugledala belo roze kovertu. Odmah sam ukapirala sta je u pitanju, pruzila ruku i krenula da skicim i cicim na postara " To je za mene! Stigle su mi karte za koncert!!" On je poceo da se smeje i dao mi kovertu. Ne mozete da zamislite moje olaksanje i srecu u tom trenutku. Otisla sam gore i polaaaako uzela da otvorim pismo *da slucajno nesto ne zakacim posto su mi ruke drhtale, to bi bio smak sveta*. Unutra su bile 2 karte * za decka i mene* , tri razglednice, pismo sa potvrdom o placanju i dva mini kalendara. Sve je jako lepo i kvalitetno uradjeno. Karte su takve da mogu da ostanu kao uspomena posle koncerta, sto i pise na sajtu sa kojeg sam narucivala ( http://www.me-shop.net/ ) . I dalje ne mogu da verujem da sam kupila te karte. Mastam o koncertu The Gazette vec osam godina i sada mi se konacno ukazala prilika da ih cujem uzivo! :3 Moj dragi se sam prijavio da ide sa mnom i bas mi je drago zbog toga ^_^ Jedino mi je krivo sto Katty nece ici sa nama, ali ona nema vremena :( Sada preostaje samo da sredimo prevoz i da cekamo 8. jun :D Putujemo zajedno sa jednom drugaricom kod cijeg brata cemo i prespavati tako da je vecina posla obavljena. Ali dok ne budemo u sali i dok se ne zacuju prvi zvuci muzike ja necu verovati da je sve ovo stvarno. Tako je bilo i kada smo Katty i ja isle na koncerte od Despairs'Ray i od Girugamesh * koji ponovo imaju koncert ove godine u Budimpesti, 25. maja, ako nekoga zanima* . 
Ima li neko od vas neko lepo secanje sa koncerta? Volela bih da cujem o tome :3

Hello everyone, after a long time! I finally decided to start writing again.
Some time ago there was an anouncement that The GezettE will be  having a world tour. They are one of my favorite bands and as soon as I heard the news I started planning my trip to Munich to see them. The thing is, I found out only few days before tickets went to sale. You can imagine my panic. I was lucky to save money I got for my B-day so I just needed to add a little more.  The problem  was that part of the money I saved was in coins. I don't know how many of you *if anyone* has the custom of saving money by collecting coins, but Katty and I have been doing that since we were little. I think that that's the best way not to spend money you are trying to pile up XD The only problem is turning that money into paper bills later on. I don't know what kind of problem banks have with coins. I mean, hello, you are a BANK , is it that big of a deal to count some coins? Especially since there was almost no one in the bank. That morning when the thickets were supposed to go on sale I was running around, getting desperate because no  one would change my coins into paper bills. Wth?!  I was starting to panic - what if I don't get home on time and all the tickets are sold out?! *ofc that was practically imposible but... well...I am a fan after all XD* In the end I got into one bank and the woman working told me she would change my money. It was as if the Sun finnaly showed up.  After that I went to my bank, placed money on Katty's paypal and run home. I got in time, and then the moment of buying the tickets came. I was so nervous and my hands were shaking because I was scared if I will do something wrong. But I didn't, and money went through. Huh...Than all I could do was wait for the end of the month when they were gonna send all the tickets. I was really worried if they were gonna arive, or if they will be damaged on the way.
One morning the mailman came. Grandma opend the door and called me saying there's mail for my sister. I went down to pick it and than I saw that the mailman was holding white-pink envelope and I imediately knew  that those were my tickets. I streched out my hand and started squeeing " Omg, that's for me! My tickets arrived!" and the mailman started laughing and gave the letter to me. I went upstairs and slooowwwllly started opening the envelope *imagine I damaged anything ?! The end of the world!* , and there they were - pretty and really good for collecting :3 In the letter came 2 tickets, 2 little calendars, 3 postcards and a paper stating that I payed. Everything is very nice and pretty, just as the site I orded from said it would be ( http://www.me-shop.net ). I still can't believe I actually bought those tickets. I've been dreaming of this concert for 8 years and now I finally got the chance to hear The GazettE live! :3 My dear boyfriend will be going with me, he himself offered to, and I'm really  glad because of it ^_^ I'm just a bit (a lot) sad that Katty isn't going with us :( She doesn't have time...
The only thing left to do now is find transportation and than wait for the 8th of Jun :D We will be traveling together with one friend and staying at her brother's place, so most of the job is done. But, until I enter the hall and hear first beats of  the music I won't be able to believe I'm actually experiencing it. It was the same when Katty and I went to see Despair'sRay and Girugamesh * Girugamesh are having their concert in Budapest again on May 25th, just to let you know* .

I love going to concerts and feeling all that amazing energy. Does any of you have any nice memory of a concert? I would love to hear about it :3

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Halloween 2015!

To veče je bilo odličo! Ali da počnem od početka. Planirale smo da napravimo okupljanje mesec-dva unapred :D Nismo mogle da dočekamo! Napravile smo spisak ljudi, obaveza, smišljale šta ćemo napraviti od klope...Dva dana pred Noć Veštica je usledilo uobičajeno ribanje kuće i raspremanje pred dolazak gostiju ( iako su svi gosti već "domaći" ). Dogovorile smo se kako da dekorišemo sobu, Saki je napravila slepe miševe od crnog hamera, Aki i Dam su donele sveće, Vladimir je doneo kostursku glavu.... Napravile smo pravu trpezu! Te subote ujutru smo zajedno sa Vladom otisle kod babe i dede da napravimo keksiće i štanglice sa sirom. Bilo je jako zabavno, naročito kada je Katty sa babom pravila ukrase za mafine od ratluka, u obliku mozga, creva itd XD Baba je bila vrlo kreativna sa komentarima. Plakali smo od smeha...Posle smo Vladimir i ja napravili hobotnice od viršli. kako su bile slatke! :3 Do vremena kada je društvo trebalo da dođe mi smo već bili pomalo umorni, ali super raspoloženi i nestrpljivi! U poslednjem trenutku smo Katty i ja sredile frizure, odeću, šminku, Vladimir se obukao i onda je došla Saki, a za njom polako i svi ostali. Sveće su bile spremne, hrana poslužena ( samo smo dodavali kako je ko donosio svoj deo ) i sve je bilo baš kako treba. Ispostavilo se da su svi bili pomalo umorni jer većina nas sada ide na fakultet ili radi. Pa je veče bilo prilično mirno ( ha,"mirno"! XD) Igrali smo uobičajene igrice, pričali strašne priče, smejali se, slikali, jeli, pili...Vreme je kao i uvek proletelo.
Sutradan smo bili jako lenji i umorni pa je cela nedelja prošla u izležavanju i premeštanju sa kauča na dvosed i obrnuto XD Sada opet jedva čekamo sledeću godinu i novo okupljanje. Mnogo mi se dopala moja maska na kraju. Isprva pojma nisam imala šta ću sa sobom ali sam na kraju sve lepo smislila ( i to dva-tri dana pred sam Halloween XD) . Bila sam u neku ruku yokai - demon. Stavila sam roze periku, crne rogove, imala sam tamnu šminku i obrnute krstove na obrazima, beli kimono i obi. Baš mi se dopalo :3 Katty je bila inspirisana serijom Penny Dreadful - skupljena kosa, blaga šminka sa tamnijim podočnjacima i bledim tenom, korset i dugačka plišana suknja, a gore plišana jaknica. Baš joj je stajalo! 

That night was awesome! But, I should start at the beginning. We have been planning this gathering for like two months :D We couldn't wait for it to come! We made list of ppl coming, chores, we were thinking about best options for food...Two days before Halloween the usual cleaning of the house occurred. We agreed about decorations, Saki brought paper bats, Aki and Dam brought candles, Vladimir brought skull.... We made real feast! That Saturday morning we went to our grandparent's place together with Vladimir, to make cookies and sticks with cheese. It was so amusing! Especially when Katty and grandma were making muffins with decorations made of Turkish delight (lokum) in shape of brains and guts XD Grandma was very creative with her comments. We laughed till tears started running...Until it was time for friends to come we were all a bit tired but in a very good mood and impatient! Katty and I did our costumes at the last moment, and Vladimir got dressed since he had mask and didn't have to put any makeup on. Soon came Saki and then eveyone else. Candles were ready, food served ( we just added up everything everyone brought) and everything was just the way it should. It turned out that everyone was a bit tired since we all go to faculty or work, so the night was pretty calm (right, "calm" XD). We played our usual games, told scary stories, laughed, took pictures, ate, drank....Time flew by really fast!
The next day we were reeeeally lazy and tired and so the whole Sunday went by in lying around and shifting from couch to sofa and back again XD Now we can't wait for the next year and new gathering. I really loved my costume in the end. At first I had no idea what should I do with myself but in the end I figured it all out nicely ( two or three days before Halloween XD). I was somewhat a yokai - demon. I put on my pink wig, black horns, I had dark makeup and reversed crosses on my cheeks, white kimono and ivory obi. I totally loved it! Katty was inspired by Penny Dreadful - hair in a bun, light makeup with dark eye circles and pale complexion, corset and long black velvet skirt with dark green velvet jacket on top. It looked so good on her! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

New school year and some thoughts about....well...life

Prošlo je već nedelju dana od kako su počela predavanja. Prosto mi ne dopire do svesti da sam upisala završnu godinu fakulteta. Sve je tako... Isto XD Haha. Do duše, počela sam malo da razmišljam o tome šta ću kada završim ovu četvrtu godinu. Za sada nisam došla ni do kakvog rešenja. I dalje razmišljam o tome da li da upišem master, da li da odem negde drugo pa da ga upišem, da li da tražim neki posao (iako pojma nemam kakav bi to posao moga da bude)... Totalno sam izgubljena. Osećam se vrlo slično onome kako sam se osećala nakon završene gimnazije - pojma nemam šta ću sa sobom i svojim životom. Nadam se da ću do kraja drugog semestra imati neki plan. Ili barem neku naznaku plana XD Predavanja su dosadna kao i obično, mada mi se dopada što smo kao jedan domaći zadatak dobili da sami prevedemo deo teksta iz nekog književnog dela. Već sam počela da radim na tome i shvatila da zapravo možda i umem da prevedem, kako-tako :D Naročito obzirom da smatram da je moje znanje turskog prilično loše.  Odličan osećaj! Još je bolje to što sam zapravo na vreme uzela da radim to,a i da učim, bez da me neko nagovara i podseća XD Jej, možda se i ne zakopam učenjem pre ispitnog roka ove godine :D
*Skrećem sa teme samo da prokomentarišem kako je Earl Grey definitivno moj omiljeni čaj! :3 Mmmm njam njam, ništa bolje od toga kada je napolju hladno i vetrovito kao danas...*
Setila sam se nečega što nam je profesorka rekla na predavanju - jezik ne može zapravo da se prevede. Mi u prevodu uvek izgubimo makar delić onoga što je pisac originalno hteo da kaže. Ne postoje uvek ekvivalenti nekih izreka i izraza koji bi tačno preneli osećanje ili nečije misli. Apsolutno se slažem sa ovim! I sama sam to primetila dok sam čitala neke knjige, pošto imam običaj da pročitam i na srpskom i na engleskom. Knjiga na mene uvek ostavi bolji i drugačiji utisak kada je čitam na originalnom jeziku. Ponekad poželim da znam svaki jezik ovog sveta makar samo da bih mogla da čitam knjige u originalu. Desilo mi se da pročitam sve delove Vampirske akademije na engleskom, a da nakon toga dobijem knjigu na srpskom. Pokušala sam da čitam ali nije bilo šanse. Nešto je falilo i delovalo mi je kao da je prevod previše banalan, previše...Pa, zapravo, nedovoljno uglađen. Nisam ni pokušala ponovo da pročitam tu knjigu na srpskom, radije ću da se mučim i da čitam na telefonu ili kompijuteru na engleskom XD Verujem da se mnogi osećaju slično kao ja povodom ovoga? 
Dakle, nema ničeg interesantnog osim ovoga o čemu bih mogla da pišem. Bila sam prehlađena pa nisam baš ni izlazila iz kuće..Videćemo šta će biti za vikend! 
Do sledećeg puta~ 

It's been a week already since new semester started on my faculty. I just can't get it in my head that I'm on my last year. Everything is just so.... Ordinary, same as always XD Haha. Although, I did start thinking about what I should do after this. For now, I don't have any idea. I'm still thinking if I should enroll to master studies, should I do that- but somewhere else (not on my faculty), should I just get a job (if so, what kind of a job would that be?!)... I'm totally lost. I feel very similar to what I felt when I finished high school - I have no idea what I'm gonna do with me and my life. I hope I will figure something out until the second semester is finished. Lectures are as boring as ever, although I do like that we got homework for one class that consists of us translating some literary text by ourselves. I already started working on that and I figured I maybe actually CAN translate it, in some way ( no idea if it's correct) :D Especially since I think that my knowledge in Turkish is really not that good. Great feeling! It's even better that I actually started studying and doing my homework on time, without anyone telling me to XD Yay. maybe I won't bury myself in studies two weeks before exams this year :D
* I'm getting a bit off topic just to state that Earl Grey is definitely my favorite tea! :3 Mmmm yummy, there's nothing better than that on a windy and cold day like this...* 
I just remembered something one of my professors said about translating - language can't actually be translated. When we translate someone's work we always lose at least a bit of what the author waned to say. There are no equivalents we could use  for all sayings or expressions we'd like to translate. Let alone feelings. I absolutely agree with this! I myself noticed that while I read some books, since I have custom of reading books both in English and Serbian. If original language is English the book always leaves better impression on me when I read it in original language. Sometimes I wish I knew all languages in the world just so I could read all the books in their original shape. It happened that I read all parts of Vampire Academy in English and then I got the first book in Serbian, but I just couldn't read it.I tried to, but there was no way.Something was missing and it looked like the translation was so poor, so... Well, not enough. I never tried reading it in Serbian again, I would rather torture myself with reading on computer or phone in English XD I believe many of you feel the same? 
So, there's nothing more interesting that I could write about today. I was ill so I didn't really leave the house. We'll see what's gonna happen during weekend.
Until the next time~ 

Here are some pics I kind of forgot to post here XD I did put them on Instagram though~

This was after I took an exam that lasted for two hours... You can see I look very, very tired XD